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This accession contains items that belonged to Froehlich as well as the Lecture Books from Hildebrant's time as a student. 

"Kollegheft" translates to lecture book 

"NT" likely refers to New Testament

!Fragile! Many of the lecture books are brittle and have pieces of paper tucked inside that are not bound 

Daniel Bechtel, Ph.D. Diss. Drew U [Gal. 2:14-21 in the Early Fathers]1964Bound Volume
Kollegheft 1 — Rudolph: Jermia [Tübingen]1926Lecture Book
Kollegheft 2 — Sellin: Jesaja [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture Book
Kollegheft 3 — Galling: Psalmen [Berlin]1928Lecture Book
Kollegheft 4 — Ubungen: Rudeolph, Esra u. Nehemia; König, Mittelalterl Urkunden [Tübingen]1926Lecture BookTranslation: Exercises: Rudeolph, Esra and Nehemiah; King, Medieval documents
Kollegheft 5 — Gressmann: Geschichte Israels [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture Book!Fragile! — water damage in the back; brittle pages and broken binding; Translation: Gressmann: History of Israel
Kollegheft 6 — Sellin: AT Theologie [Berlin]1927-1928Lecture Book
Kollegheft 7 — Bultann: Galater u. Römerbrief; Budde: Genesis [Marburg]1927Lecture BookTranslation: Bultann: Galatians and Epistle to the Romans; Budde: Genesis
Kollegheft 8 — Heim: Korintherbriefe [Tübingen]1926Lecture BookTranslation: Heim: Epistles to the Corinthians
Kollegheft 9 — Uebungen: vHarmack, KG-Sozietät; Windguhr, Rabbin. Seminar; Michaelis, NT-Proseminar; Fabricius, Sozialethik [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture BookTranslation: Exercises: vHarmack, KG partnership; Windguhr, Rabbi. Seminar; Michaelis, NT Proseminar; Fabricius, Social Ethics
Kollegheft 10 — Lietzmann: Einleitung ins NT [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture BookTranslation: Lietzmann: Introduction to the NT [New Testament]
Kollegheft 11 — Reinhold Seeberg: NT-Theologie [Berlin]1927-1928Lecture Book
Kollegheft 12 — Hermelink: DG des Protestantismus; vSoden: Synoptiker [Marburg]1927Lecture BookTranslation: Hermelink: DG of Protestantism; vSoden: Synoptics
Kollegheft 13 — vHarnack: Entstehung des NT; F.J. Schmidt: Philosophie des Mittelalters [Berlin]1927-1928Lecture BookTranslation: vHarnack: Origin of the NT; FJ Schmidt: Philosophy of the Middle Ages
Kollegheft 14 — Bihlmeyer: KG I; Bihlmeyer: Kath.Kirche 1800-1870 [Tübingen]1926Lecture BookTranslation: Bihlmeyer: KG I; Bihlmeyer: Catholic Church
Kollegheft 15 — Lietzmann: KG III [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture Book
Kollegheft 16 — Erich Seeberg: KG IV [Berlin]1928Lecture Book
Kollegheft 17 — Rade, Schleiermacher; Heiller, Christl.Kirchen; Hermelink, KG - Seminar; Bultmann, NT - Seminar [Marburg]1927Lecture Book
Kollegheft 18 — Haller: Staat und Kirche vor 1517; Hasse: Bachinterpretation [Tübingen]1926Lecture BookTranslation: Haller: State and Church before 1517; Hasse: Bach Interpretation
Kollegheft 19 — Heiler: Luthers religionsg. Bedeutung; Jaensch: Logik, Erkenntnistheorie [Marbug]1927Lecture BookTranslation: Healers: Luther's religious Meaning; Jaensch: logic, epistemology
Kollegheft 20 — Titius: Dogmatik I und Leitsätze zur Sogmatik; Byk: Micht-euklid, Geometrie [Berlin]1927-1928Lecture BookTranslation: Titius: Dogmatics I and guiding principles on dogmatics; Byk: non-euchlidian, geometry
Kollegheft 21 — Heim: Ethik I [Tübingen]1926Lecture BookTranslation: Heim: Ethics I
Kollegheft 22 — Werdermann: Prakt. Theol. I. II. [Berlin]1927-1928Lecture Book
Kollegheft 23 — vWilmaowitz: Hellenische Religion [Berlin]1926Lecture BookTranslation: vWilmaowitz: Hellenic Religion
Kollegheft 24 — Liebert: Philosophie Kants; J.Wolf: Gesch.d.ev. Kirchenmusik I. II. [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture BookTranslation: Liebert: Philosophy of Kant; J.Wolf: Gesch.d.ev. Church Music I. II.
Kollegheft 25 — Maier: Philosophie Kants u.von Kant bis heute [Berlin]1927-1928Lecture BookTranslation: Maier: Philosophy of Kant and of Kant to this day
Kollegheft 26 — F. Schmidt: Einleitg.i.d. Philosophie [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture BookTranslation: F. Schmidt: Introduction i.d. philosophy
Kollegheft 27 — Wertheimer: Psychologie [Berlin]1926-1927Lecture Book
Kollegheft 28 — Liebert: Religionsphilosophie; Reichenbach: Physikal. Weltbild [Berlin]1928Lecture BookTranslation: Liebert: Philosophy of Religion; Reichenbach: Physical. worldview
Kollegheft 29 — Siegmund-Schulze: Sozialpädagogik [Berlin]1928-1929Lecture BookTranslation: Siegmund-Schulze: Social Education
Kollegheft 30 — Bosenick: Wirtschaftswissenschaft; Gruehn: Relig. Entwicklung des Jugendlisen [Berlin]1928Lecture BookTranslation: Bosenick: economics; Gruehn: Relig. development of youth
6 Blue Notebooks/Lecturebooks — Names illegible (German)----Lecture Book
Unlabeled notebook — Name on inside cover illegible (German) [Berlin]1930Lecture Book
Kollegheft 31 — Erich Seeberg: Dogmengeschichte; Stutz: Kirchenrecht [Berlin]1929Lecture BookLabel tucked inside; Translation: Erich Seeberg: History of Dogmas; Stutz: Canon Law
Teaching Faculty, DTS1928-1966FlashcardsDrew