The Notebooks of Schubert Ogden

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If the question to which theology is addressed, however indirectly, is the existential question, then there is reason to say that theology, in its way, or at its level, is talk of God, not merely talk about God. Put differently, theology, in its way, or at its level, is existential, because it has to do with the meaning of God for us, not merely with the being of God in itself, in the way proper to metaphysics.

It might be better to say: If the question by which theology is oriented IS the existential question (allowing that the question by which it is constituted can onIy be the theoretical question about the meaning and validity of Christian witness), then theology, in its way, or at its level, is existential and, therefore, is talk of God, not merely (properly metaphysical) talk about God.

July 1995

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