The Notebooks of Schubert Ogden

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Religious beliefs, theoretical as well as practical, are always by way of reinforcing a certain kind of action, i.e., a certain self-understanding and a consequent life-praxis having to do with how one is to act and what one is to do in principle, although not in fact.

The core beliefs of religion are existential-historical as well as existential-transcendental. Its core theoretical beliefs are not, but necessarily imply, transcendental-metaphysical beliefs, while its core practical beliefs are not, but necessarily imply, transcendental-ethical beliefs.

The core beliefs of philosophy are existential-transcendental-period. Its core theoretical beliefs are not, but necessarily imply, transcendental metaphysical beliefs; its core practical beliefs are not, but necessarily imply, transcendental ethical beliefs.

"Core beliefs" is metaphorically, but not really, different in meaning from "foundational beliefs."

26 November 2005

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