The Notebooks of Schubert Ogden

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According to Marxsen, the earlier Israelite understanding of the law took it to be the kindly offering of God directed toward guiding God's people toward the more abundant life open to them. Compare this understanding with what De George has to say about ideal parental authority.

"Ideally, parents make for the child the kind of enlightened decisions that the child would make for [her- or] himself, were [she or] he capable of doing so, but that [she or] he is incapable of making because [she or] he lacks the knowledge, experience, strength, discipline, or resources necessary to make and carry through such decisions. Ideally, parental commands and rules do not constitute an alien will imposed on that of a child, but a loving help given for the child's good and in [her or] his best interest" (The Nature and Limits of Authority: 76).

July 1996

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