The Notebooks of Schubert Ogden

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From a Christian standpoint, or in Christian terms:

1. To be is either to be God or to be a creature of God.

2. To be a creature of God is to be a subject of the invisible kingdom (reign/ rule) of God.

3. To be a human creature (or any other creature endowed with understanding and moral freedom) is to be originally, albeit implicitly, called to be an obedient subject of the invisible kingdom of God.

4. To be a religious creature is to be specially, and so also explicitly, called to be an obedient subject of the invisible kingdom of God through being a member of some visible religious community.

5. To be a Christian creature is to be decisively, as well as explicitly, called to be an obedient subject of the invisible kingdom of God through being a member of the visible church of God, also known as the kingdom of Christ, which is the visible manifestation of God's invisible kingdom.

3 October 2007

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