The Notebooks of Schubert Ogden

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What is involved in saying of philosophy that it is "nothing other than the clear and methodical development of the understanding of existence that is given with existence itself" (NTM: 103)?

What is involved, I think, is not so much describing philosophy as rather stipulating the norm it has to satisfy if it is to be all it is supposed to be as a " science."

So far as I can see, Bultmann harbors no illusions about Heidegger's philosophy, or any other, fully satisfying this norm. But it can be satisfied more or less fully by ongoing research; and it is the business of any philosopher to satisfy it as fully as possible. Bultmann's judgment, presumably, is that, up to now, Heidegger's achievement in satisfying the norm is unsurpassed.

12 January 2002

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