Notes can be of any type (this is a controlled vocabulary of our design: e.g. copy, bookplate, provenance, etc) and either viewable by anyone or just staff via the staffOnly (true or false) attribute. The note itself is free-text and can be anything that it needs to be.

This might be a good solution re where to put what is currently in the ILS's Item categories - e.g.GCAH et. al. - the note type for these could be ItemCat - if, in the future, we decide to put this info elsewhere that would be fine. Current Item categories in the ILS include:

  • DIPAOLO 101
  • DORN 296
  • GCAH 2302
  • HOLO 582
  • MUSIC-DEPT 606
  • OCLC 1156
  • TEMP 94
  • VIDEO-LIB 40
  • WHITE 1991
  • YAN 8

In addition to ItemCat notes there will be Circ, Public, and Staff notes. These note types have been loaded via API using /opt/folio/api/POST/ - 6/19/2020

  • No labels