Step 1: After finding the item you are adding a note to; click on "actions" on the top right hand side. 

Step 2: Click on "edit."

Step 3: Scroll down until you find "Instance notes" section. Click "add note." 

Step 4: When you click "add note" you will choose what kind of note you are adding. Add your note under "Note" and check box if this is a note for stand only. Remember to click "save and close" to save your changes. 

Note: If you wish to delete a note, click on the trash symbol on the right hand side. Remember to also click "save and close" when done. 

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1 Comment

  1. this needs to be re-written like so

    1. go to /folio/bibServices
    2. download the MARC
    3. edit the 5xx via MarcEdit
    4. upload and re-index the MARC