Drew recently adopted a new Copyright Policy. (https://uknow.drew.edu/confluence/display/copyright/Drew+University+Copyright+Policy)
- What does it mean for you and how you use materials in research, in class, or in your work?
- What is copyright, what is fair use? How does it work?
- How does copyright protect your own work?
- How can you legally and respectfully use material -- text, images, video, sound-- that others have created?
- How does copyright work in today's Internet / social media world?
- Interested in answers to these questions?
The Copyright Education Initiative will be holding presentation and discussion sessions at two times next week. Please join us for introductions to copyright and fair use followed by a discussion/Q&A session at one of these times:
-- Monday October 15, 3:00 to 4:00 pm, in LC28
-- Wednesday October 17, Noon to 1:00 pm in Seminary 210
To make sure we have enough handouts, if you are planning to attend, please drop an email to jheise@drew.edu.
On October 8, the University Senate voted unanimously to approve the Drew Copyright Policy.
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to provide Drew's most recent copyright policy for your review and comment. This policy will become effective January 2012. It is important to have the policy in place to avail ourselves of the significant legal protections afforded institutions that have adopted and implemented an appropriate copyright policy.
Drew has been working for some time to adopt a copyright policy that reflects best practices and adherence to federal requirements. The new policy addresses the most significant issues associated with copyright, particularly "fair use," while providing links and contacts and other informational resources. A "fair use" checklist has also been attached at the end of the policy in order to provide a framework and a record for faculty decisions regarding fair use. The policy can be accessed at https://uknow.drew.edu/confluence/display/copyright/Drew+University+Policy%2C+Use+of+Copyrighted+Materials. A shorter policy statement providing a two-page overview of copyright requirements can be found at https://uknow.drew.edu/confluence/display/copyright/Drew+University+Policy+Statement-+Use+of+Copyrighted+Materials.
The policy builds on the work of the University Senate Copyright Subcommittee that drafted a proposed policy in 2008. Several areas of copyright law that were not covered under the subcommittee's 2008 draft are now incorporated into the new policy, including provisions addressing Drew's obligations under new technology-related provisions of federal copyright law. The policy will be reviewed by the University Senate in the coming weeks. As is the norm for Drew, we will closely monitor the implementation of this policy and hope to hear back from you on the challenges and practical difficulties that you may encounter. This feedback will make the policy better.
I want to acknowledge the work of the copyright education group (especially Jennifer Heise, Library and Bill Brown, Legal Counsel) and others in drafting the policy. Thank you for your efforts.
Pamela Gunter-Smith, PhD
Provost and Academic Vice President
Drew University
36 Madison Avenue
Madison, NJ 07940
(phone) 973-408-3073
(fax) 973-408-3080
The Drew University Philosophical Society meeting on April 19 addressed the question of the ethics and philosophy of Intellectual Property. In attendance were Matthew Blue, who organized the meeting, Jennifer Heise (librarian) and professor Seung-Kee Lee with students from some of his classes, as well as a number of other DUPS members. The discussion was wide-ranging and there was some interest from Professor Lee etc in following up on this in a wider venue.
Jennifer Heise and Cathy Ryan of the Library Faculty are in the process of investigating "open access policies that have been adopted or have received attention from other universities" in order to present an overview to the library faculty. We'll share our information with the Copyright Education Initiative group when we've got it.
There is some interest in arranging for a speaker, possibly for the Faculty Seminar, on Open Access/Intellectual Property issues in Academia.
Jenne Heise & Sonja Sekely-Rowland led a small group in learning about and discussing the differences between Copyright/Fair Use provisions and CopyLeft and Creative Commons licensing schemes on March 29.
While Melissa Nichols was obliged to step away due to pressure of work, and Krista White, and Sarah Ashley have moved on to other institutions, 3 more members have been enticed to join the group. Please welcome Dr. Lee Arnold, Dr. Virginia Burrus, and Bill Brown, Esq.