Bibliographic information and reviews (summaries) for the world's mathematical literature (book chapters and nearly 19,800 journals from 1940 to the present) compiled by the American Mathematical Society are included.
From the Library Home page, choose Databases/Electronic Resources by Title. Then choose MathSciNet from the alphabetical list of databases.
The opening screen for Publications offers four search boxes and suggests a different descriptor for each box. Use the dropdown menus to combine terms using any of 12 descriptors.
To narrow a search: |
To broaden a search: |
Use * as a wildcard to replace any letter or letters, except the first letter of a word. For example comput* will bring up information on computer, computers, computing, comptutation, etc.
Words typed next to each other are assumed to be adjacent.
Other tabs are Authors, Journals, Author Citations, and Journal Citations
Headline parts:
- Accession number:
- Bibliographic information (author, title, etc.):
- Classification numbers:
Clicking the accession number link shows the bibliographic information again, and possibly the review and references. Clicking the author's name link shows other items by that author. Clicking the links for classification numbers shows the subject terms, which can be a good way to locate other items of interest.
Below each headline are five link possibilities. Red indicates that live links. Gray indicates that the link is not functional. From left to right, these are:
- *PDF *displays the bibliographic information, review (except for the newest items), and sometimes, a list of the references in PDF format.
- Clipboard saves the item to a clipboard in order to print/email/cite multiple items at once. Find more information on this below under the "Mark" heading below.
- Journal indicates that access to the journal is possible. If the link for "article" is red, click the article link to see if you can gain access to the article
- Article may allow direct access to the article if the link is red.
In addition, Drew's Article linker icon displays to the right: . If the MathSciNet's article or journal links lead to a site that asks you to pay for access, then try this icon. Drew may have free electronic or print access to the article you need via a different source. For more help, see the Finding Periodicals Guide.
Working with records:
Use the checkboxes to the left of the headings to mark records. Lists of marked records can be saved using the browser's File>Save option. A free user sign-in and profile can be created to save records permanently on the MathSciNet system. To email use the browser's Edit>Copy and Edit>Paste functions to copy and paste marked records to an email in your usual email provider. To print, click either Retrieve Marked Records or View Clipboard, then click File>Print from the browser. From the library's public computers, use Print Preview to determine how the pages will appear.
Last updated 05/02/2011 by Jenne Heise