If you find you are receiving too many email notifications, we recommend setting up a filter in your Drew Gmail inbox.
Productivity and time management experts agree that you should not be driven by your inbox, but your colleagues do rely on you taking action on some of these notifications, so please build time into your routine to check new messages if you decide to set up the filters we recommend below.
Create a Filter in Gmail
- In the search bar, enter one of these:
- Click the “Show search options” button to the right
- Click “Create filter”
- Choose filter options
- Skip the inbox **This only works if you can devote time to see and check the label you create! It will light up when there are unread messages, just like your inbox.**
- Apply the label
- If you already have a label, find that label in the alphabetical list
If you do not have a label, create one (such as “Finance Tickets” or "Tech Tickets")
If you want this label to appear at the top of your alphabetical list, use a number at the start of the label title.
Also apply filter to # matching conversations (this moves emails you already have that match to the label you create)
Click "Create filter"