You can share groups of citations with other people who are using EndnoteWeb, so that they can add citations to your group, or merely see what citations you have chosen.

To share citations, log in to EndnoteWeb, make sure your citations are together in a group, then:

  1. Go to the Organize tab.
  2. Choose "Manage My Groups"
  3. Next to the group you want to share, click the Share checkbox. Click the Manage Sharing button.

4. After clicking on the Manage Sharing button, click on Start Sharing This Group

5.Enter the email addresses of the people you want to share with.

6.Choose "Read Only" (if you only want them to see your citations) or Read & Write (if you want them to be able to add citations to your group) 

7.Click the Apply button.

Reviewed June 14, 2023