EndnoteOnline (formerly known as EndnoteWeb & EndnoteBasic) software is a web-based citation management tool available through the web via the Drew Library subscription to Web of Science and Knowledge.

Endnote online allows you to collect, track and manage the citations for articles you are using for papers or research, and to output those citations in any one of many different citation styles. While you should still plan to double-check your citations, Endnote online/ MyEndnoteWeb uses the same high-quality citation formatting techniques as EndNote.


Endnote Web/OnlineTraining

Contact the Research Help Desk (reference@drew.edu), 973-408-3588 to arrange an appointment.

Why might you choose to use Endnote Online?

  • it is place-independent-- you can use it on any computer where you can get to the Internet/World Wide Web
  • Your list of citations will be searchable
  • It is free to you, bundled in with the cost of the university's subscription to Web of Science
  • It does basic auto-formatting of citations
  • It preserves the link to the full text of an article from a database if it is linked to online as part of Drew's online subscriptions
  • You use Microsoft Word as your word processing software

In order to use EndNote Online, you must FIRST create an account. To get the best results, create an account through Drew. (Note: to keep that account identified with Drew, you should log into it from on campus (or this link http://libguides.drew.edu/EndnoteOnline at least once every six months.

Once you have an account, you can go directly to the MyEndNoteWeb website http://myendnoteweb.com to add, organize, or manage citations and output bibliographies.

However, if you want to see the Find it @Drew links in Endnote that allow you to find out whether Drew has a particular article, use http://libguides.drew.edu/EndnoteOnline or choose Endnote Online from our Library Resources By Title list.

These instructions are available at: https://uknow.drew.edu/confluence/x/JwHy

Table of Contents:

 updated by Margery Ashmum 2/21/23 and Reviewed June 7, 2023