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h2. Drew University Library 19th Century Collection

h3. Universalism Pamphlet Collection

h3. Finding List

*19 CENT*


|| Author || Title & Publication Information || Entry ||
| Crowe, W. S. | _The Framing of the Ages, a   Sermon Delivered … at Good Luck, N.J., August 22d, 1886._  New     York: O. Hutchinson, 1886.  21 p. | 1 |
| Duncan, Alexander. | _A Sermon on the Various Forms   of Universalism with an Appendix on Assurance._ Glasgow:M. Lochhead, 1831. 55 p. | 2 |
| First    Universalist Church   (Acton, Mass.) | _The Constitution, Covenant,   and Profession of Faith of the First    Universalist Church   in Acton, Mass. Adopted March 5{_}{_}{^}th{^}{_}_, 1837._ Boston, 1837. 12 p. | 3 |
| General Convention of Universalists in the United States. | _Annual Report of the General   Convention of Universalists for the United States of America, for the   Year 1835, Being its Fiftieth Anniversary, Together with the Proceedings of   the Universalist Historical Society. _ New York: P. Price,   1835. 32 p. | 4 |
| General Convention of Universalists in the United States. | _Minutes of the General   Convention of Universalists in the United States._ Boston:   Published by order of the Convention. 1860 | 5 |
| Hill, M. | _The System of American   Universalism, Exhibited and Exposed in a Sermon._ 3{^}rd^ ed. Providence, R.I.:   Henry Baker & Co., n.d.  24 p.  2 copies | 6 |
| Hill, M. | _The System of American   Universalism, Exhibited and Exposed in a Sermon._ 4{^}th^ ed. Portland: Thurston,   Ilsley & Co. Printers, 1844.  24 p. | 7 |
| Hutchinson, Orren. | _The Universalist Profession of   Faith Adopted at Winchester,    N.H., September, 1803,   Compared, in the Light of Reason and Revelation, with the Teachings of Those   Who Condemn It As Heresy._ New     York: Orren Hutchinson, 1887.  20 p. | 8 |
| Kratzer, G. A. | _Serving the Truth: Abstract of   Rev. G. A. Kratzer's Sermon in the Fitchburg,    Mass., Universalist Church,   Sunday Morning, Nov. 6, 1904, Concerning the Proposal of Rev. Dr. Carter to Withdraw   from the Nassau Presbytery of New York._ N.p., 1904. 4 p. | 9 |
| Lalone, Emerson Hugh. | _Pioneer Personalities: a   Series of Biographical Studies._    The Helper, new ser., vol. 69, no. 2 (Jan. 1938). Boston, Mass.:   Universalist Publishing House, 1938. 60 p. | 10 |
| Lalone, Emerson Hugh. | _Strong Son of God: a Memoir of   John Van Schaick, Jr._  Boston, Mass.:   Universalist Publishing House, 1949.    41 p. | 11 |
| Lalone, Emerson Hugh. | _Universalism and the Universalist Church._  Boston,    Mass.: Department of   Publications of the Universalist    Church of America,   n.d.  12 p. | 12 |
| Mace, Fayette. | _A Sermon Preached Before the   First Universalist Society in Providence,   R. I. on the Evening of the Second Wednesday of October, 1821._  2d ed.    Jones & Wheeler, Printers, 1821.    16 p. | 13 |
| Macfarland, Charles S. | _A Plea for Evangelism; an   Address Delivered before the Boston   Universalist Ministers' Meeting at Ballou Hall, January 5, 1903._ Reprinted   from the Universalist Leader.    1903.  16 p. | 14 |
| Miller, O. D. | _A Discourse upon the Doctrine   of Universal Holiness, Delivered in the Universalist Church,   North Adams, Mass., April 9{_}{_}{^}th{^}{_}_, 1854._ N.p.,   1854.  15 p. | 15 |
| Miner, A. A. | _The Doctrines of Universalism._ From the Bibliotheca Sacra for July 1883.    Andover:   Warren F. Draper, 1883.  p. 463-500. | 16 |
| Nye, H. R. | _Universalism; a Brief   Statement of the Universalist Belief._  16th ed. Boston: Universalist Publishing House, 1893.  46 p. | 17 |
| \[Patterson, A. J.\] | _The Attractive and Triumphant Cross._ From Universalist Quarterly of January 1883. 16 p. | 18 |
| Patterson, A. J. | _Trial of St.   Paul the Missionary before the American Board of Foreign Missions._ 2d ed.   Boston:   Universalist Publishing House, 1888. 26 p. | 19 |
| Pullman,   Royal H. | _Biblical Reasons for   Universalism._ Universalist Series, no. 3.    Boston   and Chicago:   Universalist Publishing House, n.d.  12   p. | 20 |
| Sawyer, T. J. | _Funeral discourse: A Sermon   Delivered in the Orchard-St. (Universalist) Church, on Sunday Morning, May 3,   1840, Occasioned by the Death of Miss Elizabeth W. Trembly Who Died of   Consumption April 20, 1840, Aged 21 Years. _ New-York: Universalist Union Press, 1840.  34 p. | 21 |
| Smith, M. Hale. | _Text-Book of Universalism;   Comprising The Origin of the System …._ Salem: John P. Jewett & Co., 1845. 67   p. | 22 |
| Sweetser, Edwin C. | _Universalism: a Reply by Rev.   Edwin C. Sweetser … to Rev. T. W. J. Wylie … Philadelphia, February 17, 1884._ Philadelphia;   Patterson & White, Printers, 1884.    27 p. | 23 |
| | _Universalism: Unscriptural and Absurd._  No. 362.    N.p., n.d.  8 p. | 24 |
| Waldo, J. C. | _Water Baptism: a Discourse   Delivered before the First Universalist Society, in Lynn, Ms., October 12, 1834.I Lynn: Record Press, J.   B. Tolman, Printer, 1834. 28 p._ | 25 |
| Walsh, John T. | _Universalism Exposed from the Inner Temple, and Shown to Be, in Its   Results, No Better Than Infidelity._  Boston:   Advent Christian Publication Society, 1866.    23 p. | 26 |
| Wetherill, Samuel. | _A Confutation of the Doctrines   of Antinomianism: Delivered in the College-Hall, in the City of Philadelphia, on   Seventh Day Evening, June 17, 1790; Together with Some Observations on the   Reply Made by John Murray on the Second-Day Evening Following. _ Philadelphia, 1790.  48 p. \[Cover and title page wanting\] | 27 |
| Whiston, O. | _Defence of Universalism: a   Sermon, Delivered in Oswego Village, on Sunday Evening, January 15, 1832, in   Reply to One Delivered the Sunday Previous by Rev. Mr. Keyes (Presiding Elder   of the Methodist Denomination) Against Universalism._ Oswego: Printed by John Carpenter,   1832.  23 p. | 28 |
| Whittemore, Thomas. | _A Sermon on the Parable of the   Rich Man and Lazarus._ 2d ed.  Boston: Printed by   George W. Bazin, 1829.  24 p. | 29 |
| Willis, Lemuel. | _A Semi-Centennial Address,   Delivered in the Universalist Church, Salem, Mass., Thursday, August 4, 1859,   on the Occasion of Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Dedication of   the Church and the Installation of Rev Edward Turner, Both of Which Took   Place June 22, 1809 … with an Appendix._ Salem: Printed by Charles W. Swasey, 1850.   84 p. | 30 |