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h2. Drew University Library 19th Century Collection

h3. Seventh-Day AdventistsAdventist Pamphlet Collection

h3. Finding List

*19 CENT*


|| Author || Title & Publication Information || Entry ||
| Amadon, G. W. | _Which Day Do You Keep? And   Why?_ Bible Students' Library, no. 48. Oakland, Calif.:   Pacific Press Publishing Co., 1889. 8 p. | 1 |
| Andrews, J. N. | _The Third Message of   Revelation XIV._ Oakland, Calif.: Signs of the Times, n.d.  35 p. | 2 |
| Andrews, J. N. | _Thoughts for the Candid._ Bible Students' Library, no. 47. Oakland,    Calif.: Pacific Press   Publishing Co., 1889.  8 p. | 3 |
| _An Appeal to Clergy: Open Letter from Seventh-Day   Adventist Ministers; Sunday_ | _Observance Crusade._  Reprinted from the Washington (D.C.) Post,   Dec. 26, 1904. Washington:   Review and Herald Publishing Association, n.d.  8 p. | 4 |
| Brown, Thomas B. | _Thoughts Suggested by the   Perusal of Gilfillan and Other Authors on the Sabbath._ Battle Creek, Mich.:   Steam Press of the Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1870.  64 p. | 5 |
| Collins, L. C. | _Sheol and Hades: and the Rich   Man and Lazarus._ Chicago:   Western Advent Christian Publishing Association, 1873. 46 p. | 6 |
| Easton, William. | _The Seventh-Day Adventists and   the Sabbath. _ New York: Loizeaux Brothers, Publishers,   n.d. 15 p. | 7 |
| | _Elihu on the Sabbath._ Battle Creek, Mich.:   Review and Herald, n.d.  16 p. | 8 |
| Flade, Gottfr. | _Adventistischer Sabbatismus und   Evangelisches Christemtum._ Dresden:   Verlag Evang. Landespressverband für Sachsen, n.d.  48 p. \[Köhler 7021\] | 9 |
| Franke, E. E. | _From Sabbath to Sunday._ Bible Students' Library, no. 95.  Oakland, Calif.:   Pacific Press Publishing Co, 1892.  8   p. | 10 |
| | _Fundamental Principles of Seventh-Day Adventists._ Words of Truth Series, no. 5 \-\- \\
Extra.  Battle     Creek, Mich.:   Review & Herald Publishing Co., 1897.    14 p. | 11 |
| Grant, Miles. | _The Soul: What Is It?  A Bible View of Its Meaning._ 10{^}th^ ed. Boston:   World's Crisis Office, n.d.  56 p. | 12 |
| Grant, Miles. | _The Spirit in Man: What Is It?_ Boston:   Advent Christian Publication Society, 1889.  48 p. | 13 |
| | _The Identical Seventh Day._  Bible Students' Library, no. 114.  Oakland,    Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing Co., 1893.  16 p. | 14 |
| | _The Law and the Gospel._ Battle Creek, Mich.:   Review & Herald Publishing Co., n.d. \\
 15 p. | 15 |
| | _The Loud Cry\! Babylon   Fallen._  N.p., \[1893\] 64 p. | 16 |
| Mueller, W. | _Die Adventisten: Was Man von   ihnen Wissen Muss._ Hamburg:   Advent-Verlag (E.V.), n.d.  47 p.   \[Köhler 7026\] | 17 |
| | _New Testament Sabbath._ Bible Students' Library, no.   137. . Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing Co., 1895.  16 p. | 18 |
| | _Points of Difference Between S. D. Adventists and the Church of God (Seventh Day); or, Why I Am Not a Member of   the Seventh Day Adventist Denomination._  3d ed. N.p., 1937. 35 p. | 19 |
| | _Sabbath in the New Testament._ Bible Students'   Library, no. 26. Oakland,    Calif.: \\
Pacific Press Publishing Co.,   1889.  16 p. | 20 |
| | _Second Advent, Manner, Object and Nearness of the   Event._ Bible Tracts, no. 2.  Battle Creek, Mich.: Review & Herald Publishing Co.,   n.d.  31 p. | 21 |
| | _Seventh Part of Time._  Battle     Creek, Mich.:   Review & Herald Publishing Co., n.d.  31 p. | 22 |
| | _Sound an Alarm._ Bible Students' Library, Extra, no. 167. Oakland, Calif.: Pacific Press Publishing Co.,  1901. 16 p. | 23 |
| Stephenson, J. M. | _Atonement._ Rochester: Advent   Review Office, 1855.  190 p. | 24 |
| Stockman, E. A. | _Why Are We a People? A   Discourse Delivered Before a Special Convention at Worcester, Mass._ Boston:   Advent Christian Publication Society, n.d.    23 p. | 25 |
| | _Three More in Jail, Now._ N.p., 1894.  8 p. | 26 |
| Waggoner, J. H. | _Thoughts on Baptism, Being an   Examination of Christian Baptism: Its Action, Subjects and Relations. Also, a   Brief Consideration of the Historical Evidences for Trine Immersion._  Battle     Creek, Mich.:   Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association, 1884.  192 p. | 27 |
| Waggoner, J. H. | _The Law of God: an Examination   of the Testimony of Both Testaments._ Rochester: Advent Review Office, 1854. 128   p. | 28 |
| Waggoner, J. H. | _The Ten Commandments: They Are   Not Abolished, a Review._ Battle     Creek, Mich.:   Seventh-Day Adventist Publishing Association, n.d.  31 p. | 29 |
| | _Was Tun die Adventisten in der Wohlfahrtspflege?_ _Tätigkeitsbericht   für die Zeit vom 1_ \\
_ Januar bis zum 31 Dezember …._ N.p.,   1930-1931. | 30 |
| Wilcox, M. C. | _Is Sunday the Sabbath? New   Testament Testimony._ Bible Students' Library, no. 24.  Oakland,    Calif.: Pacific Press   Publishing Co., 1889.  8 p. | 31 |
| | _Year Book of the Seventh-Day Adventist Denomination._ Washington:   Review & Herald Publishing Association.   1891; 1906-1908; 1910-1913. | 32 |