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The visitation guest policy at Drew University creates a structure for students to host guests on campus, and residents to bring guests into their room/suite. In full support of the educational component of the mission of Drew University and the Office of Residence Life, we recognize that students who are commuting or living on campus are expected to view academic responsibilities as their primary goal. Therefore, an environment conducive to study takes precedence over socializing in the student’s residence on nights and weekends. The . Further, any type of violation of Drew University policy can harm the community’s ultimate goal of academic success.  The guidelines for visitation are grounded in this academic schedule mission and are designed to balance a student’s responsibilities with individual and groups group needs.

University Actions Against Non-Students

Persons who are not students but who violate Federal, State, or local laws or University policies may be subject to arrest, immediately banned from campus and/or may have their campus visitation privileges revoked. Student hosts are responsible for the conduct of their guests and for informing their guests of University policies.  Hosts may be charged with the violation(s) of Daniel’s Dictionary that was committed by their guest(s) and/or for a violation of the University’s guest policy.

For students in family housing, the student is considered the resident, and their family members (spouse, partner, children, etc) are considered guest.

Residential Guest Policy

University housing is provided only for those students who have been assigned a room and have signed a housing agreement with the Housing Office. Other persons, or guestsincluding commuter students,, have no right of entry into the residence halls, but are allowed entry by a sponsoring student.

Overnight Guest Registration Form:

This form can be obtained on the Residence Life webpage. The completed overnight guest registration form must bear the following information:

If a guest is to be present after 5 PM, hosting students must register their guest at this link with approval from Res Life. Students should submit the form no later than 12 PM on the day before the guest’s intended arrival date in order to gain Res Life’s approval. Guests who do not have the approval of Res Life will be considered unregistered and their hosts may be referred to the student conduct process for violation of guest policy.

Below are the guidelines for residential students’ guests. Any violation of these guidelines may result in the hosting student being referred to the student conduct process.

  • Resident students are permitted to host two guests for up to 72 hours within a 2-week period.

  • During their stay on campus, the resident (host) is responsible for the conduct of their guest(s) and for informing their guest(s) of University policy and procedures.

  • Guest(s) are to be accompanied by their host at all times and may not use their host’s ID to access campus facilities

  • Guest name, date of birth and vehicle license plate number (if guest has a vehicle that will be parked on campus)
  • Dates(s) of guests stay
  • Signature of roommate/suitemate(s)
  • Host’s name, room/suite number/contact phone number (cell phone)
  • Host’s signature
  • All overnight guest(s) must be registered by 5:00 pm on the evening prior to their visit
  • .

  • All guest(s) must have the approval of all the residents of the room/suite. The host is expected to communicate with their roommate(s)/suitemate(s) 24 hours in advance of the guest(s)’ stay. If the roommate(s)/suitemate(s) do not approve and the guest(s) arrive, the roommate(s)/suitemate(s) reserve the right to contact a Community Assistant (CA) or Coordinator of Residential Engagement (CRE)  Resident Assistant/Desk Attendant to appeal the stay. Residence Life staff reserve the right to intervene if a roommate’s rights are not being observed.

  • Guests who are under the age of

  • 12
  • 17 are not permitted to stay overnight, unless they are the

  • siblings
  • sibling of the host student.

  • Hosts are responsible for the proper check-in and check-out of each guest.
  • A student may have an overnight guest(s) in the residence hall for a maximum of three nights in any given two-week period. In unusual circumstance, a longer stay may be discussed with the Complex Residence Director of the complex.
  • If it is determined that a guest’s stay is for the purpose of taking up residence, the student host may be charged restitution

  • and
  • , face a student conduct

  • charges, while
  • charge and/or the guest may be restricted from further entry into the residence hall or campus grounds.  Similarly, a guest may not have multiple, consecutive host for the purpose of taking up residency.

  • The University reserves the right to deny access to any guest(s) without advance notice.

  • Guest(s) with cars are required to visit Campus Security in Pepin Hall for a temporary parking pass, regardless of the time of their arrival or the duration of their stay.

  • Guest(s) may not sleep overnight in a lounge. Guest(s) must sleep in their host’s room/suite.

  • Guest(s) who are not properly registered or violate policy may be required to leave campus and their host may face student conduct charges.

  • Students are asked to report suspicious or uninvited visitors to Campus Security at 973/408-3379.

Registering Your Guest(s)

Residents must register their guest(s) with the Office of Residence Life. Guest registration occurs online via the Residence Life website by completing the guest registration form.  It must be completed by the resident who is hosting the guest.  

Commuter Guest Policy

  • Commuter students are permitted to host guests on campus.  However, commuters can not host guests in the residence halls.

  • During the guests’ stay on campus, the commuter student (host) is

  • be accompanied at all times during their stay by the host.
  • The maximum number of guests permitted is two per resident.
  • Host students are
  • responsible for the conduct of their

  • guests
  • guest(s) and informing their guest(s) of

  • university
  • University policy and procedures.

  • Guest(s) are to be accompanied by their host at all times.  If entering a residence hall, the commuter and guests of the commuter must be hosted by a residential student.

  • The University reserves the right to deny access to any guest(s) without advance notice.

  • Guest(s) with cars are required to

  • stop in at
  • visit Campus Security in Pepin Hall

  • /Public Safety’s Office
  • for a temporary parking

  • permit
  • pass, regardless of the time of their arrival or the duration of their stay.

  • Guest(s)

  • may not sleep overnight in a lounge
  • who violate policy or cause disturbances may be asked to leave campus and their host may face student conduct charges.

  • Students are asked to report suspicious or uninvited visitors to the Department of

  • Public Safety
  • Campus Security at 973/408-3379.

IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE HOST TO MAKE SURE THEIR GUEST(S) IS REGISTERED CORRECTLY. Providing incorrect registration information will be considered a violation of policy by the host. Failure to register a guest may result in a fine. Visits by fellow students: Consideration must be given to the needs and rights of roommates. Residence Life staff reserve the right to intervene if a roommate’s rights are not being observed.


Guest Policy at Student Events

  • Student Organization Events on Campus:

  • When events are open to the public as stated on the EMS request form, events will be evaluated for security needs by Campus Security

  • If an event requires a pre-registration form, the event planner must meet with their Student Activities Advisor to create the online registration form

  • Every non-Drew individual must sign up on the event registration form; this includes alumni and individuals who are not currently enrolled students

  • Pre-registration forms will be closed a minimum of 48 hours prior to an event.

  • When a Drew student is permitted to bring a guest to an event, all guests must be registered with the sponsoring group

  • If guests are staying on campus overnight, the Residence Life guest registration form must also be completed

  • Any student and/or guest at an event who is visibly intoxicated, may be removed from the event at the discretion of the University staff on site.

    • Students and/or guests may encounter appropriate sanctioning.

    • If a student or guest is asked to leave an event, their guest or student host must also exit the event.

      • Students and/or guests may encounter appropriate sanctioning.

During Senior Week - CLA students (subject to additional rules and regulations as announced by the Office of Student Activities)

    • Seniors and Guests of Senior Week

      • Graduating seniors are allowed to have one guest reside with them during Senior Week

        • There is a fee to be a guest during Senior Week; payable at the time of check-in

          • If your guest is arriving later in the week, the fee still applies, there is no reduced fee for late arriving guests

        • Undergraduate students who are guests, must officially check out of their room (by completely vacating their room and turning in their key) and reside with the senior host

        • Only one guest may be registered; guests may not change throughout the week

      • All seniors and their guest must be registered prior to Senior Week

      • Guests of Seniors must be in good social standing (i.e. guest may not be on probation or higher); in order to participate in Senior Week activities

      • Alumni/ae are only permitted to attend events or be on campus as the guest of a current senior

      • The deadline to register for Senior Week is the Monday before Senior Week events begin

      • Events that Senior Week guests are permitted to attend are made available in the Spring semester

      • The website to register for Senior Week will be available, on the Student Activities website.