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Drew University Library 19th Century Collection

Quaker Pamphlet Collection Finding List


Table of Contents

Part 1: Quaker Pamphlets, Before 1920 (American)

Wiki Markup

|| || Author || Title || Pub. Year ||
| 1 | | Action of the several yearly meetings of   Friends, relative to the secession from New England Yearly Meeting : also, a   few extracts from the writings of Joseph John Gurney | 1846 |
| 2 | | Address of some members of the Society of Friends to their fellow members   on the subject of education : and on the establishment of a boarding school   for Friends' children and for the education of teachers | 1861 |
| 3 | Allen, Zachariah, 1795-1882 | Memorial of Roger Williams : paper read before the Rhode Island   Historical Society, May 18, 1860 | 1860 |
| 4 | American Friends' Peace Conference (1901 : Philadelphia, Pa.) | American Friends' Peace Conference held at Philadelphia Twelfth month   12th, 13th and 14th, 1901 | 1902 |
| 5 | Andrews, James, fl. 1856 | Memoir of John Jackson : read before the Delaware County Institute of   Science, 1856 | 1856 |
| 6 | | Anecdotes and memoirs of William Boen, a coloured man, who lived and died   near Mount Holly, New Jersey : to which is added, the testimony of Friends of   Mount Holly Monthly Meeting concerning him | 1834 |
| 7 | | Appeal to that Society of Friends which holds its Yearly Meeting at Race   Street, Philadelphia. 3d ed. | 1858 |
| 8 | | Appeal to the Legislative Council and General Assembly of the State of   New Jersey : on behalf of the religious Society of Friends, commonly called   Quakers | 1836 |
| 9 | Applegarth, Albert Clayton | Quakers in Pennsylvania | 1892 |
| 10 | | Arm chair. 3d ed. | 1843 |
| 11 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Dark hour | 1864 |
| 12 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Ellen Williams and the black man | 1864 |
| 13 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Joseph, or, the silent corner | 1864 |
| 14 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Mary : a tale of sorrow | 1862 |
| 15 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Mothers | 1866 |
| 16 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | My mother | 1864 |
| 17 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Niff, and his dogs | 1864 |
| 18 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Old Adam | 1864 |
| 19 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Priscilla | 1864 |
| 20 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Richard : or, The dark night | 1864 |
| 21 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Wilkins | 1864 |
| 22 | Ashworth, John, 1813-1875 | Wonder : or, The two old men | 1865 |
| 23 | Balderston, Hugh | Review of a pamphlet, entitled, "A defence of the Religious Society   of Friends, who constitute the Yearly Meeting of Baltimore, against certain   charges circulated by Joseph John Gurney" | 1840 |
| 24 | Baltimore Association of Friends to Advise and Assist Friends of the   Southern States | Second annual report of the Baltimore Association of Friends to Advise   and Assist Friends of the Southern States, 1867 | 1868 |
| 25 | Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Review of Gurney's attack on Friends of Baltimore, and of their defence | 1841 |
| 26 | Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690 | Confession of faith, which contains a true account of the principles and   doctrines of the people called Quakers | 1827 |
| 27 | Bates, Elisha, 1781-1861 | View of the sentiments of Elias Hicks : respecting future rewards and   punishments | 1829 |
| 28 | Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887 | Sermon delivered before the Foreign Missionary Society of New-York and   Brooklyn, on Sabbath evenings, November 3 and 10 | 1862 |
| 29 | | Biographical memoir of Richard Jordan, a minister of the Gospel, in the   Society of Friends; late of Newton, in Gloucester County, New Jersey. Second   edition | 1827 |
| 30 | | Bishop Doane's sermon, "Rev. Mr. Keith" and the Society of   Friends : a series of essays | 1835 |
| 31 | Boardman, George Dana, 1828-1903 | Mission of the Society of Friends : a sermon suggested by the   bi-centennial celebration of the landing of William Penn, delivered in the   Meeting House of the First Baptist Church, Philadelphia, October 22, 1882 | 1882 |
| 32 | Boardman, Henry A. (Henry Augustus), 1808-1880 | Two sacraments : a brief examination of the views entertained by the   Society of Friends, respecting the Christian ministry, baptism, and the   Lord's Supper | 1857 |
| 33 | | Brief account of the rise of the Society of Friends | 1889 |
| 34 | | Brief memoir concerning Abel Thomas, a minister of the gospel of Christ   in the Society of Friends | 1824 |
| 35 | | Brief memoir of the life of George Fox | 1856 |
| 36 | | Brief statement of the rights of the Seneca Indians in the State of New   York to their lands in that state : with decisions relative thereto by the   State and United States courts, and extracts from United States laws, &c.   : also drafts of a proposed memorial to Congress, and a bill to enable them   to lease and divide their lands | 1872 |
| 37 | | Brief synopsis of the principles and testimonies of the Religious Society   of Friends with minutes of adoption from the Yearly Meetings of New England,   Canada, Ohio, Western, Iowa, Kansas and North Carolina. Adopted 1912. Issued   1913 | 1913 |
| 38 | | Brief view of Christian baptism : extracted from an essay | 188\- |
| 39 | Brook, Mary, ca. 1726-1782 | Reasons for the necessity of silent waiting, in order to the solemn   worship of God : to which are added, several quotations from Robert Barclay's   Apology. 8th ed. | 1821 |
| 40 | Brown, George Williams, 1811-1890 | Historical sketches, chiefly relating to the early settlement of Friends   at Falls, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania | 1882 |
| 41 | Brown, Isaac | Lord's Supper | 1904 |
| 42 | Brown, Levi K. | Among the Poncas : an episode of a visit to the Indians | 1886 |
| 43 | Burnap, George Washington, 1802-1859 | Review of the life, character, and writings of Elias Hicks | 1852 |
| 44 | Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 | Differences in Quaker belief in 1827 and today | 1914 |
| 45 | Cadbury, Joel, 1838-1923 | To the members of Twelfth Street Monthly Meeting | 1899 |
| 46 | California Yearly Meeting of Friends Church | Proposed discipline of the Friends Church of California, 1896 | 1896 |
| 47 | | Case of the Seneca Indians in the state of New York : illustrated by   facts | 1840 |
| 48 | | Catechism for the younger members of the Religious Society of Friends | 1891 |
| 49 | | Christ, the great sacrifice : a dialogue between a Socinian Quaker and a   Bible Quaker | 18-\- |
| 50 | Colley, Thomas, 1742-1812 | Apology for silent waiting upon God in religious assemblies : with some   observations on the nature and ground of true faith, and the application   thereof in the important concern of worship | 1805 |
| 51 | Comly, John, 1773-1850 | Epistle or salutation in gospel love, with a word of encouragement to all   who believe in the light, that they may walk in the light and thereby know an   advancement in the way of life and salvation : to which is added A further   address to Friends on the order and discipline of our religious society ;   also, Some views and remaks intended for the promotion of the peace and   harmony of society and the quiet and solemnity of our religious meetings | 1832 |
| 52 | | Comparative view of the sermons of William Penn, Robert Barclay, and   other primitive Friends, with those, lately published, of Elias Hicks, by   means of competent extracts from the same; clearly manifesting their opposite   views of the Christian hope and faith : to which is added certain passages   quoted from E.H. in a late edition, at New York, of the theological writings   of Thomas Paine, with notes and observations upon the pending controversy | 1825 |
| 53 | | Concise account of the Religious Society of Friends : commonly called   Quakers | 18-\- |
| 54 | Conference of Friends (1849 : Baltimore, Md.) | Document issued by the Conference of Friends held in Baltimore, 7 mo.,   1849 : with some remarks thereon | 1850 |
| 55 | Conference of Teachers and Delegates from Friends' First-Day Schools (8th   : 1875 : Philadelphia, Pa.) | Report of the Eighth Biennial First Day School Conference of Friends in   America, held at Philadelphia, Pa., on the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fifteenth and   Sixteenth, of Eleventh Month, 1875 | 1875 |
| 56 | | Controversy : originating from the publication of an article entitled   "Sunday police" | 1826 |
| 57 | Cornell, John J., 1826-1909 | Essays on the views of Friends. 2nd ed. | 1887 |
| 58 | Cornell, John J., 1826-1909 | Letters upon the divinity of Christ | 1874 |
| 59 | Cornell, John J., 1826-1909 | Principles of the Religious Society of Friends and some of its   testimonies. 4th ed. | 1896 |
| 60 | Cornell, John J., 1826-1909 | Why am I a Friend? : or, reasons for the doctrines, testimonies and   customs of Friends | 1889 |
| 61 | | Correspondence between the committee appointed by the Monthly Meeting of   Friends in the city of New York, and a committee of those called Orthodox who   seceded from the Society in 1828, in relation to the property belonging to   the monthly meeting, &c. | 1838 |
| 62 | Corse, Barney, ca. 1800-1878 | Summary statement of facts, on affirmation, submitted to the   Vice-Chancellor : in reply to the bill filed in the Court of Chancery by the   Orthodox, against Friends, in the city of New-York | 1834 |
| 63 | | Declaration of faith of the Society of Friends in America | 1912 |
| 64 | Dell, William, d. 1664 | Doctrine of baptisms : reduced from its ancient and modern corruptions;   and restored to its primitive soundness and integrity; according to the word   of truth; the substance of faith, and the nature of Christ's Kingdom | 1837 |
| 65 | Diffenderffer, Frank Ried, 1833-1921 | Palatine and Quaker as commonwealth builders : address delivered before   the Pennsylvania Historical Society at Philadelphia, March 14, 1898 | 1899 |
| 66 | Dixon, William Hepworth, 1821-1879 | History of William Penn : founder of Pennsylvania. New copyright ed. | 1872 |
| 67 | Dwight, Henry Otis, 1843-1917 | Bible among the nations : being a brief review of one hundred years of   the American Bible Society | 1916 |
| 68 | | Early Quakerism : its history, method and mission : a syllabus of a   course of fourteen lectures delivered in Swarthmore College, 1906-1907 | 1906 |
| 69 | | Elizabeth Haddon : a true narrative of the early settlement of New Jersey | 1898 |
| 70 | Ellis, Jacob M. | Address of the Monthly Meeting of Friends, held at Green Street,   Philadelphia, to its members | 1867 |
| 71 | Ellwood, Thomas, 1639-1713 | Epistle to Friends : in a season of great trial from a spirit of   defection | 1860 |
| 72 | Evans, Charles, 1802-1879 | Considerations addressed to the members of the Yearly Meeting of Friends,   of Philadelphia | 1846 |
| 73 | | Examination of a pamphlet, entitled The misrepresentations of Anna   Braithwaite, in relation to the doctrines preached by Elias Hicks | 1824 |
| 74 | | Examination of an epistle issued by a meeting of the followers of Elias   Hicks, held at Green Street Meeting-house in Philadelphia, the 4th and 5th of   the 6th Month, 1827 : being a statement of facts relative to their separation   from the Society of Friends | 1827 |
| 75 | | Extracts from the writings of early Friends : showing their doctrines and   principles | 1871 |
| 76 | Ferris, Benjamin, 1780-1867 | Epistle from the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Philadelphia, by   adjournments from the thirteenth of the Fourth Month to the eighteenth of the   same, inclusive, 1829, to the members of the Religious Society of Friends on   the continent of America, and elsewhere | 1829 |
| 77 | First-day School General Conference | Proceedings of the ... session of the First-day School General Conference | 1894 |
| 78 | Fisher, W. L. (William Logan), 1781-1862 | Inquiry into the laws of organized societies : as applied to the alleged   decline of the Society of Friends | 1860 |
| 79 | Fisher, W. L. (William Logan), 1781-1862 | Review of the doctrines and discipline of the Society of Friends. 2nd ed.   rev. | 1854 |
| 80 | Forster, Josiah, 1782-1870 | Address to Friends in America | 1870 |
| 81 | Foster, Ethan | Examination of E.L.'s "Review of the causes and course of the   division in the Yearly Meeting of Ohio" | 1855 |
| 82 | Foster, Ethan | Reply to editorial remarks in "The Friend", of Second month   twenty-third, 1856 | 1856 |
| 83 | Fox, George, 1624-1691 | Epistles written by George Fox and William Penn, describing the spirit of   separation | 1828 |
| 84 | Fox, George, 1624-1691 | Extracts from the writings of George Fox on the Sabbath day; also, from   some of the writings of Elias Hicks on the same, and on other doctrinal   subjects. To which is added, extracts from the published works of Job Scott,   on the common doctrine of a trinity | 1860 |
| 85 | Fox, George, 1624-1691 | Testimony of George Fox, William Penn, Robert Barclay, and the early   Friends, or Quakers, to the necessity of the propitiatory sacrifice of our   Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the sins of the world | 1893 |
| 86 | Frame, Nathan T., 1835-1914 | Paul and Phebe : shall women preach : what say the Scriptures? | 1889 |
| 87 | Franklin Bookshop (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Americana curiosa et Quakeriana : a remarkable collection of printed and   manuscript archives relating to the colonization and religious history of the   United States. Catalog no. 35, season 1916-17 | 1917 |
| 88 | | Friends' almanac for the year 1880 : containing an account of the times   and places of holding the meetings of friends on the continent of America,   astronomical calculations for the fortieth degree of North latitude and   adapted to the meridians of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore &   Cincinnati | 1880 |
| 89 | Friends General Conference (U.S.) | Memorial of the Society of Friends in regard to the Indians | 1868 |
| 90 | Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College | Catalogue of Friends' Historical Library of Swarthmore College,   Swarthmore, Pa. 1893 | 1893 |
| 91 | Friends' Library (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Supplementary catalogue of books belonging to the Library of Friends of   Philadelphia : from 1853 to 1873 | 1873 |
| 92 | Friends' Meeting (Mullica Hill, N.J.) | Centennial anniversary of the First Friends' Meeting at Mullica Hill,   N.J., fourth-day, 10th of Eleventh Month, 1897 | 1898 |
| 93 | Gardner, Sunderland P., 1802-1893 | Address to the youth and children of the religious Society of Friends | 1846 |
| 94 | Gardner, Sunderland P., 1802-1893 | Opening of the seals. A sermon delivered by Sunderland P. Gardner at   Plainfield meeting house, Belmont Co., O., 9th month 14th, 1873 | 1875 |
| 95 | Garrett, Alfred Cope, 1867-1946 | Philadelphia Quakerism and Bible study : an address delivered Fourth   month 22, 1902 at Twelfth Street Meeting House, before the Friends' First-Day   School Association of Philadelphia and vicinity | 1902 |
| 96 | Garrett, Philip C. (Philip Cresson), 1834-1905 | William Penn, the founder of Philadelphia, and his government | 1896 |
| 97 | General Committee Appointed by the Several Yearly Meetings of Friends on   the American Continent | Testimony of the Society of Friends, on the continent of America | 1830 |
| 98 | General Meeting of Men and Women Friends of Ohio | Testimony for the truth : as always held and promulgated by the Religious   Society of Friends ; and against the departures from the principles of the   Society, which have appeared of latter time | 1865 |
| 99 | Gereau, Daniel E. | Some thoughts on slavery : addressed to the professors of Christianity,   and more particularly to those of the Society of Friends | 1844 |
| 100 | Gibbons, William, M.D. | Doctrine and discipline of the Society of Friends | 1888 |
| 101 | Goff, Dinah W. (Dinah Wilson), 1784-1856 | Divine protection through extraordinary dangers, during the Irish   rebellion in 1798 | 189\- |
| 102 | Gregg, David, 1845-1919 | Quakers as makers of America. 3rd ed. | 1907 |
| 103 | Gregory, John, 1724-1773 | Way to get married : and the advantages and disadvantages of the marriage   state, represented under the similitude of a dream : to which is added, A   Father's legacy to his daughters--with a few excellent letters | 1810 |
| 104 | Griscom, Anna Bassett, 1889-1974 | What should be the message of Friends to-day? | 191\- |
| 105 | | Ground of the testimony of the Religious Society of Friends against   removing the hat and using complimentary forms of speech as tokens of respect | 1884 |
| 106 | Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 | Brief remarks on impartiality in the interpretation of Scripture ... | 1840 |
| 107 | Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 | Declaration | 1847 |
| 108 | Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 | Letter to Friends of the Monthly Meeting of Adrian, Michigan | 1839 |
| 109 | Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 | Letter to the followers of Elias Hicks, in the city of Baltimore and its   vicinity | 1839 |
| 110 | Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 | Strictures on certain parts of an anonymous pamphlet : entitled The truth   vindicated ; with evidences of the sound and Christian views of the Society   of Friends on the subject of the Holy Scriptures | 1836 |
| 111 | Hart, Charles Henry, 1847-1918 | Benjamin West's family : the American President of the Royal Academy of   Arts, not a Quaker | 1908 |
| 112 | Hartshorne, Henry, 1823-1897 | Cholera : facts and conclusions as to its nature, prevention, and   treatment | 1866 |
| 113 | Harvey, Cyrus W., 1843-1916 | Criticism on the Ohio minutes. Rev. | 1880 |
| 114 | Harvey, Cyrus W., 1843-1916 | Historic parallel : or, George Fox and Martin Luther as reformers | 1878 |
| 115 | Hauskins, Sarah Bartlett | Alcyone : or parenthood restored | 1907 |
| 116 | Haviland, Robert S., 1838-1902 | Address on temperance : read before the Representative Committee of New   York Yearly Meeting, at a meeting called to consider the subject, 2nd mo.   10th, 1874 | 1874 |
| 117 | Hendrickson, Joseph | In chancery. New Jersey. : Thomas L. Shotwell, complt. and Joseph   Hendrickson & al. defts. : Answer of Hendrickson to bill of Interpleader.   Wood, solicitor. Filed October 3, 1829. John Wilson, clerk. : The answer of   Joseph Hendrickson, defendant, to the bill of interpleader of Thomas L.   Shotwell, complainant | 1829 |
| 118 | Hicks, Edward, 1780-1849 | Sermon | 1834 |
| 119 | Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 | Answers | 1831 |
| 120 | Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 | Doctrinal epistle | 1824 |
| 121 | Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 | Letter from Elias Hicks, to William Pool, of Wilmington, Del | 1823 |
| 122 | Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 | Letter of Elias Hicks to Edwin A. Atlee | 1824 |
| 123 | Hillborn, Isaac H. | Views and testimonies of Friends | 1903 |
| 124 | Hinchman, Morgan | Speeches of defendants' counsel and the charge of Judge Burnside, in the   case of Hinchman vs. Richie et al. | 1849 |
| 125 | Hodgkin, John, 1800-1875 | Sermon preached by John Hodgkin, minister of the Society of Friends, from   England, at Arch Street Meeting House, in Philadelphia, 10 mo. (Oct.) 17,   1861 | 1861 |
| 126 | Hodgson, William, Jr. | Letter to the clerk of the "Meeting for Sufferings" : relative   to the position of "Philadelphia Yearly Meeting" | 1873 |
| 127 | Holden, James | Has prayer a scientific basis? : an extract from an address given at the   Friends' Meeting House, Wanstead | 1907 |
| 128 | Hopkins, Joseph R. | Report of the case of trespass & assault and battery, wherein John   Evans was plaintiff, and Ellis Yarnall, Richard Humphreys, Jonathan Willis,   Thomas Savary, Isaac Parrish, Caleb Carmalt, Benjamin Kite, John James, David   Bacon, Abraham Leddon, John Elliot, Hannah Clark, Robert Haydock, and Susanna   his wife, and Caleb Pearce and Jane his wife, were defendants : including an   interesting and important discussion respecting the discipline of the   Religious Society of Friends, and containing the valuable speeches of the   counsel ... : tried at a court of nisi prius for the city and county of   Philadelphia, before the Hon. H.H. Brackenridge... | 1810 |
| 129 | Hull, William Isaac, 1868-1939 | Results of the two Hague Conferences | 1909 |
| 130 | Hutton, R. S. | Day of small things | 18-\- |
| 131 | Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-    ) | Concise statement of the Christian doctrines of the Society of Friends | 1855 |
| 132 | Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative) | Minutes of Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends | 1901 |
| 133 | Jackson, John, 1809-1855 | Address to the members of the monthly meetings, constituting Concord   Quarterly Meeting of Friends | 1837 |
| 134 | Jackson, John, 1809-1855 | Considerations on the impropriety of Friends participating in the   administration of political governments | 1840 |
| 135 | Jackson, John, 1809-1855 | Sermon by John Jackson; : delivered at Friends' Meeting House, Solebury,   Bucks Co., Pa. on first day-morning, seventh month 8th, 1849. Second edition,   revised and corrected | 1849 |
| 136 | Jackson, John, d. 1855 | Reflections on peace and war | 1846 |
| 137 | Jackson, William M. (William Morris), 1837-1919 | Higher criticism and the relation of its results to Quakerism | 1895 |
| 138 | Janney, O. Edward (Oliver Edward), 1856-1930 | Reasonable faith | 1916 |
| 139 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Dissertation on the views of George Fox concerning Christian discipline | 1884 |
| 140 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Dissertation on the views of George Fox concerning Christian testimonies | 1884 |
| 141 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Extracts from a dissertation on the views of George Fox concerning   Christian ministry & divine worship | 1884 |
| 142 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Historical sketch of the Christian church during the Middle Ages | 1847 |
| 143 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Summary of Christian doctrines : as held by the Religious Society of   Friends. 8th ed. | 1893 |
| 144 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Vindication of William Penn, from the recent charges of T.B. Macaulay | 1856 |
| 145 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Vital religion and the means of promoting it. 4th ed. | 1892 |
| 146 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | Vital religion, and the means of promoting it | 1871 |
| 147 | Jenkins, Howard Malcolm, 1842-1902 | Our democratic republic : its form, its faults, its strength, its need ; Three articles on the suffrage question | 1868 |
| 148 | Jenkins, Howard Malcolm, 1842-1902 | Religious views of the Society of Friends : a paper for the World's   Congress of Religions at Chicago, ninth month 19, 1893 | 1893 |
| 149 | Jenkins, Howard Malcolm, 1842-1902 | Religious views of the Society of Friends : a paper read at the World's   congress of religions at Chicago, Ninth month 19, 1893 | 1893 |
| 150 | Jenkins, Howard Malcolm, 1842-1902 | William Penn, his character and career : an address, November 8, 1882,   the two hundredth anniversary of his landing at upland, Pennsylvania | 1883 |
| 151 | Jericho Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : Hicksite : 1828-1955) | Testimony from the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Jericho, concerning   Elias Hicks, deceased | 1830 |
| 152 | Johnson, Jane, 1803-1884 | Primary lessons for First-day schools | 1871 |
| 153 | Johnson, Jane, 1803-1884 | Talks with the children : or, questions and answers for family use or   first-day schools | 1867 |
| 154 | Joint Committee on Indian Affairs of the Four Yearly Meetings of   Baltimore, Genesee, New York, and Philadelphia (Society of Friends :   Hicksite) | Further illustration of the case of the Seneca Indians in the state of   New York : in a review of a pamphlet entitled "An appeal to the   Christian community, &c., by Nathaniel T. Strong, a chief of the Seneca   tribe" | 1841 |
| 155 | Jones, Augustine, 1835-1925 | Principles, methods and history of the Society of Friends : a discourse   delivered in the Church of the Disciples, in Boston, on First Day, 2d mo. 8,   1874, being the eighth of the series upon "The universal church" | 1874 |
| 156 | Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 | Memorials of Rebecca Jones. 2d ed. | 1849 |
| 157 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Worship | 1911 |
| 158 | Keese, Samuel, 1793-1880 | Church and the people : a dissertation upon the responsibility of the   church in view of the condition of the people | 1866 |
| 159 | Keese, Samuel, 1793-1880 | Disquisition upon love : showing it to be indivisible and immutable | 1868 |
| 160 | Keese, Samuel, 1793-1880 | Does it pay to smoke? | 1868 |
| 161 | Keese, Samuel, 1793-1880 | Evils of the day and their remedy | 1873 |
| 162 | Keese, Samuel, 1793-1880 | Old Testament gospel : a paraphrase on the 59th & 60th chapters of   Isaiah, prophecies adapted to all times and peoples ; also, moral and   religious prescriptions for the present and future | 1871 |
| 163 | Keese, Samuel, 1793-1880 | Tree is known by its fruit : in three parts. Part first. Can a corrupt   tree bear good fruit? Part second. Is Christianity the good tree? Part third.   Two methods of cultivating it | 1872 |
| 164 | Kelty, Mary Ann, 1789-1873 | Address to the Society of Friends, 1844 | 1847 |
| 165 | Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 | Sermon | 1833 |
| 166 | Kitching, William | Stephen Grellet, ambassador for Christ. 2d ed., rev. | 1907 |
| 167 | Kite, John L. (John Letchworth), 1798-1878 | Separation from the Religious Society of Friends | 1859 |
| 168 | Kunkelman, J. A. | Quakers on the Delaware : a sermon | 1876 |
| 169 | Lake Mohonk Conference of Friends of the Indian (1883 : Lake Mohonk,   N.Y.) | Address to the public of the Lake Mohonk Conference : held at Lake   Mohonk, N.Y., October 1883, in behalf of the civilization and legal   protection of the Indians of the United States | 1883 |
| 170 | Lawton, Abraham | Address to Friends : with an answer to the query, "Can all   professing to be Friends become united?" | 1865 |
| 171 | Lawton, Abraham | Antidote for the serpent's meat, the ground work of the critical   philosopher, John Jackson, examined by the light of truth through Abraham   Lawton | 1859 |
| 172 | Lawton, Abraham | Cursed reign of death described; the leaven of the hypocrites' grave of   corrupt doctrine made manifest, and his dead principles which have a name to   live but deny the power of life, set forth; etc. Also, a declaration   concerning my afflicted condition in the so-called Society of Friends | 1862 |
| 173 | Lawton, Abraham | Epistle from Abraham Lawton to the elect church of God | 1862 |
| 174 | Lawton, Abraham | Epistle to all who go under the profession of Friends | 1858 |
| 175 | Lawton, Abraham | Message to all Christ's Friends and spiritual relations concerning John   the Baptist, of whom Jesus bore witness that he was and is more than a   prophet | 1877 |
| 176 | Lawton, Abraham | Serpent's meat and nature of true faith set forth : and also, the battle   ground with the den of hypocrisy, that claims possession of the temple of   God, and heirship to the true faith, through the God of this world and the   prince and power of the air, to which is added some questions and   considerations upon order and mystery in the church | 1859 |
| 177 | Lawton, Abraham | Testimony for God, his house and priesthood, commended to the serious   consideration of all men, in his holy sight, and a testimony for the light,   as being man's whole armour in righteousness, and that by which true unity is   witnessed. Also, what unity is, and how it is received | 1863 |
| 178 | Lawton, Abraham | Testimony to the authority of the simple truth : a given standard of   truth : an epistle to the Church of Christ's Friends | 1867 |
| 179 | Lean, William, ca. 1805-1876 | Brief observations on a pamphlet by Isaac Crewdson : entitled "Water   baptism, an ordinance of Christ" | 1838 |
| 180 | Leeds, Daniel, 1652-1720 | Case put & decided by George Fox, George Whitehead, Stephen Crisp,   and other the most antient & eminent Quakers, between Edward Billing on   the one part, and some West-Jersians, headed by Samuell Jenings on the other   part, in an award relating to the government of their province ... | 1880 |
| 181 | Leeds, Josiah W. (Josiah Woodward) | Concerning printed poison | 1885 |
| 182 | Leeds, Josiah W. (Josiah Woodward) | Horse racing. The beginnings of gambling. The lottery | 1895 |
| 183 | | Letter from a Friend in the country to a Friend in the city, containing   remarks on late reviews of some letters of Elias Hicks | 1825 |
| 184 | | Letter from a young woman to a member of the religious Society of Friends   : with his reply. 9th ed. | 1890 |
| 185 | | Letter from a young woman to a member of the religious Society of   Friends, with his reply | 1830 |
| 186 | | Letters and observations relating to the controversy respecting the   doctrines of Elias Hicks : containing a review of his letter to Dr. N.   Shoemaker. 3rd ed., rev. | 1824 |
| 187 | Lewis, Enoch, 1776-1856 | Vindication of the Society of Friends; being a reply to a review of Cox   on Quakerism | 1834 |
| 188 | Lewis, Evan, 1782-1834 | Review of the testimony issued by the orthodox seceders from the monthly   meetings of Westbury and Jerico, against Elias Hicks | 1829 |
| 189 | | Life, ministry, last sickness, and death of Elias Hicks | 1839 |
| 190 | Mason, Benjamin | Doctrine of particular and unconditional election, as advanced by Samuel   Martin, styled Master of Arts, in two sermons, by him preached at Slate   Bridge \[sic, i.e. Ridge\], &c. Investigated and disapproved by reason,   equity, and Divine testimony. To which is added, an appendix, styled The   light of the Gospel revived, discriminating between ministers of the letter   ordained and inducted by men, and ministers of the Spirit, ordained by and   approved of God, and their effects in Christendom | 1830 |
| 191 | | Matters of fact relative to late occurrences among professional Quakers | 1827 |
| 192 | Maule, Joseph E. | Serious review : affectionately recommended to the careful examination of   Friends | 1860 |
| 193 | Maule, Joseph E. | Some extracts and remarks on acknowledging meetings of separatists, as   though they were the meeting of Friends | 1859 |
| 194 | May, Edward C. | Brief account of William Bush, late carpenter on board the "Henry   Freeling" : including his correspondence with Daniel Wheeler | 1844 |
| 195 | Member of the Society of Friends | Narrative of the causes which led to the separation of the Society of   Friends in America, and the means that were employed to effect it. 2nd ed. | 1852 |
| 196 | | Memoir of Charles Coleby : to which is added, a brief sketch of the life   of Mary Ann Clap | 1820 |
| 197 | | Memoir of John Stickland | 1888 |
| 198 | | Memoir of Samuel Fothergill : a minister in the Society of Friends | 189\- |
| 199 | | Memoir of Thomas Chalkley : chiefly extracted from a journal of his life,   travels, and Christian experiences | 1890 |
| 200 | | Memoir of William Tyler Barling, of Witham, Essex, England : died 24th of   tenth month, 1839, aged ten years and eleven months | 18-\- |
| 201 | | Memorial of Patience Corlies, late of Shrewsbury, New Jersey, who   departed this life at New-York, on the 12th day of the 4th month, 1840, in   the 88th, year of her age | 1841 |
| 202 | Mills, Joseph John | Qualification for the Christian ministry | 1897 |
| 203 | | Missions and their defense | 1896 |
| 204 | Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia | Statement of facts, exhibiting the causes that have led to the   dissolution of the connexion which existed between Philadelphia Quarterly   Meeting and the Monthly Meeting of Friends, held at Green Street,   Philadelphia | 1827 |
| 205 | Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia for the Western District.   Committee on Attention to Members and Attenders | List of organizations managed wholly or in part by members of the Society   of Friends in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting | 1897 |
| 206 | Moore, James W., 1844-1909 | Records of the Kingwood monthly meeting of Friends, Hunterdon County, New   Jersey | 1900 |
| 207 | Mott, James, 1788-1868 | Hints to young people on the duties of civil life | 1826 |
| 208 | Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 | Sermon to the medical students : delivered by Lucretia Mott, at Cherry   Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, on First-day evening, Second month 11th,   1849 : revised phonographic report | 1849 |
| 209 | | National prosperity : the reward of national equity | 1838 |
| 210 | New England Yearly Meeting of Friends | Address of the Yearly Meeting of Friends for New England : held on   Rhode-Island, in the sixth month, 1837, to its own members, and those of   other Christian communites | 1837 |
| 211 | New England Yearly Meeting of Friends | Narrative of facts and circumstances that have tended to produce a   secession from the Society of Friends, in New-England Yearly meeting | 1845 |
| 212 | New Jersey. Court of Chancery | In chancery, New Jersey. Between Joseph Hendrickson, complt. and Thomas   L. Shotwell and Elizabeth his wife, defts., bill for relief. G. Wood,   solicitor. Filed November 13th, 1828. John Wilson, clerk | 1828 |
| 213 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Brief view of the doctrines of Christianity : as set forth in Holy   Scripture and held by the Society of Friends | 1880 |
| 214 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Draft of a catechism of Christian doctrine as held by the Society of   Friends | 1890 |
| 215 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite :   1828-1955) | Did our lord institute baptism with water as an ordinance in his church | 1909 |
| 216 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite :   1828-1955). Committee on Indian Concerns | Narrative of recent proceedings of the Committee : appointed by the   Yearly Meeting of Friends of New-York, in relation to the Indians in that   state | 1839 |
| 217 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox :   1828-1955) | Address of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, held   in the city of New York, in the Sixth month 1852, to the professors of   Christianity in the United States | 1852 |
| 218 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox :   1828-1955) | Address of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, held   in the city of New-York, in the Sixth month, 1852, to the professors of   Christianity in the United States, on the subject of slavery | 1852 |
| 219 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox :   1828-1955) | Catechism of Christian doctrine as held by the Society of Friends | 1892 |
| 220 | New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox :   1828-1955). Meeting for Sufferings | Memorials concerning several ministers and others, deceased : of the   Religious Society of Friends within the limits of the Yearly Meeting of New   York, with some of their last expressions | 1829 |
| 221 | New-York Association of Friends for the Relief of Those Held in Slavery   and the Improvement of Free People of Color | Testimony of the New-York Association of Friends for the Relief of those   held in slavery, &c. concerning Charles Marriott, deceased | 1844 |
| 222 | Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1854) | Minutes of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends ... | 1832 |
| 223 | Ohio Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite :   1828-1921) | Remonstrance against the spirit of war and some of its modern   manifestations | 1895 |
| 224 | | On baptism | 1850 |
| 225 | Orphan Society of Philadelphia (Pa.) | Constitution of the Orphan Society of Philadelphia : with rules for the   regulation of the board of managers, and the asylum | 1845 |
| 226 | Otis, Samuel D. | Reply to Ethan Foster's "Brief remarks" : on some portions of   W. Hodgson's "Society of Friends in the nineteenth century" | 1877 |
| 227 | Parrish, Samuel, 1830-1890 | Some chapters in the history of the Friendly Association for Regaining   and Preserving Peace with the Indians by Pacific Measures | 1877 |
| 228 | Pease, John, 1797-1868 | Address of John Pease to Friends in America | 1845 |
| 229 | Penn, William, 1644-1718 | Letter of William Penn to his wife and children : on his departure for   Pennsylvania in 1682 | 1882 |
| 230 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) | Address to Friends within the compass of the Yearly Meeting held in   Philadelphia | 1827 |
| 231 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) | Address to the members of the Yearly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia,   and to others, especially all claiming the name of Friends | 1894 |
| 232 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) | Considerations on the use of the productions of slavery : especially   addressed to the Religious Society of Friends, within the limits of   Philadelphia Yearly Meeting | 1844 |
| 233 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) | Epistle to Friends within the compass of Ohio and Indiana Yearly Meeting | 1828 |
| 234 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) | Epistles addressed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in Philadelphia,   in the years 1828 and 1830, to the Yearly Meeting of Friends held in London | 1836 |
| 235 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955). First-day   School Committee | Fifty years of First-day school work | 1915 |
| 236 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955).   Representative Committee | Essay on the subject of music : addressed to the members of the Religious   Society of Friends | 1852 |
| 237 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955).   Representative Committee | Testimony and views of Friends concerning the scriptures | 1848 |
| 238 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955).   Representative Meeting | Address to the members of the Religious Society of Friends belonging to   Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, by the Representative Committee, or Meeting for   Sufferings upon their testimony against war | 1862 |
| 239 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) | Declaration of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Philadelphia :   respecting the proceedings of those who have lately separated from the   Society : and also, shewing the contrast between their doctrines and those   held by Friends | 1828 |
| 240 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) | Epistle from the Yearly Meeting of Friends : held in Philadelphia, by   adjournments, from the 15th of the Fourth month, to the 20th of the same,   inclusive, 1833 | 1833 |
| 241 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) | Epistle from the Yearly Meeting of Friends : held in Philadelphia, by   adjournments, from the 20th of the 4th month, to the 23d of the same,   inclusive, 1863, addressed to its subordinate meetings and members | 1863 |
| 242 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) | Epistle to the members of the religious Society of Friends, belonging to   the Yearly Meeting of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and the eastern   parts of Maryland and Virginia | 1827 |
| 243 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Meeting   for Sufferings | Address of the representatives of the Religious Society of Friends, for   Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, to their fellow-citizens, on the use   of intoxicating drinks | 1879 |
| 244 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Meeting   for Sufferings | Appeal for the ancient doctrines of the Religious Society of Friends | 1847 |
| 245 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955).   Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting | Address to our fellow-citizens issued by the Quarterly Meeting of   Friends, held in Philadelphia, Eleventh Mo. 5, 1894 | 1894 |
| 246 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955).   Representative Meeting | Address of the representatives of the Religious Society of Friends for   Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, to their fellow-citizens, on the use   of intoxicating drinks | 1902 |
| 247 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955).   Representative Meeting | Address of the representatives of the Religious Society of Friends, for   Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware : to their fellow-citizens, on the   subject of war | 1887 |
| 248 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955).   Representative Meeting | Appeal to professing Christians respecting the attitude of the church in   regard to war | 1896 |
| 249 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955).   Representative Meeting | Foundation of true prosperity, individual and national. 2d and rev. ed. | 1906 |
| 250 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Account of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, and the times of holding the   meetings composing it : with a map | 1838 |
| 251 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Address on some growing evils of the day, especially demoralizing   literature and art | 1882 |
| 252 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Address to its own members, and to the members of our Society elsewhere | 1883 |
| 253 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Address to the quarterly, monthly and preparative meetings and the   members thereof, composing the Yearly meeting of Friends, held in   Philadelphia, by the committee appointed at the late Yearly meeting to have   charge of the subject of slavery | 1839 |
| 254 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Ancient testimony of the Religious Society of Friends : commonly called   Quakers, respecting some of their Christian doctrines and practices | 1843 |
| 255 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Appeal for the due observance of the first day of the week | 1876 |
| 256 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Brief statement of the rise and progress of the testimony of the   religious society of Friends, against slavery and the slave trade | 1843 |
| 257 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Epistle of affectionate caution and counsel, addressed to its members by   the Yearly Meeting of Friends : held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from   the 18th to the 22nd of the fourth month, 1853 | 1853 |
| 258 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Facts and observations relative to the participation of American citizens   in the African slave trade | 1841 |
| 259 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Plea in behalf of peace addressed to Christian professors of every name | 1900 |
| 260 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Report of the committee for the gradual civilization of the Indian   natives : made to the yearly meeting of the Religious Society of Friends,   held in Philadelphia, in the fourth month, 1838 | 1838 |
| 261 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Slavery and the domestic slave trade, in the United States | 1841 |
| 262 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | View of the present state of the African slave trade | 1824 |
| 263 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.   Education Committee | Addresses : responsibilities of parents, Friends' schools | 1879 |
| 264 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting   for Sufferings | Address of the representatives of the Religious Society of Friends,   commonly called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, &c. to   the citizens of the United States | 1837 |
| 265 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting   for Sufferings | Address to the members of the Yearly Meeting of Philadelphia | 1852 |
| 266 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting   for Sufferings | Brief narrative : in relation to the position of Philadelphia Yearly   Meeting of Friends | 1873 |
| 267 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting   for Sufferings | Report of the Meeting for Sufferings : adopted at the Yearly Meeting of   Friends, held in Philadelphia, in relation to the facts and causes of the   division, which occured in New England Yearly Meeting, in the year 1845 | 1849 |
| 268 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Meeting   for Sufferings | Sacredness of human life : an address of the Representatives of the   Religious Society of Friends for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware,   issued Twelfth Month 30, 1904 | 1905 |
| 269 | Phipps, Joseph, 1708-1787 | True Christian baptism and communion | 187\- |
| 270 | Pierce, M. B. (Maris Bryant), 1811-1874 | Address on the present condition and prospects of the aboriginal   inhabitants of North America : with particular reference to the Seneca   Nation, delivered at Buffalo, New York | 1839 |
| 271 | Purchase Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox :   1828-1937 : Purchase, N.Y.) | Testimony of Purchase Monthly Meeting of Friends, concerning Hannah Field | 1830 |
| 272 | | Quaker : August, 1898 | 1898 |
| 273 | | Quaker, being a series of sermons by members of the Society of Friends   (vol.1 no.4 and vol.3) | 1827-28 |
| 274 | | Report of the proceedings of a meeting held at Concert Hall, Philadelphia   : on Tuesday evening, November 3, 1863, to take into consideration the   condition of the freed people of the South | 1863 |
| 275 | | Report of the trial of Friends in the city of Philadelphia, June 1828,   before the Honourable Edward King, Esq., president judge of the Court of   Common Pleas for the First Judicial District of Pennsylvania, or, The case of   Edmund Shotwell, Joseph Lukins, Charles Middleton, and two others who had   been by the mayor of the city committed to prison whence they were brought up   by habeas corpus, June 16th, 1828 | 1828 |
| 276 | | Review of a letter from Elias Hicks to Dr. N. Shoemaker. 4th ed. | 1829 |
| 277 | | Review of a pamphlet, called "A testimony, and epistle of   advice," : lately issued by (or in the name of) "Indiana Yearly   Meeting" | 1828 |
| 278 | | Review of Elias Hicks' letter to Thomas Willis : on the miraculous   conception of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ | 1829 |
| 279 | | Robert Barclay | 18-\- |
| 280 | Robson, Isaac | Thoughts on Christian worship : and the usual mode of conducting it, in   connexion with its moral and religious influence | 1858 |
| 281 | | Samuel Fothergill | 1876 |
| 282 | Schaeffer, Nathan C. | What the public schools can do to aid the Peace Movement | 1910 |
| 283 | Scott, Job, 1751-1793 | Treatise on church discipline : taken principally from the writings of   Robert Barclay, William Penn, and Isaac Pennington | 1874 |
| 284 | Sharon Female Seminary | Sharon Female Seminary : circular of the school, and a description of   apparatus & astronomical instruments, with a catalogue of pupils | 1852 |
| 285 | Shotwell, Thomas Latham, 1781-1859 | In Chancery : New Jersey : Thomas L. Shotwell, complt. and Joseph   Hendrickson and Stacy Decou \[sic\], defts. : bill for relief | 1829 |
| 286 | Speakman, Thomas H. (Thomas Henry), 1820-1904 | Quaker controversy : reply to article of Charles C. Abbott, M.D., in The   Times Saturday Review of July 6, 1901 | 1902 |
| 287 | Speakman, Thomas H. (Thomas Henry), 1820-1904 | Reply to the epistle of the Yearly Meeting of Orthodox Friends : held at   Fourth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Fourth Month, 1897, addressed to all   meetings bearing the name of Friends and the members composing them | 1897 |
| 288 | Speakman, Thomas H. (Thomas Henry), 1820-1904 | Reply to the epistle of the Yearly Meeting of Orthodox Friends held at   Fourth and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, Fourth Month, 1897. Addressed to all   meetings bearing the name of Friends and the members composing them. 2d ed.,   rev. & enl. | 1899 |
| 289 | Speakman, Thomas H. (Thomas Henry), 1820-1904 | Ritualism and dogmatic theology : a series of essays published in 1872-3   in Friends' Intelligencer and Manchester Friend, on the causes of the   declension in the Society of Friends... | 1891 |
| 290 | Speakman, Thomas H. (Thomas Henry), 1820-1904 | Thoughts and suggestions for the consideration of Friends of Philadelphia   Yearly Meeting : Fifteenth and Race Streets | 1903 |
| 291 | Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892 | George Fox : an address delivered to the Society of Friends | 1867 |
| 292 | | Statistical inquiry into the condition of the people of colour : of the   city and districts of Philadelphia | 1849 |
| 293 | Stevenson, Andrew Gray | Teacher as a missionary of peace | 1909 |
| 294 | Thomas, Richard Henry, 1854-1904 | Pastoral movement in the Society of Friends : what it means | 1890 |
| 295 | | To the members of the three monthly meetings in the city of Philadelphia | 1805 |
| 296 | Tract Association of Friends (New York, N.Y.) | Young disciple | 1856 |
| 297 | Tract Association of Friends (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Brief memoir of our late beloved friend Rachel C. Bartram, of   Philadelphia | 1873 |
| 298 | Tract Association of Friends (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Memoirs of the life of Daniel Wheeler : a minister of the Gospel, in the   Society of Friends | 1847-57 |
| 299 | Tract Association of Friends (Philadelphia, Pa.) | Sketch of the life and character of William Penn | 1885 |
| 300 | Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin, 1847-1916 | William Penn's holy experiment in civil government | 1895 |
| 301 | Truman, George | Reply to a letter written by Mahlon Day, of New-York, to Nathaniel   Gilbert, of Antigua | 1841 |
| 302 | Tuke, Samuel, 1784-1857 | Sketch of the rise of the Religious Society of Friends : their doctrines   and discipline | 1860 |
| 303 | Turford, Hugh, \-1713 | Grounds of a holy life : or, The way by which many who had been heathens,   came to be renowned Christians ; and such as are now sinners, may come to be   numbered with saints, with little or no outward preaching : to which is   added, Paul's speech to Titus, called the first bishop of Crete : and also, A   true touchstone, or trial of Christianity | 1845 |
| 304 | Veritas | Observations on a sermon, delivered at Newark, by John E. Latta, before a   meeting of the Bible Society of Delaware, October 16, 1822. 2d ed., rev. /   with addenda, being a reply to "Truth, in plain English." By   Veritas | 1823 |
| 305 | Waldmeier, Theophilus, 1832-1915 | Hospital for the insane to be erected on Mount Lebanon : the first   institution of this character in Syria | 1897 |
| 306 | Wetherald, Thomas | Sermons by Thomas Wetherald : delivered in the Friends' Meeting,   Washington City, March 20 & 27, 1825 | 1825 |
| 307 | White, John J., 1808-1879 | Address to members of the Society of Friends | 1854 |
| 308 | Willis, John R. | State of New-York, in Chancery before the Vice-Chancellor of the First   Circuit | 1833 |
| 309 | Withy, George, 1762 or 3-1837 | Affectionate farewell address to Friends in North America | 1823 |
| 310 | Wood, James, 1839-1925 | Distinguishing doctrines of the Religious Society of Friends : a lecture   delivered at Twelfth Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, 1 Mo. 24th, 1898 | 1898 |
| 311 | Wood, James, 1839-1925 | Distinguishing doctrines of the Religious Society of Friends : a lecture   delivered at Twelfth Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, 1 Mo. 24th, 1908 | 1908 |
| 312 | | Worship and ministry : views of the Society of Friends concerning worship   and ministry | 19-\- |
| 313 | Yearly Meeting of Friends, held at Poplar Ridge, New-York (Society of   Friends : Wilburite) | Appeal to honest inquirers | 1855 |

Part 2: Quaker Pamphlets, Before 1920 (British)

Wiki Markup

|| || Author || Title || Pub. Year ||
| 1 | Ashbridge, Elizabeth, 1713-1755 | Some account of the early part of the life   of Elizabeth Ashbridge : who died, in the service of the truth, at the house   of Robert Lecky, in the county of Carlow, Ireland, the 16th of 5th month,   1755 | 1831 |
| 2 | Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690 | Short account of the life and writings of Robert Barclay | 1823 |
| 3 | Barclay, Robert, 1833-1876 | On membership in the Society of Friends | 1872 |
| 4 | Barker, Abigail, d. 1840 | Calumny refuted : or a glance at John Wilbur's book | 1845 |
| 5 | Barlow, John H. | George Whitehead : the last of the early Friends | 1908 |
| 6 | Beck, Mary E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1823-1903 | What does the Society of Friends believe? 15th ed. | 1902 |
| 7 | Beck, William, 1823-1907 | Peter Bedford : the Spitalfields philanthropist | 1903 |
| 8 | Bevan, Joseph Gurney, 1753-1814 | Summary of the history, doctrines, and discipline, of Friends: written at   the desire of the Meeting for Sufferings, in London. 3rd ed., rev. | 1882 |
| 9 | Bright, John, 1811-1889 | On the true greatness of a nation. 3rd ed. | 1911 |
| 10 | Brown, Alfred Kemp | Thomas Ellwood : the friend of Milton | 1910 |
| 11 | | Changed warfare : soldiers who laid aside the outward sword and became   soldiers of the cross | 1901 |
| 12 | | Christian doctrine of the Society of Friends. 2nd rev. ed. | |
| 13 | Diamond, Augustus | Daniel Wheeler | 1907 |
| 14 | Diamond, Augustus | Joseph Sturge : the Christian merchant | 1909 |
| 15 | Diamond, Augustus | William Wilson M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. : missionary and organizer | 1909 |
| 16 | | Early Christian instruction : in the form of a dialogue between a mother   and a child. Written at the desire of the Society of Friends | 1807 |
| 17 | Edmondson, Joseph, \-1786 | Judge, policeman, and soldier : a comparison of international with   national methods of dealing with offenses and disputes : and text of the   Hague Convention, 1899, for the peaceful regulation of international disputes | 1906 |
| 18 | Edmondson, Joseph, \-1786 | Judge, the policeman, and the soldier | 1902 |
| 19 | Evans, William, 1787-1867 | Brief memoir of the life of George Fox : an eminent instrument in the   divine hand, in gathering the Religious Society of Friends, commonly called   Quakers | 1843 |
| 20 | Evans, William, 1787-1867 | Brief memoir of the life of George Fox : an eminent minister in the   Society of Friends | 1842 |
| 21 | | Extracts from periodical works : on the controversy amongst the Society   of Friends | 1835 |
| 22 | | Friends' year book | 1910 |
| 23 | Fry, Joan Mary, 1862-1955 | For fellowship and freedom : some aspects of the Society of Friends | 19-\- |
| 24 | Fry, Joan Mary, 1862-1955 | For fellowship and freedom : some aspects of the Society of Friends | 191-? |
| 25 | Fry, John Pease | Advent of Quakerism | 1908 |
| 26 | Grubb, Edward, 1854-1939 | Silence of God. 3d ed. | 1909 |
| 27 | Harvey, T. Edmund (Thomas Edmund), 1875-1955 | Service of the church | 1905? |
| 28 | Heyrick, Elizabeth, 1769-1831 | Immediate, not gradual abolition, or, An inquiry into the shortest,   safest and most effectual means of getting rid of West Indian slavery | 1824 |
| 29 | | Historic sketch of the rise of the Society of Friends | |
| 30 | | Historical sketch of the origin of the Christian discipline, or church   government, of the Society of Friends | 1845 |
| 31 | Hodgkin, J. B. (Jonathan Backhouse) | Three phases of Quakerism : an address | 1889 |
| 32 | | How should Christians act in time of war? : with illustrations from   actual history | 18-\- |
| 33 | Howard, Luke | Brief apology for Quakerism : inscribed to the Edinburgh reviewers ... | 1808 |
| 34 | Hull, Henry, 1765-1834 | Address to the youth of the Society of Friends in Great Britain and   Ireland, especially those who attended the yearly meeting in London, in 1812 | 1812 |
| 35 | | Is it right for Christian women to exercise the gifts of the Holy Spirit?   : especially the ministry of the Gospel. 3rd ed. | 1896 |
| 36 | Jacob, Joshua, 1805?-1877 | Truth defended and error unmasked. Being an examination into the new   doctrines of many professing Friends of the present day | 1878 |
| 37 | Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 | American view of the causes which have led to the decline of the Society   of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland | 1860 |
| 38 | | Joseph Bevan Braithwaite : lawyer and minister of the gospel | 1906 |
| 39 | Jowitt, Robert | Thoughts on water-baptism | 1837 |
| 40 | Kitching, William | Stephen Grellet : ambassador for Christ | 1903 |
| 41 | Lewis, Georgina King, \-1924 | Elizabeth Fry | 1903 |
| 42 | Lewis, Georgina King, \-1924 | Friends : their ideal of worship. Second edition | 1899 |
| 43 | Lewis, Georgina King, \-1924 | George Fox. 2nd ed. | 1903 |
| 44 | Lidbetter, Elisabeth | Notice sur Sarah Lidbetter, fille de Bridger et d'Élisabeth Lidbetter, de   Brighton, morte en 1831, a l'age de neuf ans et demi, notice fournie par sa mère | 1862 |
| 45 | London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends) | Epistle from the Yearly meeting, held in London ... : To the Quarterly   and Monthly meetings of Friends in Great-Britain, Ireland, and elsewhere | 1873 |
| 46 | Lowell, Samuel, 1759-1823 | Loss of righteous and merciful men lamented and improved : a sermon   delivered at Bridge-Street-Chapel, Bristol, on Lord's Day evening, September   22, 1816; occasioned by the death of that eminent philanthropist Richard   Reynolds, esq. one of the Society of Friends, to which is subjoined a brief   memoir of his life | 1816 |
| 47 | Lurting, Thomas, 1632-1713 | Fighting sailor turned peaceable Christian | 1877 |
| 48 | Martin, Henry, 1804?-1841 | Defence of the original principles of the Society of Friends : in a   series of letters | 1836-37 |
| 49 | Martin, Henry, 1804?-1841 | Letter to John Wilkinson : on his resignation of membership in the   Society of Friends | 1836 |
| 50 | Martin, Henry, 1804?-1841 | Philo answered; his letter to the paper called "The Christian   Advocate", thoroughly dissected, and his anti-scriptural tenets clearly   refuted from the scriptures of truth | 1836 |
| 51 | Melhuish, Thomas, 1737-1802 | Account of the early part of the life, and convincement of Thomas   Melhuish, late of Taunton | 1805 |
| 52 | Midgley, James Herbert | Margaret Fell (afterwards Margaret Fox) : the mother of the early Quaker   church | 1908 |
| 53 | Monthly Meeting of Friends of Carmarthenshire and Glamorganshire | Testimony from the Monthly Meeting of Friends of Carmarthenshire and   Glamorganshire concerning Job Thomas, late of Penywain in the said County of   Carmarthen, deceased | 1808 |
| 54 | Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826 | Duty and benefit of a daily perusal of the Holy Scriptures in families | 1817 |
| 55 | Noble, Evelyn M. | Message of Quakerism to the present day | 1893 |
| 56 | Orchard, W. E. (William Edwin), 1877-1955 | What is the Gospel? : address | 1911 |
| 57 | Penn, William, 1644-1718 | Schlüssel zu den Grundsätzen der Freunde die man Quaker nennt | 1802 |
| 58 | Penn, William, 1644-1718 | Summons, or call to Christendom : in an earnest expostulation with her to   prepare for the great and noble day of the Lord that is at the door | 1835 |
| 59 | Perkins, Benjamin | Letter to a friend in London, on certain improprieties of expression used   by some of the Society of Friends | 1806 |
| 60 | Pooley, W. (William) | Part of the sufferings of Leicestershire & North-hamptonshire, by   informers and priests : also, God's mercies testified unto, and mans cruelty   bore witness against : being a faithful demonstration, given forth in the   dread of the Lord, against the cruelty of persecution, as it hath of late   been manifested, and notoriously acted by the priest and people of the town   of Farthingstone, in the county of North-hampton, to the shame of their   professed religion, and to the injury of those who truly fear God, and   worship him : which may be as a prospect unto them, whereby they may behold   themselves, and consider the evil of their ways, and be warned to timely   repentance in this their day | 1683 |
| 61 | Purver, Anthony, 1702-1777 | Counsel to Friends' children. 6th ed. | 1801 |
| 62 | | Remarkable instances of early piety for the use of children. 2nd ed. | 1823 |
| 63 | Richardson, William, active 1837 | Scriptural inquiry respecting the obligation of ritual observances under   the Christian dispensation | 1837 |
| 64 | Roberts, Daniel, 1658-1727 | Some account of the persecutions and sufferings of the people called   Quakers, in the seventeenth century, exemplified in the memoirs of the life   of John Roberts. 1665 | 1840 |
| 65 | Roberts, Lucy B. | William Penn : founder of Pennsylvania | 1910 |
| 66 | Rutter, Thomas, 1740 or 1741-1800 | Some account of the religious experience and gospel labours of Thomas   Rutter | 1803 |
| 67 | Sayce, William Jasper, fl. 1857-1902 | Society of Friends : what it believes and why. 5th ed. | 1902 |
| 68 | Scantlebury, Thomas, d. 1821 | Testimonies of ancient Friends, revived, respecting the changeable modes   of the world. Addressed to those in the station of parents | 1810 |
| 69 | Sessions, Frederick | Life story of Samuel Bowly : a champion of freedom, progress and   temperance | 1903 |
| 70 | | Short account of the Lebanon Hospital for the Insane, Syria | 1911 |
| 71 | | Society of Friends, commonly called "Quakers" | 1879 |
| 72 | Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892 | George Fox : a lecture delivered to the Society of Friends | 1866? |
| 73 | Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon), 1834-1892 | Spiritual legacies of George Fox | 1905? |
| 74 | Tallack, William, 1831-1908 | Eschatological pendulum | 1902 |
| 75 | Tallack, William, 1831-1908 | Scriptural limitations of the Friends' doctrine of the sacraments | 1899? |
| 76 | Tatham, Joseph, 1767-1843 | Ground of Christian discipline briefly explained ; and the necessity of   the influence of heavenly wisdom for its proper support, enforced | 1834 |
| 77 | Taylor, Ernest E. (Ernest Edwin) | Francis Howgill, of Grayrigg : a sufferer for the truth | 1906 |
| 78 | Taylor, Joseph, 1761 or 2-1844 | Thomas Chalkley, minister and mariner | 1904 |
| 79 | | Testimony to the authority of Christ in his church : and to the   spirituality of the gospel dispensation ; also against some of the   corruptions of professing Christendom | 1840 |
| 80 | | Testimony to the authority of Christ in His church, and to the   spirituality of the gospel dispensation : also against some of the   corruptions of professing Christendom | 1871 |
| 81 | Thomas, Richard Henry, 1854-1904 | Worship. 3rd ed. | 1896 |
| 82 | Tottenham Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends) | Testimony from Tottenham Monthly Meeting, concerning Rebecca Bevan,   deceased | 1818 |
| 83 | Tuke, Samuel, 1784-1857 | Plea on behalf of George Fox and the early Friends | 1837 |
| 84 | Wells, S. E. | Education problem of the Society of Friends | 1904 |
| 85 | Wigham, Hannah Maria, 1828-1907 | Sketch of the history of Friends in Ireland | 18-\- |

Part 3: Quaker Pamphlets, 1920-Present (American and British)

This collection includes annual minutes of several Meetings in addition to other serials.  It also contains American and British pamphlets, primarily from the 19th century but also including the 20th century.  (As of 2014 most of the Library’s 18th Century pamphlets are in a rare book processing backlog.)


Monographs, Part 1: Before 1920 (American)



Monographs, Part 2: Before 1920 (British)



Monographs, Part 3: 1920-Present (American and British)

Wiki Markup{table-plus:columnTypes=I,S,S,S} || || Author || Title || Pub. Year || | 1 | Abell, Walter Halsey, 1898\- | Broken statue and the child : symbols of world change yesterday and today | | | 2 | Abrams, Irwin, 1914-2010 | Friends and the seeker | 196\- | | 3 | Abrams, Irwin, 1914-2010 | To the seeker | 1949 | | 4 | | Advices and queries of New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | | | 5 | Allott, Stephen | Friends in Oxford : the history of a Quaker Meeting | 1952 | | 6 | American Friends Service Committee | Speak truth to power : a Quaker search for an alternative to violence : a study of international conflict | 1955 | | 7 | American Friends Service Committee | Steps to peace : a Quaker view of U.S. foreign policy | 1951 | | 8 | American Friends Service Committee. Fellowship Committee | Handbook of the Religious Society of Friends | 1935 | | 9 | Bailey, Gerald | Politics of peace | 1963 | | 10 | Baker, Frank, 1910-1999 | Relations between the Society of Friends and early Methodism | 1949 | | 11 | Banks, John, 1637-1710 | True testimony concerning my faith in Christ | 1962 | | 12 | Barlow, John Henry | Vocal ministry in our meetings for worship | | | 13 | Benson, Purnell Handy, 1913\- | Christ and the scientific road | 1954 | | 14 | Blackmar, Mary K. | Friends and God | 196\- | | 15 | Blackmar, Mary K. | Inner Light | | | 16 | Blackmar, Mary K. | Plea for a renewed society | | | 17 | Blackmar, Mary K. | Twofold Gospel | 1960 | | 18 | Blanshard, Brand, 1892-1987 | Great commandment | 1944 | | 19 | Blanshard, Brand, 1892-1987 | Inward light and outward darkness | 1937 | | 20 | Blanshard, Brand, 1892-1987 | To prepare or not or prepare? | | | 21 | Boulding, Elise | Friends testimonies in the home | 1953 | | 22 | Boulding, Elise | Quaker journey : a talk with students | 1954 | | 23 | Boulding, Kenneth E. (Kenneth Ewart), 1910-1993 | Friends and social change | 196\- | | 24 | Brayshaw, W. Maude | Prayer in Quaker thought and practice | 1953 | | 25 | Brayshaw, W. Maude | Prayer in Quaker thought and practice. 2nd ed. | 1955 | | 26 | Brinton, Anna Cox | Friends and sacraments | 196\- | | 27 | Brinton, Ellen Starr, 1886-1954 | Rogerenes | 1943 | | 28 | Brinton, Howard H. (Howard Haines), 1884-1973 | Friends and the individual | 196\- | | 29 | Brinton, Howard H. (Howard Haines), 1884-1973 | How the queries evolved | 1965 | | 30 | Brinton, Howard H. (Howard Haines), 1884-1973 | Spiritual message of the Society of Friends | 1956 | | 31 | Brinton, Howard H. (Howard Haines), 1884-1973 | Vocal ministry and Quaker worship | 1928 | | 32 | Brinton, Howard H. (Howard Haines), 1884-1973 | World Council and the creedless church | 1960 | | 33 | Bronner, Edwin B., 1920\- | Sharing our Quaker faith | 1959 | | 34 | Brooks, Arle | Help wanted\! : the experiences of some Quaker conscientious objectors | 1940 | | 35 | Burke, Arthur | Inward light : an historical study | 1946 | | 36 | Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 | Quaker relief during the siege of Boston | 1943 | | 37 | Cattell, Everett Lewis | Christian mission | 1963 | | 38 | Collier, Howard E. | Place of spiritual healing in the Society of Friends | 1947 | | 39 | Collins, Elizabeth Stockton Woolston, 1854-1930 | Message of George Fox | 1930 | | 40 | Comfort, William Wistar, 1874-1955 | Can we bear silence? | | | 41 | Comfort, William Wistar, 1874-1955 | Practice of the presence of God | | | 42 | Conference of All Friends | Methods of achieving economic justice : a syllabus for those concerned to act in the light of knowledge | 1937 | | 43 | Conference of All Friends (1920 : London). Continuation Committee | Friends & war : a new statement of the Quaker position | 1920 | | 44 | Conference of Quaker Economists (1949 : Haverford College, Pa.) | Report of a called Conference of Quaker Economists | 1949 | | 45 | Conference of Quaker Employers (1948 : Birmingham, England) | Quakerism and industry : Conference of Quaker Employers, held at Woodbrooke, Birmingham, 2nd to 5th April, 1948 | 1948 | | 46 | Conrow, Nathan H. | Historical sketches of Westfield Friends school and meeting | | | 47 | Cooper, Samuel | Sacramental life | 1951 | | 48 | Creasey, Maurice A. | Christ of history and of experience | 1967 | | 49 | Creasey, Maurice A. | Inward and outward : a study in early Quaker language | 1962 | | 50 | Curtis, Eric G. | Forth, pilgrim, forth : given at Western Yearly Meeting of Friends, Tuesday evening, August 21st, 1956 | 1956 | | 51 | Danielowski, Emma, 1871\- | Journale der frühen Quäker : Zweiter Beitrag zur Geschichte des modernen Romans in England | 1921 | | 52 | Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688 | Letters to William Dewsbury and others | 1948 | | 53 | Dorland, Arthur Garratt, 1887\- | Hundred years of Quaker education in Canada : the centenary of Pickering College | 1942 | | 54 | Drake, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1907\- | Elihu Coleman : Quaker antislavery pioneer of Nantucket | 1944 | | 55 | Drake, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1907\- | Patterns of influence in Anglo-American Quakerism | 1958 | | 56 | Drake, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1907\- | Quaker collection at Haverford : a brief review of its history, its services to scholarship and to the Society of Friends, and its future ... | 1956 | | 57 | Drake, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1907\- | William Penn's experiment in race relations | 1944 | | 58 | Edgerton, Jesse, 1845-1924 | What do we believe? : an address delivered at Friends' Boarding School, Barnesville, Ohio | | | 59 | | Evolution of a Quaker meeting, 1686-1938 | 1938 | | 60 | Forbush, Bliss, 1896\- | Basis of the Quaker heritage | 1960 | | 61 | Forbush, Bliss, 1896\- | John Burnyeat, of Crabtreebeck | 1943 | | 62 | Forbush, Bliss, 1896\- | One household in the family of God | 1943 | | 63 | Fowler, Albert Vann, 1904\- | What it means to me to be a Quaker | 1959 | | 64 | Frederick, Howard H. | Arms trade and the Middle East | 1977 | | 65 | Freeman, Russ (Quaker) | Family and God | 1948 | | 66 | | Friends and marriage | 196\- | | 67 | Friends' War Victims' Relief Committee (London, England) | List of members of the Mission Anglo-Américaine de la Société des Amis | 1920 | | 68 | Friends World Committee for Consultation | Vocation of Friends in the modern world : the life of the meeting : third study booklet | 1953 | | 69 | Friends World Committee for Consultation. American Section. Peace Commission | Peace study outline : problems of applied pacifism | 1941 | | 70 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | Friends contribution to education : report of Commission IV | 1937 | | 71 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | Friends World Conference, September 1-8, 1937, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, Haverford College, Haverford, Pennsylvania (near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania--U.S.A.) | 1937 | | 72 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | Individual Christian and the state : report of Commission II | 1937 | | 73 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | International co-operation of Friends : report of Commission V | 1937 | | 74 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | Methods of achieving economic, racial and international justice : report of Commission III | 1937 | | 75 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | Official report | 1937 | | 76 | Friends World Conference (2nd : 1937 : Swarthmore and Haverford, Pa.) | Spiritual message of the Religious Society of Friends : report of Commission I | 1937 | | 77 | Friends World Conference (3rd : 1952 : Oxford, England) | Third World Conference of Friends : held at Oxford, England, 28th July - 6th August, 1952 | 1952 | | 78 | | Friends World Conference 1937 : advance study outlines | 1936 | | 79 | Garrett, Alfred Cope, 1867-1946 | Foundation | | | 80 | Gummere, John Flagg, 1901\- | Friends schools today | 1950 | | 81 | | Handbook of the principles of the Religious Society of Friends | 1925 | | 82 | Harvey, Wm. B. (William B.) | Reality of God's presence | 194\- | | 83 | Heath, Carl, 1869-1950 | Central idea of God | 192\- | | 84 | Heironimus, Dorothy | Friends and the western Indians | 1941 | | 85 | Heironimus, Dorothy | Friends in Mexico | 1943 | | 86 | Hermann, Eva | In prison \-\- yet free | 1947 | | 87 | Hoag, Joseph, 1762-1846 | Quaker and the general : taken from the journal of Joseph Hoag | | | 88 | Holmes, Jesse Herman, 1864-1942 | What is truth? : a message to students | 193\- | | 89 | Holmes, Jesse Herman, 1864-1942 | Who are the Quakers? | 1929 | | 90 | Howard, Elizabeth Fox, 1873-1957 | Wirken der Quäker während der Kriegszeit | 192\- | | 91 | Hubben, William, 1895-1974 | Miracle : an interpretation | 1939 | | 92 | Hubben, William, 1895-1974 | Who are the Friends? : the people called Quakers : their principles and organization | 1961 | | 93 | Hubben, William, 1895-1974 | Who are the Friends? : their principles and organization | 1953 | | 94 | Hubben, William, 1895-1974 | Who are these Friends? : the people called Quakers : their principles and organization | 193\- | | 95 | | Invitation to worship | | | 96 | | Inward light (no. 97-102) | 1981-86 | | 97 | Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative) | Minutes of Iowa Yearly Meeting of Friends | 1941 | | 98 | James, Robert L., 1912-2011 | Friends for the next 300 years : a call into the future | 1965 | | 99 | Jenkins, Charles Francis, 1865-1951 | Plan for reuniting the two Philadelphia Yearly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends | 1931 | | 100 | Jones, Mary Hoxie | Rufus M. Jones | 1955 | | 101 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | American Friends in France, 1917-1919 | 1943 | | 102 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Are we ready? | 1944 | | 103 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Are we ready? 2nd ed. | 1944 | | 104 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Call to a new installment of heroic spirit | 1948 | | 105 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Call to a new instalment of heroic spirit | | | 106 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Faith of Friends : An excerpt from "The story of George Fox" | 192\- | | 107 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Great experiment | 1942 | | 108 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Great experiment | 1942 | | 109 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Great succession of torch bearers : delivered at Arch Street Meeting House, Philadelphia | 1946 | | 110 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Interpretation of Quakerism | 1930 | | 111 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | John Wilhelm Rowntree | 1942 | | 112 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Philosophy of Quaker service | 1939 | | 113 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Preparation for life's greatest business | 1953 | | 114 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Quaker's faith | 1955 | | 115 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Quaker's faith | | | 116 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Religion of power | | | 117 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Society of Friends and the Sacraments | 1936 | | 118 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | What the modern man can believe | 1949 | | 119 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | What will get us ready? | 1945 | | 120 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Why I am a Quaker | 193\- | | 121 | Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 | Wider Quaker Fellowship : to those who would like to have closer fellowship with Friends | | | 122 | Kelly, Thomas R. (Thomas Raymond), 1893-1941 | Gathered meeting | 1946 | | 123 | Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912\- | Going to meeting | 1956 | | 124 | Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912\- | Society of Friends in 1970 | 1945 | | 125 | Kershner, Howard Eldred, 1891-1990 | Kingdom of heaven : an address | 1949 | | 126 | Kershner, Howard Eldred, 1891-1990 | Spiritual foundation of Quaker ministry to oppressed peoples : address delivered at New York Yearly meeting, Fourth month 3, 1943 | 1943 | | 127 | Kotschnig, Elined Prys | Womanhood in myth and life | 1976 | | 128 | London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Commission on the Marriage Relationship | Marriage relationship : the report of a commission appointed by direction of London Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) | 1949 | | 129 | London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Committee on Marriage and Parenthood | Marriage and parenthood : a pamphlet addressed to those about to marry | 1936 | | 130 | London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Social and Economic Affairs Committee | Christian values in industry | 1961 | | 131 | Lonsdale, Kathleen, Dame, 1903-1971 | Science and Quakerism | 1956 | | 132 | Lucas, Sidney | Quaker message : extracts from Quaker writings showing the belief and practice of Quakers and the present significance of their underlying principles | 1948 | | 133 | | Man and a school : a collection of papers about George A. Walton and George School | 1965 | | 134 | Marshall, Stanley | Friends and the generation gap | 196\- | | 135 | Masback, Frederic J. | Economics of evil : a study of John Woolman's thought | 1958 | | 136 | | Membership | | | 137 | | Message of Friends for "Such a time as this" : the story of the Second American Conference of Evangelical Friends, held June 21-25, 1950 | 1950 | | 138 | | Messenger of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends | 1932-44 | | 139 | Miller, Richmond P. (Richmond Pearson), 1902-1972 | Friends and their beliefs | 1953 | | 140 | Moore, Grace Brinton | Counseling in Friends meetings | 1948 | | 141 | Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 | Slavery and "the woman question" : Lucretia Mott's diary of her visit to Great Britain to attend the World's Anti-slavery Convention of 1840 | 1952 | | 142 | Murray, A. T. (Augustus Taber), 1866-1940 | Thoughts on worship | | | 143 | Nason, Rachel Conrad | Worship : the guide of conscience : from the Quaker talks on public conscience over WEVD | | | 144 | Nicholson, Vincent D. (Vincent De Witt), 1890-1945 | Quaker reasons for total disarmament | 1932 | | 145 | Nitobe, Inazō, 1862-1933 | Quakerisme vu par un japonais | 1927 | | 146 | Nuttall, Geoffrey F. (Geoffrey Fillingham), 1911-2007 | Studies in Christian enthusiasm : illustrated from early Quakerism | 1948 | | 147 | Order of Friends (Great Britain) | Annual report | 1936 | | 148 | Order of Friends (Great Britain) | Order of Friends : an account of their activities and ideas | 193\- | | 149 | Palmer, Parker J. | Cape and engagement : some reflections on the inward and the outward life | 1975 | | 150 | Palmer, T. Vail | Religiously-based pacifism | 1968 | | 151 | Pearson, William L. | Our friendly colleges | 1935 | | 152 | Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679 | To be a Christian : concerning the seed, or inward principle, by which life is begotten and maintained in the heart | | | 153 | Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends | Unemployment : a statement of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends Fifteenth and Race Streets ; and a joint statement of Philadelphia Yearly Meetings of Friends held at Fifteenth and Race Streets and Fourth and Arch Streets | 1931 | | 154 | Phillips, Bernard S. | Search will make you free | 1964 | | 155 | Pickard, Irene | Quakerism in Switzerland : a brief account of the origins and development of the Religious Society of Friends in Switzerland | 1943 | | 156 | Pickett, Clarence, 1884-1965 | Choice is ours | 1955 | | 157 | Pope, Russell, 1892-1940 | Not dead | 193\- | | 158 | | Preparation for worship | | | 159 | Purdy, Alexander Converse, 1890-1976 | Meeting for worship : its meaning and function | 1948 | | 160 | Purdy, Alexander Converse, 1890-1976 | Sources of inward peace | 1950 | | 161 | | Quaker reflections to light the future | 1967 | | 162 | | Quaker religious thought | 1986 | | 163 | | Quakerism : a view from the backbenches | 1966 | | 164 | Rawson, Edward B. | Christianity as Friends see it | 193\- | | 165 | Rawson, Edward B. | One Friend's view of Christianity | 1954 | | 166 | | Refugee facts : a study of the German refugee in America | 1939 | | 167 | Reynolds, Reginald, 1905-1958 | John Somervell Hoyland | 1958 | | 168 | Roberts, Arthur O. | Weeds among the wheat : a Quaker approach to Christian relevance | 1965 | | 169 | Rowntree, Jos. S. (Joseph Stephenson), 1875-1951 | Quaker peace testimony : an anthology | 1956 | | 170 | Rushmore, Jane P. (Jane Palen), b. 1864 | Quakerism faces the future | 1937 | | 171 | Rushmore, Jane P. (Jane Palen), b. 1864 | Society of Friends : a brief explanation of its profession and usages | 194\- | | 172 | Rushmore, Stephen, 1875\- | Religious platform of the Quakers : selections from an address to non-Friends | 1930 | | 173 | Russell, Elbert, 1871-1951 | Attitudes in worship | | | 174 | Russell, Elbert, 1871-1951 | Fundamental principles of Friends | | | 175 | Russell, Elbert, 1871-1951 | Spirit of Quakerism | 1920 | | 176 | Sayers, William J. | Some reasons why I am a Quaker | 1954 | | 177 | Sharp, Gene | Non-violent action : an introductory outline for study groups | 1963 | | 178 | Sharpless, Edith Forsythe, 1883-1956 | Quakerism in Japan : a brief account of the origins and development of the Religious Society of Friends in Japan | 1944 | | 179 | Sippell, Theodor, 1871\- | Zur Vorgeschichte des Quäkertums | 1920 | | 180 | Smith, S. Archibald | Faith that regenerates : an address at Friends' General Conference, Cape May, N.J., 1928 | 1928 | | 181 | | Society of Friends, the church and the state : four lectures given at a conference at Keswick Hall, Norwich, August 1952 by W.H. Thorpe, John Murray, Richard K. Ullmann | 1953 | | 182 | | Some points of attack in lessening unemployment of the future : a tentative statement issued to invite criticism | 1935 | | 183 | Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 | Five essentials of Quaker faith today | 1959 | | 184 | Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 | Friends and silence | 196\- | | 185 | Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 | Manual on the need, the organization, and the discipline of cells for peace | 1947 | | 186 | Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 | Quaker meeting for worship | 1953 | | 187 | Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 | Rain on the mountain | 1960 | | 188 | Stern, Leon Thomas, 1887\- | Sixty-five and over : a study based on a survey of the care of the aged in Philadelphia Yearly meeting of Friends | 1945 | | 189 | | Tercentenary of the gathering and founding of the Religious Society of Friends by George Fox, 1948-1952 | 1948 | | 190 | Tierney, Agnes L. (Agnes Leo), 1868-1947 | Ten studies in the history and teaching of the Society of Friends | 1922 | | 191 | Tolles, Frederick Barnes, 1915-1975 | Quaker testimonies in daily life | 1956 | | 192 | Toomer, Jean, 1894-1967 | Interpretation of Friends worship | 1947 | | 193 | Trébor, Haynes | Flushing remonstrance : the origin of religious freedom in America | 1957 | | 194 | Trueblood, Elton, 1900-1994 | Message of Friends for today | 1945 | | 195 | Vail, James G. (James Garrett), 1886-1951 | Science and Quaker service | 1946 | | 196 | Van Atta, Kim | Account of the events surrounding the origin of Friends Hospital, and a brief description of the early years of Friends Asylum, 1817-1820 | 1976 | | 197 | | Vocation of Friends in the modern world : second study booklet in preparation for the Friends World Conference, 1952 | 1951 | | 198 | | Vocation of Friends in the modern world : study booklet number 1 in preparation for the Friends World Conference, 1952 | 1950 | | 199 | Walker, Mabel L. (Mabel Louise), 1898\- | Civic gambling | | | 200 | Walton, George A. (George Arthur), b. 1883 | Motive power | 1926 | | 201 | Walton, George A. (George Arthur), b. 1883 | Quaker's faith | | | 202 | Walton, Jesse M. | From the auction block of slavery to the rostrum of Quaker ministry : the life of William Allan : the negro missionary preacher of the Society of Friends | 1938 | | 203 | Wegesa, Benjamin S. | Life of ... Abraham Sangura, East African Friend | | | 204 | West, Jessamyn | Friends and violence | 196\- | | 205 | Whalen, William Joseph | Our neighbors, the Friends | 1966 | | 206 | Wilcox, Clair, 1898-1970 | Obligations of the individual in his economic relationships : an outline of questions for discussion groups | 1939 | | 207 | Wilson, William E. (William Ernest), 1880-1955 | Christ within--the inward light | 1952 | | 208 | Wood, H. G. (Herbert George), 1879-1963 | Becoming a Friend | | | 209 | Wright, Alfred W. | Friends : a statement | 1929 | | 210 | Wright, Charles F. | Friends and civil rights | 196\- | {table-plus}