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Drew University Library 19th Century Collection

Free Thought Debate Pamphlet Collection

Finding List


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|| Author || Title & Publication Information\\ || Number ||
| Abbot, Francis E. | _Truths for the Times._  2d ed. The Index Tracts, no. 1. Toledo, Ohio:   Index Association, 1872. 15 p. \\ | 1 \\ |
| Acton, John H. | _"Humanity's Gain from   Unbelief,"_ and, _Blessed Hunger, a Sermon._ Aurora, Ill.:   J. Sigmond & Co., Printers, n.d.    25 p. | 2 \\ |
| \[Burr, William Henry.\] | _Self-contradictions of the   Bible. 144 Propositions, Theological,  Moral, Historical, and Speculative; Each   Proved Affirmatively and  Negatively By Quotations from Scripture; Without   Comment. Embodying  Most of the Palpable and Striking Self-contradictions of   the So-called  Inspired Word of God._ 7{^}th^ ed. New York: A. J. Davis & Co., 1860. 48   p. | 3 |
| Burr, William Henry. | _Thomas Paine Was Junius._ Washington, D.C., 1880.  28 p. | 4 |
| Campbell,   A. | _Letters to a Skeptic._ Reprinted from the 'Christian Baptist.' St.     Louis, Mo.:   Christian Publishing Co., 1856. 57 p. | 5 |
| Canfield, R. | _Analysis of the Rev. Dr. West's   Lectures and Arguments Against Infidelity and Other False Theories; to which   Are Appended Testimonials of Approval. _ 1842. 16 p. | 6 |
| Clark, C. M. | _Good Sense; or, the Religion   of Christ Is the Religion of Reason. An Infidel's Plea for Christianity._ Seward, Neb.:   Reporter Book and Job Printing Office, 1886. 16 p. | 7 \\ |
| Crozier, R. H. | _Common Sense Against   Infidelity._ Palestine,    Tex.: Palestine Printing Co.,   1904. 96 p. \\ | 8 |
| \\ | _The Demands of Liberalism; Principles and Platform of   Organized Freethought._ \\
Truth Seeker Tracts, new ser.,   no. 17.  New York: Truth Seeker Co, n.d.  64 p. | 9 |
| Ellis, John. \\ | _Address to the Clergy, and   Skepticism and Divine Revelation._ New     York: Published by the Author, 1886. 260 p. | 10 |
| Everett, L. S. \\ | _An Exposure of the Principles   of the 'Free Inquirers.'_ Boston:   Benjamin B. Mussey, 1831. 44 p. | 11 |
| Foote, G. W. \\ | _The Creation Story._ Bible   Romances, no.1. London: G.W. Foote, n.d. 16 p. | 12 |
| \\ | _The Free Church Record_, vol.8, no.7 (Oct. 1900). p.   95-106. | 13 |
| \[Frothingham, Frederick\]. \\ | _The Truths and Errors of   Liberal Christianity and of the National Conference of 1870, by a Delegate._ Cambridge:   Printed for the Author by John Wilson and Son, 1870. 48 p. | 14 |
| Gilmer, Thomas W. \\ | _Letter to a Sceptical Friend._ Philadelphia:   Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1858. 12 p. | 15 |
| Green, H. L., ed. \\ | _The Christian Religion: What   Is to Be Its Final Outcome?_ by an Old Farmer. Buffalo, N.Y.:   Office of the Freethinkers' Magazine, H. L. Green, Publisher, 1892. 36 p. | 16 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _A Famous Young Man and the   Secret of His Greatness._ 50{^}th^ thousand. The Anti-Infidel   Library, no. 47 (April 1, 1896). Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1896. 26 p. | 17 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Fourteen Nuts for Skeptics to   Crack._ 90{^}th^ thousand. The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 20 (Aug.   1885). Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1895. 28 p. | 18 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Fourteen Nuts for Skeptics to   Crack._ 2{^}nd^ 100  thousand. The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 20,   reissue (Aug. 1885).  Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1895. 28 p. | 19 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\
\\ | _Friendly Hints to Candid   Enquirers Who Disbelieve the Bible._ 48{^}th^ thousand. The   Anti-Infidel Library, no. 7, reissue (March 1, 1895).  Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository, 1895. 32   p. | 20 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _The Higher Criticism_. The   Anti-Infidel Library, no. 1 (Jan. 1883). Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository, 1893.   29 p. | 21 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _The Inspiration of the Bible._ Memorial ed., 4{^}th^ million. \[The Anti-Infidel Library\], no. 54   (Jan. 1, 1901). Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1901. 29 p. | 22 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _The Inspiration of the Bible,   a Lecture before the Sixteenth Annual  Convention of the Young Men's Christian   Associations of  Massachusetts,   at Spencer, Oct. 13, 1881._  4{^}th^ hundred thousand. The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 1 (Jan. 1883). Boston, London: Scriptural   Tract Repository, 1883.  29 p. | 23 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\
\\ | _The Inspiration of the Bible,   a Lecture Before the Sixteenth Annual  Convention of the Young Men's Christian   Associations of  Massachusetts,   at Spencer, Oct. 13, 1881._ 7{^}th^ hundred thousand. The   Anti-Infidel Library, no. 1 (Jan. 1883). Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository, 1883.  29 p. | 24 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Is the Bible a True Book? A   Lecture Delivered in Hope Hall, Liverpool,    England, Jan.   13, 1887._ The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 27 (March 1889). Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository,   1889.  32 p. | 25 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Jesus of Nazareth as a Higher Critic._  The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 38 (Jan.   1894). Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1894.  p.   40-53. | 26 |
| \[Hastings, H. L.\] \\ | _Nuts for Skeptics to Crack._ Boston:   Scriptural Tract Repository, n.d.  28   p. | 27 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Remarks on 'The Mistakes of   Moses.'_ The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 6 (June 1883). Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository,   1883.  31 p. | 28 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Remarks on 'The Mistakes of   Moses.'_ 3{^}rd^ hundred  thousand. The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 6,   reissue (June 1883).  Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1883.  31   p. | 29 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\
  \\ | _A Volley of Grape Shot for the   Armies of the Aliens. _ The   Anti-Infidel Library, no. 46 (Jan. 1, 1896). Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository,   1896.  24 p. | 30 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Was Moses Mistaken? Or   Creation and Evolution. _ The   Anti-Infidel Library, no. 36 (Oct. 1, 1893). Boston, London: Scriptural Tract Repository,   1883.  35 p. | 31 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _Will the Old Book Stand?_ 3{^}rd^ million. \_ _The Anti-Infidel   Library, no. 1A (June 1893). Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1893.  25   p. | 32 |
| Hastings, H. L. \\ | _The Witness of Skeptics to the   Truth of the Bible; Extracted with  Additions from Infidel Testimony to the   Truth of the Bible._ 43{^}rd^ thousand._ _ The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 32,   reissue. (Jan. 1, 1895). Boston,   London:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1895.  31   p. | 33 |
| Hodgman, Stephen A. \\
\\ | _The Fallacies and Follies of   "Science, falsely so-called." Rationalists Challenged with an   Appendix._ Philadelphia:   J. Thomas Bruce, 1882. 14, 14 p. | 34 |
| Hott, J. W. \\
\\ | _Marvelous Conversion of a   Noted Skeptic, Marshall O. Waggoner, of Toledo,    Ohio._ Dayton, Ohio:   W. R. Funk, n.d. 24 p. | 35 |
| Jamieson, W. F. \\ | _Is Controversy Dangerous?_ Mosca, Colo.:   W.F. Jamieson, 1892.  31 p. | 36 |
| Johnson, Mrs. S. C. | _A Few Thoughts on Reading the   Rev. John M'Neale's Anti-Scriptural Ballads._ London: Printed by W. Ballard, 1843. 12 p. | 37 |
| Kaye, J. R. \\
\\ | _Reply to Judge C. B. Waite, on   Contradictions of the Gospels._ From Free Thought Magazine.  N.p., n.d.    8 p. | 38 |
| Kelly, Thomas. \\ | _Narrative of Andrew Dunn's   Conversion by Reading the New Testament._ London: Alread Holness; Glasgow: R. L.   Allan, n.d.  32 p. | 39 |
| Mackinlay, G. \\ | _The Truth of the Gospels   Demonstrated by New Tests: a Challenge to Agnostics and Sceptics._  London: Truslove & Bray, 1908. 16 p. | 40 |
| Patterson, Robert. \\ | _Egypt_ _in History and   Prophecy; or, Pharaoh Proclaiming God._  The Anti-Infidel Library, no. 2 (Feb. 1883).   Boston, Mass.:   Scriptural Tract Repository, 1883. 57 p. | 41 |
| Porter, James. \\
\\ | _Modern Infidelity, Alias   Come-out-ism, as Taught by Ultra  Non-Resistants, Transcendentalists,   Garrisonians, and Other  Revolutionists; in Three Lectures._ 2d ed. Tracts   for the Times, no. 3. Boston:   Waite, Peirce & Co., 1845. 56 p. | 42 |
| Schroeder, Theodore. \\
\\ | _Culture and Culturine, Being a   Few Wise and Wicked Remarks; an  Address Delivered Before the Society for   Improving the Minds and  Morals of the Rich._  New York, \[1904\].  12 p. | 43 |
| \\ | _Shots at Infidelity._ \\
No. 2. A Great Vacuum. 4 p. \\
No. 3. Consciousness.  4 p. \\
No. 4. The Wondrous Plan, No. 5.   The Truth of the Bible, and No. 6. The Miracle of Myth. 8 p. \\
No. 7. Facts. 4 p. \\
No. 8. Science Proving   Revelation. 4 p. \\
No. 9. Felt Wants Fulfilled. 4 p. \\
No. 10. The Touch-Stone of   Beneficence, and No. 11. Who Wrote the   Bible. 8 p. \\
No. 12 Experience. 4 p. | 44 |
| Storrs,   Geo. \\ | _A Defence of the Bible: or,   Revelation vs. False Philosophy, Being a  Discussion Between Geo. Storrs,   Minister of the Gospel, … and Joseph  Barker, and Other Deists, in a   Convention of Infidels …._ New York, Republished at the Office of the   Herald of Life, 1868. 48 p. | 45 |
| Tucker, J. T. \\ | _The Conflict of Christianity   and Infidelity._ Boston,    Mass., 1878. p. 309-322. | 46 |
| Whitehouse, A. H. \\ | _"Not Proven."_ New York: Fleming H.   Revell, 1895. 36 p. | 47 |