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Drew University Library 19th Century Collection

League of Nations Pamphlet Collection

Finding List


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|| Author || Title & Publication Information || Entry ||
| Adams, George Burton. | _The British    Empire and a League of Peace: Suggesting the Purpose and Form of   an Alliance   of the English-Speaking Peoples._ New     York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1919. (21 p.) | 1 |
| Andrews, E. Cornelius. | _True Patriotism; Righteous   Peace for all Nations, to be Secured by  World Court League Whose Formation   Will be Greatly Hastened by  Intelligent Study of National and World   Transportation Problems._ Ann     Arbor: Millard Press, 1917. (24 p.) | 2 |
| Beck, James M. | _The League    of Nations: an Address Delivered at the Invitation of The Union   League of Philadelphia,   May 8, 1919._ New York:   League for the Preservation of American Independence,   1919? (29 p.) | 3 |
| Collett, John Kyte. | _The Great Money Mystery: What   is Behind the Franc, the Sovereign, and the Mark. 2{_}{_}{^}nd{^}_ _appendix to_ _How a League of Peace and Goodwill Nations May Enable Germany and   Other European Nations to Pay Their International Debts._  Cardiff:   M. Evans Co.(Printers), 1923. (12 p.) | 4 |
| Collett, John Kyte. | _How a League of   Peace-and-Goodwill Nations May Enable Germany and Other European   Nations to Pay Their International Debts._ Cardiff: M. Evans & Co. (Printers),   n.d.  (15 p.) | 5 |
| Deissmann, Adolf. | _The Cross of Christ and the   Reconciliation of the Nations._ Cardiff:   M. Evans & Co. (Printers), n.d. (8 p.) | 6 |
| Eichelberger, Clark M. | _Geneva{_}_: the Last Frontier._ New York, Chicago: League of Nations Association, 1934. (4 p.) | 7 |
| Fosdick, Raymond B. | _Why Raise the Issue Now?_ New York and Chicago: League of Nations Association, 1934.  (4 p.) | 8 |
| Grey, Viscount. \\
\\ | _The League    of Nations._ New     York: George H. Doran Co, 1918. (15 p.) | 9 |
| Gronna, Asle J. \\
\\ | _The League Covenant and the   Treaty of Peace: Speech of Hon. Asle J. Gronna of North Dakota in the Senate of the United States._ Washington:   1919. (30 p.) | 10 |
| Kahn, Otto H. \\
\\ | _America_ _and the League of Nations; a Letter to Senator Poindexter._ New York: Reprinted by   the Committee of American Business Men, 1919 (21 p.) | 11 |
| Knox, Philander C. \\
\\ | _The True Relation of the   United States to the League of Nations;  Speech of Hon. Philander C. Knox, of Pennsylvania,   in the Senate of  the United States, Thursday, November 6, 1919._ Washington:   Government Printing Office, 1919. (4 p.) | 12 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. I, no. 3 (Feb. 1918) \\
_War Aims of Belligerents, as   Elicited by Russia's   Attempts to  Secure a General Peace. I. The Russian Offer. II. Replies to the    Russian Offer._ Boston:   World Peace Foundation, 1918. (p. 108-172) | 13 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. I, no. 4 (April 1918) \\
_The Background of the War:   History and Texts. A. The Triple  Alliance   … B. The Triple Entente and Its Friends … Appendix: Texts of  the Treaties._ Boston: World   Peace Foundation, 1918. (p. 173-251). | 14 |
| | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. I, no. 5 (June 1918) \\
_Monroe_ _Doctrine After the War_,   by George Grafton Wilson. _ European   Background of the Monroe Doctrine. American Statements of Policy._ Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1918. (p. 253-305) | 15 |
| | _League of Nations._ Vol. I, no. 6 (Aug. 1918) \\
_German Attempts to Divide Belgium,_ by Carl L. Becker. _I. The Flemish Question. II. The Flemish University of Ghent.   III. The Administrative Division of Belgium. IV. Establishment of   Flemish Independence.   V. German Policy in Respect to Belgium._ Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1918. (p.   307-344, \[iii\]) | 16 |
| | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. I, no. 7 (Oct. 1918) \\
_The Supreme War Council. Introduction: Allied Maritime Transport   Council and Other Affiliated Bodies. I. Purpose and Meaning. II. Difficulties   Overcome. III. Proceedings of Interallied Conference. IV. Statements of   Policy. Appendix: Diplomatic Unity of Action._ Boston:   World Peace Foundation, 1918. (p. \[345\]-416) | 17 |
| | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. I, no. 8 (Dec. 1918) \\
_Japan{_}_, America and   the Great War,_ by Payson Jackson Treat. _I. Why Japan Entered   the Great War. II. Japan's Part in the War. III. Why Japan Sent No   Troops to Europe. IV. The Siberian   Expedition. V. Japan   and the United States.   VI. The Government of Japan._ Boston: World   Peace Foundation, 1918. (p. 418-468) | 18 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. II, no. 1 (Feb. 1919) \\
_Great Britain{_}_, America, and   Democracy,_ by Ephraim Douglass Adams. _Anglo-American Relations,_ by   Benjamin Russell. Boston:   World Peace Foundation, 1919. (p. \[1\]-48) | 19 |
| \\ | _League of Nations_.   Vol. II, no. 2 (April 1919) \\
_Joint Debate on the Covenant   of Paris,_ \[by\] Henry Cabot Lodge  \[and\] A. Lawrence Lowell, Symphony Hall, Boston, March 19, 1919. Boston:  World Peace Foundation, 1919.   (p.\[49\]-97) | 20 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. II, no. 3 (June 1919) \\
_The Covenanter: Letters on the   Covenant of the League of Nations,_ by   William Howard Taft, George W. Wickersham, A. Lawrence Lowell,  Henry W. Taft.   Boston: World   Peace Foundation, 1919. (p.\[99\]-166) | 21 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. II, special number (July 1919) \\
_China{_}_, the United States   and the War,_ by Kenneth Scott Latourette. _Chino-Japanese Negotiations,   1915-1918. Shantung and Its Status._ Boston: World Peace   Foundation, 1919. (p.\[167\]-226) | 22 |
| \\ | _League of Nations._ Vol. II, no. 5 (Oct. 1919) \\
_Labor in the Treaty of Peace,   Part XIII of the Treaty of Peace with Germany._ Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1919. (p.   272-345) | 23 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. II, no. 6 (Dec. 1919) \\
_The Constitution of the German Commonwealth,_ translated by   William Bennett Munro and Arthur Norman Holcombe. Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1919. (p. 344-400) | 24 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. III, no. 1-2 (Feb.-April 1920) \\
_Three Months of the League of Nations._ Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1920. (p.   \[1\]-96, \[xl\]) | 25 |
| \\ | _League of Nations{_}_._ Vol. IV, no. 6 (Dec. 1921) \\
_The Myth of American Isolation; Our Policy of International Co-operation,_ by Pitman B. Potter.   Boston: World Peace Foundation, 1921. (p. 433-489) | 26 |
| League of Nations Association. | _The League of Nations at Ten Years of Age._ New York: The League    of Nations Association, 1929. (\[4) p.) | 27 |
| League of Nations Association. | _The World Court._ New York: The League    of Nations Association, 1929. (\[4\] p.) | 28 |
| League of Nations   Non-Partisan Association.  | _Synopsis of the Geneva   Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of  International Disputes: What it is, What   it Means to World Peace, What  it Means to America._ New York: League of    Nations Non-Partisan Association, n.d. (35 p.) | 29 |
| Lowrey, Dwight M.  | _Some Aspects of the League of Nations._ From _The Legal   Intelligencer  (April 25, 1919)._ N.p., 1919. (20 p.) | 30 |
| MacDonald, Arthur. | _Suggestions of the Peace   Treaty of Westphalia for the League of Nations._  Reprinted from _The Reformed Church Review_,   no. 4, October 1919. (p. 474-488) | 31 |
| _Manufacturers Record._  | _The League    of Nations From the Religious and Moral Standpoint._ Reprinted from _Manufacturers Record._ Baltimore,   Md., 1920? (30 p.) | 32 |
| Murray, Gilbert. | _The Christ of the Andes._ \[London\]: League of Nations Union, n.d. (4   p.) | 33 |
| Pepper, George Wharton. | _League of    Nations_ _Primer; an Analysis of the League  Covenant   Through Questions and Answers. Together with the Full Text of  the Revised   Covenant._ Washington,    D.C.: League for the   Preservation of American Independence,   n.d. (22 p.) | 34 |
| Pope, James P. \\ | _The Road to Enduring Peace._ New York, Chicago: League of Nations Association, 1935. (4 p.) | 35 |
| Salter, Sir Arthur. | _Europe{_}_'s   Recovery: What it Means to World Peace. Extracts  from Remarks … Before the Institute of Politics, at Williamstown, Mass.,    August 1924._  New York: League of    Nations Non-Partisan Association, 1924? 30 p.) | 36 |
| Taylor, Hannis. \\ | _A League    of Nations to Stimulate and Perpetuate War: an Oration  Delivered   at Washington, D.C., on St. Patrick's Day, March 17,   1919,  Before the United Irish Societies._    N.p., 1919. (12 p.) | 37 |