Versions Compared


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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

UKNOW U-KNOW allows you to customize and aggregate the information about spaces you wish to watch into one single RSS feed. This can allow you to keep up to date on several spaces at the same time using a single RSS Reader.

To setup set up a custom RSS feed in UKNOWU-KNOW:

  1. Navigate to the UKNOW U-KNOW Dashboard
  2. At the bottom top right of the page, click on the question mark drop down menu and choose Feed Builder Icon Image Removed. Image Added
  3. The RSS Feed Builder Page page will be displayed
  4. Image Removed First select the types of content you wish to be updated on in your RSS Feed by checking or unchecking the appropriate boxes.
    Image Removed Next select the sort order for the items in the RSS feed.
    Image Removed In the section on "For Pages, Show" select the options you want to be included in your RSS feed:
  5. The whole content of the page
    Image Added
  7. Image AddedIn the From Space(s) Just the difference, or changes from previous version
    Image Removed In the From Spaces section, select the Spaces spaces you wish to include in your RSS feed. You can hold down the CTRL key when you click to select multiple spaces.
    Image Removed If you only want to show content which has been labeled with a specific Label (such as UKNOW), you can restrict the RSS feed to just those labels.
    Image Removed Now you will select the Feed Format. For most modern RSS readers, they will be able to consume all three of these options.
    Image Removed The Feed size will determine how many items appear in your feed and from how many days ago.
  8. Image Removed The Feed Authentication options allow you to restrict an RSS feed to only be used by you or an anonymous one which anyone can subscribe to.

    This option requires you to have an RSS reader which supports authentication.

  9. You can click on "Advanced Options" to name your feed, restrict the feed to certain labels, choose how to sort your feed, etc.Image Added

  10. Click on the Create RSS Feed Image Removed The last step before submitting your new RSS feed is to give the feed a name. This name should be something that is unique and identifiable.
    Click on the submit button.
  11. The RSS Feed Created page will be displayed.
  12. In Firefox, click on the link labeled Drag or copy this the link into your RSS readerFollow the instruction for adding a Live Bookmark.

What is RSS

(from Wikipedia)
RSS (most commonly translated as "Really Simple Syndication" but sometimes "Rich Site Summary") is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.

They benefit readers who want to subscribe to timely updates from favored websites or to aggregate feeds from many sites into one place. RSS feeds can be read using software called an "RSS reader", "feed reader", or "aggregator", which can be web-based, desktop-based, or mobile-device-based.

Where do I get an RSS Reader?

Your Drew standard Firefox browser is capable of reading RSS feeds and displaying them as "Live Bookmarks" which update periodically and show the listed items when you open them.

Google Chrome has a similar Chrome Feed Reader app that can display the feed from your toolbar.