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h2. Drew University Library 19th   Century Collection

h3. Free Trade Pamphlet Collection

h3. Finding List

*19 CENT*

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| \[1\] | New England against free wool | Nelson W.   Aldrich. | 1894 |
| \[2\] | James   Wilson, patriot, and the Wilson doctrine / | Lucien   Hugh Alexander. | 1906 |
| \[3\] | Speech   / | William   V. Allen. | 1897 |
| \[4\] | An   appeal in behalf of tariff stability / | American   Protective Tariff League. | 1905 |
| \[5\] | The   tariff / | John   F. Andrew. | 1890 |
| \[6\] | Protection   and reciprocity / | L.D.   Apsley. | 1896 |
| \[7\] | Free   trade / | Lord   Avebury. | 1908 |
| \[8\] | Protection   and corruption / | John   Bascom. | 1903 |
| \[9\] | Individual   freedom: the germ of national progress and permanence / | Thomas   F. Bayard. | 1896 |
| \[10\] | Tim,   Tam and Tom settling the tariff-trust question / | Roswell   A. Benedict. | 1900 |
| \[11\] | Tariff   chestnuts / | George   Brickett. | 1888 |
| \[12\] | Speech\[es\]   / | Frank   J. Cannon, Marion Butler & B.R. Tillman. | 1897 |
| \[13\] | The   tariff made plain: seven short conversations that bring out both sides / | Albert   Clarke. | 1906 |
| \[14\] | Free   ships / | John   Codman. | 1886 |
| \[15\] | The   case against protection / | E.   Cozens Cooke. | 1909 |
| \[16\] | Taking   liberties with prosperity / | T.Z.   Cowles. | 1902 |
| \[17\] | The   workingman's tariff / | E.   Cora Depuy. | 1896 |
| \[18\] | The   dingley tariff. | | 1897 |
| \[19\] | Slavery   and "protection" / | E.J.   Donnell. | 1882 |
| \[20\] | Wages   and tariffs / | E.J.   Donnell. | 1884 |
| \[21\] | The   effect of tariffs on unemployment. | | 1910 |
| \[22\] | The   tariff controversy in the United States, 1789-1833 / | Orrin   Leslie Elliott. | 1892 |
| \[23\] | The   tariff / | William   Everett. | 1894 |
| \[24\] | The   vital issue before the American people / | Joseph   W. Fordney. | 1908 |
| \[25\] | Tariff   Commission, tariff changes by evolution and not by revolution / | Charles   N. Fowler. | 1909 |
| \[26\] | Free   trade facts and fair trade fallacies. | | 1881 |
| \[27\] | The   free trader, no. 1 (Dec. 1907) & no. 5 (Aug 1908) | | |
| \[28\] | American   tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley / | Jacob   H. Gallinger. | 1894 |
| \[29\] | American   tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley, and Proposed tariff revision / | Jacob   H. Gallinger. | 1896 |
| \[30\] | Senator   Hoar and protection / | William   Lloyd Garrison. | 1887 |
| \[31\] | Wages   and protection / | William   Lloyd Garrison. | 1894 |
| \[32\] | Protection   to American industries / | Charles   H. Grosvenor. | 1895 |
| \[33\] | American   tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley / | D.G.   Harriman.  | 1892 |
| \[34\] | Custom   House justice and Haviland China / | Haviland   & Co. | 1907 |
| \[35\] | An   essay on free trade / | Richard   Hawley. | 1888 |
| \[36\] | The   past, present and future mission of the American protectionist / | John   W. Hinton. | 1887 |
| \[37\] | Shall   the Republic do its own work? / | John   P. Jones. | 1900 |
| \[38\] | Shall   business be disrupted by immediate tariff revision: reply / | Theodore   Justice. | 1906 |
| \[39\] | New   political issue: protection to staple agriculture / | David   Lubin. | 1894 |
| \[40\] | The   McKinley alphabet: 644 articles in common use, on which duties have been   increased | | |
| \[41\] | Mills   bill, tariff legislation / | William   McKinley, Jr. | 1888 |
| \[42\] | Fallacies   of free trade; protection the farmer's only security / | E.P.   Miller. | 1888 |
| \[43\] | The   president's message hostile to home protection, home markets, and home labor   / | Justin   S. Morrill. | 1888 |
| \[44\] | The   national accounts, analyzed for the term of eighteen years since the   resumption of specie payments 1879-1896; supplement to the address of Edward   Atkinson. | | 1897? |
| \[45\] | The   new tariff laws enacted by the Fifty-first Congress. | | 1890 |
| \[46\] | The   tariff bill, increased duty on aliens, immigration / | Lee   S. Overman. | 1909 |
| \[47\] | On   fair trade and agriculture / | Lyon   Playfair. | 1888 |
| \[48\] | The   tariff: its bearing upon the industries and politics of the United States / | Henry   V. Poor. | 1892 |
| \[49\] | Twenty-two   years of protection / | Henry   V. Poor. | 1888 |
| \[50\] | An   address to some free-traders / | Robert   P. Porter. | 1887 |
| \[51\] | Free   trade folly / | Robert   P. Porter. | 1881 |
| \[52\] | Protection   and free trade to-day / | Robert   P. Porter. | 1884 |
| \[53\] | A   letter to the Electors of Westminster / | A   protectionist. | 1848 |
| \[54\] | The   empire aspect of preference / | Edward   Pulsford. | 1910 |
| \[55\] | Insular   free trade / | Russell   Rea. | 1908 |
| \[56\] | Reed   on the tariff / | Thomas   B. Reed. | 1894 |
| \[57\] | Removal   of the inequalities of the present protective system. | | 1897 |
| \[58\] | The   revolt of protectionists in Germany against their own tariff | | 1910 |
| \[59\] | The   panics of 1837 and 1857 / | John   E. Russell. | 1896 |
| \[60\] | The   "scientific" tariff: an examination and exposure. | | 1909 |
| \[61\] | The   present political situation of the free trade cause / | Edward   M. Shepard. | 1902 |
| \[62\] | Blaine's   reply to Gladstone: free trade or protection? / | James   S. Sherman. | 1896 |
| \[63\] | The   tariff and Cuban reciprocity / | William   Alden Smith. | 1902 |
| \[64\] | Protection   and revenue in 1877 / | W.G.   Sumner. | 1877 |
| \[65\] | The   new economy of protection / | Unionist   Free Trade Club. | 1909 |
| \[66\] | Patent   acts and protection / | Unionist   Free Trade Club. | 1909 |
| \[67\] | The   Dingley tariff bill together with an alphabetical list showing proposed new   duty / | F.B.   Vandegrift & Co. | 1897 |
| \[68\] | Pocket   edition of the Dingley tariff bill. | F.B.   Vandegrift & Co. | 1897 |
| \[69\] | Pocket   edition of the Wilson tariff bill. | F.B.   Vandegrift & Co. | 1894 |
| \[70\] | The   creed of free trade / | David   A. Wells. | 1875 |
| \[71\] | American   wages, American protection, and American markets / | J.C.   Westbrook & J.J. Mooney. | 1888 |
| \[72\] | The   tariff question and its relation to the present commercial crisis / | Horace   White. | 1877 |
| \[73\] | Webster   on protection / | Will   C. Wood. | 1894 |
| \[74\] | Tried   for her life\! a free trade play / | Ernest   Wyon | |

h4. New England Tariff Reform League 

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| | Republican reciprocity / | William Lloyd   Garrison | |
| | Address of Henry   George before the New England Tariff Reform League/ | Henry   George. | 1893 |
| | Tariff reform: a   manufacturer's point of view / | Arthur   T. Lyman. | 1894 |
| | New England's   lost supremacy / | Peleg   McFarlin. | 1890 |
| | Speeches by   leading business men at the dinner of the New England Tariff Reform League,   January 18, 1894 | | 1894 |
| | Speeches at the   dinner of the New England Tariff Reform League, March 9, 1894 | | 1894 |

h4. New England Free Trade League 

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| | The case of a few ship-builders   vs. the American people / | John Codman. | 1895 |
| | Arguments   against the Dingley bill / | Arthur   B. Farquhar, Edward Atkinson & Harvey N. Shepard. | 1897 |
| | Trusts and   tariffs / | William   Lloyd Garrison. | 1899 |
| | A house divided   against itself; some Republican opinions on the Dingley-Aldrich bill. | | 1897 |
| | Protective taxes   favor trusts / | Henry   W. Lamb. | 1889 |
| | Whom does   protection protect? / | Henry   W. Lamb. | 1898 |
| | Debate on   equitable protection / | David   Lubin & John E. Russell. | 1897 |
| | Reciprocity with   Canada / | New   England Free Trade League. | 1898 |
| | Constitution of   the New England Free Trade League with a list of the officers and members. | | 1895 |
| | Speeches by Hon.   John DeWitt Warner and Heman W. Chaplin at the dinner of the New England Free   trade League. | | 1895 |

h4. Cobden Club.  Leaflets 

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| no. 29 | Free trade v.   protection, alias "reciprocity," alias "fair trade" (no.   29) / | John Noble. | |
| no. 122 | Free trade and   prosperity (no. 122). | | 1909 |
| no. 132 | Income tax or bread   tax (no. 132) / | Harold   Cox. | 1908 |
| no. 135 | Shipping subsidies   (no. 135). | | 1909 |
| no. 155 | Those foreign doors   (no. 155) / | Henry   Vivian. | 1905 |
| no. 158 | My sentiments on the   fiscal question (no. 158) / | Alfred Morris. | 1908 |
| no. 166 | Cobden on armaments   and expenditure (no. 166). | | |
| no. 167 | Cobden on   international peace (no. 167). | | 1904 |
| no. 172 | Why foreign nations   have gone back to protection (no. 172) / | J.S.   Mann | |
| no. 179 | Is our free trade   system the cause of capital leaving the country? (no. 179). | | 1909 |
| no. 180 | The boot industry and   the American dumper (no. 180) / | W.A.   Wilson | |
| no. 181 | The building trade   and tariff reform (no. 181)  /  | W.A.   Wilson. | 1909 |
| no. 185 | The latest phase of   preference (no. 185) / | Andrew   Law. | 1910 |

h4. Cobden Club. Circulars 
|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| no. 9 | The answers to Lord Lansdowne's   fiscal questions (no. 9). | | 1906 |
| no. 10 | The prosperity of the   British iron and steel industry (no. 10). | | 1906 |
| no. 11 | Australia and the   Cobden Club (no. 11). | | 1906 |
| no. 12 | National expenditure   (no. 12). | | 1907 |
| no. 13 | Commerce in naval war   (no. 13). | | 1907 |
| no. 14 | Trade relations of   England and Denmark (no. 14). | | 1907 |
| no. 15 | Australian preference   (no. 15). | | 1907 |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
h4. Cobden Club publications 

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| | Cobden pellets: aids to digestion of   tariff truths / | George   Brickett. | 1891 |
| | Retrenchment and   finance / | Committee   of the Cobden Club. | 1906 |
| | A short life of   Richard Cobden / | Frances   E. Cooke. | 1904 |
| | Things seen and   things not seen / | Frédéric   Bastiat. | 1904 |
| | The two theories of   foreign trade / | Russell   Rea. | 1905 |




Drew University Library 19th Century Collection
















Free Trade Pamphlet Collection








Finding List






















































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New England against free wool /


Nelson W. Aldrich.






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James Wilson, patriot, and the Wilson doctrine /


Lucien Hugh Alexander.






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Speech /


William V. Allen.






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An appeal in behalf of tariff stability /


American Protective Tariff League.






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The tariff /


John F. Andrew.






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Protection and reciprocity /


L.D. Apsley.






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Free trade /


Lord Avebury.






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Protection and corruption /


John Bascom.






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Individual freedom: the germ of national progress and permanence /


Thomas F. Bayard.






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Tim, Tam and Tom settling the tariff-trust question /


Roswell A. Benedict.






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Tariff chestnuts /


George Brickett.






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Speech[es] /


Frank J. Cannon, Marion Butler & B.R. Tillman.






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The tariff made plain: seven short conversations that bring out both sides /


Albert Clarke.






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Free ships /


John Codman.






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The case against protection /


E. Cozens Cooke.






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Taking liberties with prosperity /


T.Z. Cowles.






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The workingman's tariff /


E. Cora Depuy.






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The dingley tariff.








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Slavery and "protection" /


E.J. Donnell.






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Wages and tariffs /


E.J. Donnell.






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The effect of tariffs on unemployment.








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The tariff controversy in the United States, 1789-1833 /


Orrin Leslie Elliott.






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The tariff /


William Everett.






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The vital issue before the American people /


Joseph W. Fordney.






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Tariff Commission, tariff changes by evolution and not by revolution /


Charles N. Fowler.






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Free trade facts and fair trade fallacies.








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The free trader, no. 1 (Dec. 1907) & no. 5 (Aug 1908)








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American tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley /


Jacob H. Gallinger.






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American tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley, and Proposed tariff revision /


Jacob H. Gallinger.






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Senator Hoar and protection /


William Lloyd Garrison.






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Wages and protection /


William Lloyd Garrison.






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Protection to American industries /


Charles H. Grosvenor.






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American tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley /


D.G. Harriman. 






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Custom House justice and Haviland China /


Haviland & Co.






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An essay on free trade /


Richard Hawley.






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The past, present and future mission of the American protectionist /


John W. Hinton.






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Shall the Republic do its own work? /


John P. Jones.






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Shall business be disrupted by immediate tariff revision: reply /


Theodore Justice.






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New political issue: protection to staple agriculture /


David Lubin.






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The McKinley alphabet: 644 articles in common use, on which duties have been increased








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Mills bill, tariff legislation /


William McKinley, Jr.






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Fallacies of free trade; protection the farmer's only security /


E.P. Miller.






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The president's message hostile to home protection, home markets, and home labor /


Justin S. Morrill.






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The national accounts, analyzed for the term of eighteen years since the resumption of specie payments 1879-1896; supplement to the address of Edward Atkinson.








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The new tariff laws enacted by the Fifty-first Congress.








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The tariff bill, increased duty on aliens, immigration /


Lee S. Overman.






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On fair trade and agriculture /


Lyon Playfair.






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The tariff: its bearing upon the industries and politics of the United States /


Henry V. Poor.






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Twenty-two years of protection /


Henry V. Poor.






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An address to some free-traders /


Robert P. Porter.






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Free trade folly /


Robert P. Porter.






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Protection and free trade to-day /


Robert P. Porter.






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A letter to the Electors of Westminster /


A protectionist.






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The empire aspect of preference /


Edward Pulsford.






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Insular free trade /


Russell Rea.






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Reed on the tariff /


Thomas B. Reed.






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Removal of the inequalities of the present protective system.








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The revolt of protectionists in Germany against their own tariff








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The panics of 1837 and 1857 /


John E. Russell.






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The "scientific" tariff: an examination and exposure.








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The present political situation of the free trade cause /


Edward M. Shepard.






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Blaine's reply to Gladstone: free trade or protection? /


James S. Sherman.






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The tariff and Cuban reciprocity /


William Alden Smith.






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Protection and revenue in 1877 /


W.G. Sumner.






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The new economy of protection /


Unionist Free Trade Club.






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Patent acts and protection /


Unionist Free Trade Club.






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The Dingley tariff bill together with an alphabetical list showing proposed new duty /


F.B. Vandegrift & Co.






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Pocket edition of the Dingley tariff bill.


F.B. Vandegrift & Co.






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Pocket edition of the Wilson tariff bill.


F.B. Vandegrift & Co.






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The creed of free trade /


David A. Wells.






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American wages, American protection, and American markets /


J.C. Westbrook & J.J. Mooney.






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The tariff question and its relation to the present commercial crisis /


Horace White.






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Webster on protection /


Will C. Wood.






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Tried for her life! a free trade play /


Ernest Wyon
















































New England Tariff Reform League








Republican reciprocity /


William Lloyd Garrison






Address of Henry George before the New England Tariff Reform League/


Henry George.






Tariff reform: a manufacturer's point of view /


Arthur T. Lyman.






New England's lost supremacy /


Peleg McFarlin.






Speeches by leading business men at the dinner of the New England Tariff Reform League, January 18, 1894








Speeches at the dinner of the New England Tariff Reform League, March 9, 1894
































New England Free Trade League








The case of a few ship-builders vs. the American people /


John Codman.






Arguments against the Dingley bill /


Arthur B. Farquhar, Edward Atkinson & Harvey N. Shepard.






Trusts and tariffs /


William Lloyd Garrison.






A house divided against itself; some Republican opinions on the Dingley-Aldrich bill.








Protective taxes favor trusts /


Henry W. Lamb.






Whom does protection protect? /


Henry W. Lamb.






Debate on equitable protection /


David Lubin & John E. Russell.






Reciprocity with Canada /


New England Free Trade League.






Constitution of the New England Free Trade League with a list of the officers and members.








Speeches by Hon. John DeWitt Warner and Heman W. Chaplin at the dinner of the New England Free trade League.
















































































Cobden Club.  Leaflets






no. 29


Free trade v. protection, alias "reciprocity," alias "fair trade" (no. 29) /


John Noble.




no. 122


Free trade and prosperity (no. 122).






no. 132


Income tax or bread tax (no. 132) /


Harold Cox.




no. 135


Shipping subsidies (no. 135).






no. 155


Those foreign doors (no. 155) /


Henry Vivian.




no. 158


My sentiments on the fiscal question (no. 158) /


Alfred Morris.




no. 166


Cobden on armaments and expenditure (no. 166).






no. 167


Cobden on international peace (no. 167).






no. 172


Why foreign nations have gone back to protection (no. 172) /


J.S. Mann




no. 179


Is our free trade system the cause of capital leaving the country? (no. 179).






no. 180


The boot industry and the American dumper (no. 180) /


W.A. Wilson




no. 181


The building trade and tariff reform (no. 181)  / 


W.A. Wilson.




no. 185


The latest phase of preference (no. 185) /


Andrew Law.






























Cobden Club. Circulars






no. 9


The answers to Lord Lansdowne's fiscal questions (no. 9).






no. 10


The prosperity of the British iron and steel industry (no. 10).






no. 11


Australia and the Cobden Club (no. 11).






no. 12


National expenditure (no. 12).






no. 13


Commerce in naval war (no. 13).






no. 14


Trade relations of England and Denmark (no. 14).






no. 15


Australian preference (no. 15).
































Cobden Club publications








Cobden pellets: aids to digestion of tariff truths /


George Brickett.






Retrenchment and finance /


Committee of the Cobden Club.






A short life of Richard Cobden /


Frances E. Cooke.






Things seen and things not seen /


Frédéric Bastiat.






The two theories of foreign trade /


Russell Rea.
