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h2. *Drew University Library 19th Century


 Medical Missions Pamphlet Collection





American Medical Missionary College.
American Medical Missionary College: Twelfth Annual Announcement, 1906-1907. Chicago: The College, 1907? (52 p.)




American Medical Missionary Society.
American Medical Missionary Society, Organized March 1885, Incorporated July 1885. Constitution, with an Account of its Organization and a Plea for Medical Missions. Chicago: C.W. Magill, Printer, 1885? (12 p.)




Brown, Edith M.
The North India School of Medicine for Christian Women.  London: North India School of Medicine for Women, Ludhiana, Punjab, English Office, n.d. (20 p.)




Condict, Alice B.
Just What They Need; the Story of the North India School of Medicine for Christian Women. London: Morgan & Scott, n.d. (32 p.)




Dowkontt, George D.
Murdered Millions. New York: Medical Missionary Record, 1894. (96 p.)




Dowkontt, George D.
A Summer's Fishing on the Bowery. New York: International Medical Missionary Society, n.d. (45 p.)




Dowkontt, Mrs. George D.
Our Suffering Sisters; a Thrilling Revelation and Appeal From Women to Women for Women. Atlanta, Ga., 1906. (12 p.)




Dunlap, Eugene P.
A Patient's Opinion of Medical Missions. New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A, 1902. (12 p.)




Folwell, E. Douglas.
Medical Work, Pyeng Yang District, Korea. N.p., 1907. (16 p.)




International Medical Missionary Society.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="0f6d9ff0-660e-462c-a22f-6d89bbbefd8b"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Congratulations and Commendations From Our Friends Concerning the Action of the Board of Regents upon the Application of the Society for a Charter to Establish a Missionary School of Medicine, the First of Its Kinds in the World. [New York]: International Medical Missionary Society, 1893? (16 p.)






International Medical Missionary Society.
The First in the World. New York: International Medical Missionary Society, 1894. (14 p.)




International Medical Missionary Society.
Medical Missions, a Retrospect. 1881-1901. New York: International Medical Missionary Society, 1901? (20 p.)




International Medical Missionary Society.
Shall It Be in Vain? New York: International Medical Missionary Society, 1897. (16 p.)




International Medical Missionary Society.
Statement for the Year …With a Report of the … Annual Meeting …. New York: International Medical Missionary Society, 1887, 1888, 1890, 1891. Years 1887 and 1888 have cover title: "Healing the Sick and Preaching the Gospel."  Year 1890 has cover title: "He Sent Them to Heal the Sick and Preach the Gospel.  Year 1891 has cover title: "Religion et Medici."




International Medical Missionary Society.
Training Recruits and Caring for Veteran Missionaries. New York: International Medical Missionary Society, 1908. (15 p.)




Kerr, J. G.
Medical Missions at Home and Abroad.  San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft & Co., Printers, 1878. (34 p.)




MacGowan, Daniel J.
Claims of the Missionary Enterprise on the Medical Profession; an Address Delivered Before the Temperance Society of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New-York, October 28, 1842. New-York: Printed by William Osborn, 1842. (24 p.)




Medical Missionary Association.
Annual Report …. London: Medical Missionary Association, 1899, 1908.




Medical Missions in India; a Quarterly Journal. Vol. 5, no. 18 (July 1899). Ajmere: Printed at the Rajpunta Mission Press, 1899.






Mission to Lepers in India and the East.
Without the Camp; Quarterly Magazine of the Mission to Lepers in India and the East. No. 69-72 (Jan.-Oct. 1914). London: Botolph Printing Works. 




New York Medical Missionary Society.
Statement for the Year 1884, with a Report of the Annual Meeting Held at the Broadway Tabernacle, April 7th, 1885. New York: James Huggins, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1885. (15 p.)




Thomson, W. Burns.
Medical Missions, Home and Foreign: Annual Report 1874. Edinburgh: Printed by Lorimer & Gillies, 1874. (28 p.)






h3. *Medical Missions Pamphlet Collection*

h3. *Finding List*\\  \\

*19 CENT*

|| Author || Title & Publication Information || Entry ||
 | American    Medical Missionary    College. \\ | _American_ _Medical    Missionary College{_}_:   Twelfth Annual Announcement, 1906-1907._ Chicago: The College, 1907? (52 p.) | 1 |
| American Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _American Medical Missionary   Society, Organized March 1885,  Incorporated July 1885. Constitution, with an   Account of its  Organization and a Plea for Medical Missions._ Chicago: C.W. Magill, Printer,   1885? (12 p.) | 2 |
| Brown, Edith M. \\ | _The North India    School of Medicine for   Christian Women._&nbsp; London: North India    School of Medicine for   Women, Ludhiana,   Punjab, English Office, n.d. (20 p.) | 3 |
| Condict, Alice B. \\ | _Just What They Need; the Story of the North India    School of Medicine for   Christian Women._ London:   Morgan & Scott, n.d. (32 p.) | 4 |
| Dowkontt, George D. \\ | _Murdered Millions._ New York: Medical   Missionary Record, 1894. (96 p.) | 5 |
| Dowkontt, George D. \\ | _A Summer's Fishing on the   Bowery._ New York:   International Medical Missionary Society, n.d. (45 p.) | 6 |
| Dowkontt, Mrs. George D. \\ | _Our Suffering Sisters; a   Thrilling Revelation and Appeal From Women to Women for Women._ Atlanta,   Ga., 1906. (12 p.) | 7 |
| Dunlap, Eugene P. \\ | _A Patient's Opinion of Medical   Missions._ New York:   Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A, 1902. (12   p.) | 8 |
| Folwell, E. Douglas. \\ | _Medical Work, Pyeng Yang District, Korea._ N.p., 1907. (16 p.) | 9 |
| International Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _Congratulations and   Commendations From Our Friends Concerning the  Action of the Board of Regents   upon the Application of the Society for  a Charter to Establish a Missionary School of Medicine, the First of  Its   Kinds in the World._ \[New York\]:   International Medical Missionary Society, 1893? (16 p.) | 10 |
| International Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _The First in the World._ New York:   International Medical Missionary Society, 1894. (14 p.) | 11 |
| International Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _Medical Missions, a   Retrospect. 1881-1901._ New York:   International Medical Missionary Society, 1901? (20 p.) | 12 |
| International Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _Shall It Be in Vain?_ New York:   International Medical Missionary Society, 1897. (16 p.) | 13 |
| International Medical Missionary Society. \\
\\ | _Statement for the Year …With a   Report of the … Annual Meeting …._ New York: International Medical   Missionary Society, 1887, 1888, 1890,  1891. Years 1887 and 1888 have cover   title: "Healing the Sick and  Preaching the Gospel."&nbsp; Year 1890 has cover title: "He Sent   Them to  Heal the Sick and Preach the Gospel.&nbsp;   Year 1891 has cover title:  "Religion et Medici." | 14 |
| International Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _Training Recruits and Caring   for Veteran Missionaries._ New     York: International Medical Missionary Society,   1908. (15 p.) | 15 |
| Kerr, J. G. \\ | _Medical Missions at Home and   Abroad._ &nbsp;San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft & Co.,   Printers, 1878. (34 p.) | 16 |
| MacGowan, Daniel J. \\
\\ | _Claims of the Missionary Enterprise on the   Medical Profession; an  Address Delivered Before the Temperance Society of the   College of  Physicians and Surgeons of the University of the State of New-York,  October 28,   1842._ New-York: Printed by William Osborn, 1842. (24 p.) | 17 |
| Medical Missionary Association. \\ | _Annual Report …._ London: Medical   Missionary Association, 1899, 1908. | 18 |
| \\ | _Medical Missions in India; a   Quarterly Journal._ Vol. 5, no. 18 (July 1899). Ajmere: Printed at the Rajpunta   Mission Press, 1899. | 19 |
| Mission   to Lepers in India   and the East. \\ | _Without the Camp; Quarterly   Magazine of the Mission   to Lepers in India   and the East._ No. 69-72 (Jan.-Oct. 1914). London: Botolph Printing Works. | 20 |
| New York   Medical Missionary Society. \\ | _Statement for the Year 1884,   with a Report of the Annual Meeting Held at the Broadway Tabernacle, April 7{_}{_}{^}th{^}{_}_,   1885._ New York:   James Huggins, Steam Book and Job Printer, 1885. (15 p.) | 21 |
| Thomson, W. Burns.\\ | _Medical Missions, Home and   Foreign: Annual Report 1874._ Edinburgh:   Printed by Lorimer & Gillies, 1874. (28 p.) | 22 |