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h2. Drew University Library 19th   Century Collection

h3. Free Trade Pamphlet Collection

h3. Finding List

*19 CENT*

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| \[1\] | New England against free wool | Nelson W.   Aldrich. | 1894 |
| \[2\] | James   Wilson, patriot, and the Wilson doctrine / | Lucien   Hugh Alexander. | 1906 |
| \[3\] | Speech   / | William   V. Allen. | 1897 |
| \[4\] | An   appeal in behalf of tariff stability / | American   Protective Tariff League. | 1905 |
| \[5\] | The   tariff / | John   F. Andrew. | 1890 |
| \[6\] | Protection   and reciprocity / | L.D.   Apsley. | 1896 |
| \[7\] | Free   trade /  | Lord   Avebury. | 1908 |
| \[8\] | Protection   and corruption  / | John   Bascom. | 1903 |
| \[9\] | Individual   freedom: the germ of national progress and permanence / | Thomas   F. Bayard. | 1896 |
| \[10\] | Tim,   Tam and Tom settling the tariff-trust question / | Roswell   A. Benedict. | 1900 |
| \[11\] | Tariff   chestnuts / | George   Brickett. | 1888 |
| \[12\] | Speech\[es\]   / | Frank   J. Cannon, Marion Butler & B.R. Tillman. | 1897 |
| \[13\] | The   tariff made plain: seven short conversations that bring out both sides  / | Albert   Clarke. | 1906 |
| \[14\] | Free   ships  / | John   Codman. | 1886 |
| \[15\] | The   case against protection / | E.   Cozens Cooke. | 1909 |
| \[16\] | Taking   liberties with prosperity / | T.Z.   Cowles. | 1902 |
| \[17\] | The   workingman's tariff  / | E.   Cora Depuy. | 1896 |
| \[18\] | The   dingley tariff. | | 1897 |
| \[19\] | Slavery   and "protection" /  | E.J.   Donnell. | 1882 |
| \[20\] | Wages   and tariffs /  | E.J.   Donnell. | 1884 |
| \[21\] | The   effect of tariffs on unemployment. | | 1910 |
| \[22\] | The   tariff controversy in the United States, 1789-1833 /  | Orrin   Leslie Elliott. | 1892 |
| \[23\] | The   tariff /  | William   Everett. | 1894 |
| \[24\] | The   vital issue before the American people / | Joseph   W. Fordney. | 1908 |
| \[25\] | Tariff   Commission, tariff changes by evolution and not by revolution / | Charles   N. Fowler. | 1909 |
| \[26\] | Free   trade facts and fair trade fallacies. | | 1881 |
| \[27\] | The   free trader, no. 1 (Dec. 1907) & no. 5 (Aug 1908) | | |
| \[28\] | American   tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley / | Jacob   H. Gallinger. | 1894 |
| \[29\] | American   tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley, and Proposed tariff revision / | Jacob   H. Gallinger. | 1896 |
| \[30\] | Senator   Hoar and protection / | William   Lloyd Garrison. | 1887 |
| \[31\] | Wages   and protection / | William   Lloyd Garrison. | 1894 |
| \[32\] | Protection   to American industries / | Charles   H. Grosvenor. | 1895 |
| \[33\] | American   tariffs from Plymouth Rock to McKinley / | D.G.   Harriman.  | 1892 |
| \[34\] | Custom   House justice and Haviland China / | Haviland   & Co. | 1907 |
| \[35\] | An   essay on free trade / | Richard   Hawley. | 1888 |
| \[36\] | The   past, present and future mission of the American protectionist / | John   W. Hinton. | 1887 |
| \[37\] | Shall   the Republic do its own work? /  | John   P. Jones. | 1900 |
| \[38\] | Shall   business be disrupted by immediate tariff revision: reply / | Theodore   Justice. | 1906 |
| \[39\] | New   political issue: protection to staple agriculture  / | David   Lubin. | 1894 |
| \[40\] | The   McKinley alphabet: 644 articles in common use, on which duties have been   increased | | |
| \[41\] | Mills   bill, tariff legislation / | William   McKinley, Jr. | 1888 |
| \[42\] | Fallacies   of free trade; protection the farmer's only security / | E.P.   Miller. | 1888 |
| \[43\] | The   president's message hostile to home protection, home markets, and home labor   /   | Justin   S. Morrill. | 1888 |
| \[44\] | The   national accounts, analyzed for the term of eighteen years since the   resumption of specie payments 1879-1896; supplement to the address of Edward   Atkinson. | | 1897? |
| \[45\] | The   new tariff laws enacted by the Fifty-first Congress. | | 1890 |
| \[46\] | The   tariff bill, increased duty on aliens, immigration  / | Lee   S. Overman. | 1909 |
| \[47\] | On   fair trade and agriculture /  | Lyon   Playfair. | 1888 |
| \[48\] | The   tariff: its bearing upon the industries and politics of the United States / | Henry   V. Poor. | 1892 |
| \[49\] | Twenty-two   years of protection / | Henry   V. Poor. | 1888 |
| \[50\] | An   address to some free-traders / | Robert   P. Porter. | 1887 |
| \[51\] | Free   trade folly / | Robert   P. Porter. | 1881 |
| \[52\] | Protection   and free trade to-day / | Robert   P. Porter. | 1884 |
| \[53\] | A   letter to the Electors of Westminster / | A   protectionist. | 1848 |
| \[54\] | The   empire aspect of preference / | Edward   Pulsford. | 1910 |
| \[55\] | Insular   free trade / | Russell   Rea. | 1908 |
| \[56\] | Reed   on the tariff / | Thomas   B. Reed. | 1894 |
| \[57\] | Removal   of the inequalities of the present protective system. | | 1897 |
| \[58\] | The   revolt of protectionists in Germany against their own tariff | | 1910 |
| \[59\] | The   panics of 1837 and 1857 / | John   E. Russell. | 1896 |
| \[60\] | The   "scientific" tariff: an examination and exposure. | | 1909 |
| \[61\] | The   present political situation of the free trade cause / | Edward   M. Shepard. | 1902 |
| \[62\] | Blaine's   reply to Gladstone: free trade or protection?  / | James   S. Sherman. | 1896 |
| \[63\] | The   tariff and Cuban reciprocity / | William   Alden Smith. | 1902 |
| \[64\] | Protection   and revenue in 1877 /  | W.G.   Sumner. | 1877 |
| \[65\] | The   new economy of protection / | Unionist   Free Trade Club. | 1909 |
| \[66\] | Patent   acts and protection / | Unionist   Free Trade Club. | 1909 |
| \[67\] | The   Dingley tariff bill together with an alphabetical list showing proposed new   duty / | F.B.   Vandegrift & Co. | 1897 |
| \[68\] | Pocket   edition of the Dingley tariff bill. | F.B.   Vandegrift & Co. | 1897 |
| \[69\] | Pocket   edition of the Wilson tariff bill. | F.B.   Vandegrift & Co. | 1894 |
| \[70\] | The   creed of free trade / | David   A. Wells. | 1875 |
| \[71\] | American   wages, American protection, and American markets / | J.C.   Westbrook & J.J. Mooney. | 1888 |
| \[72\] | The   tariff question and its relation to the present commercial crisis / | Horace   White. | 1877 |
| \[73\] | Webster   on protection / | Will   C. Wood. | 1894 |
| \[74\] | Tried   for her life\! a free trade play / | Ernest   Wyon | |

h4. New England Tariff Reform League 

|| Entry\\ || Title || Author || Date ||
| | Republican reciprocity / | William Lloyd   Garrison | |
| | Address of Henry   George before the New England Tariff Reform League/ | Henry   George. | 1893 |
| | Tariff reform: a   manufacturer's point of view / | Arthur   T. Lyman. | 1894 |
| | New England's   lost supremacy /  | Peleg   McFarlin. | 1890 |
| | Speeches by   leading business men at the dinner of the New England Tariff Reform League,   January 18, 1894 | | 1894 |
| | Speeches at the   dinner of the New England Tariff Reform League, March 9, 1894 | | 1894 |

h4. New England Free Trade League 

|| Entry\\ || Title || Author || Date ||
| | The case of a few ship-builders   vs. the American people  / | John Codman. | 1895 |
| | Arguments   against the Dingley bill / | Arthur   B. Farquhar, Edward Atkinson & Harvey N. Shepard. | 1897 |
| | Trusts and   tariffs / | William   Lloyd Garrison. | 1899 |
| | A house divided   against itself; some Republican opinions on the Dingley-Aldrich bill. | | 1897 |
| | Protective taxes   favor trusts /  | Henry   W. Lamb. | 1889 |
| | Whom does   protection protect?  / | Henry   W. Lamb. | 1898 |
| | Debate on   equitable protection  / | David   Lubin & John E. Russell. | 1897 |
| | Reciprocity with   Canada  / | New   England Free Trade League. | 1898 |
| | Constitution of   the New England Free Trade League with a list of the officers and members. | | 1895 |
| | Speeches by Hon.   John DeWitt Warner and Heman W. Chaplin at the dinner of the New England Free   trade League. | | 1895 |

h4. Cobden Club.  Leaflets 

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| no. 29 | Free trade v.   protection, alias "reciprocity," alias "fair trade" (no.   29) /  | John Noble. | |
| no. 122 | Free trade and   prosperity (no. 122). | | 1909 |
| no. 132 | Income tax or bread   tax (no. 132) / | Harold   Cox. | 1908 |
| no. 135 | Shipping subsidies   (no. 135). | | 1909 |
| no. 155 | Those foreign doors   (no. 155)  / | Henry   Vivian. | 1905 |
| no. 158 | My sentiments on the   fiscal question (no. 158) / | Alfred Morris. | 1908 |
| no. 166 | Cobden on armaments   and expenditure (no. 166). | | |
| no. 167 | Cobden on   international peace (no. 167). | | 1904 |
| no. 172 | Why foreign nations   have gone back to protection (no. 172) / | J.S.   Mann | |
| no. 179 | Is our free trade   system the cause of capital leaving the country? (no. 179). | | 1909 |
| no. 180 | The boot industry and   the American dumper (no. 180) / | W.A.   Wilson | |
| no. 181 | The building trade   and tariff reform (no. 181)  / \\ | W.A.   Wilson. | 1909 |
| no. 185 | The latest phase of   preference (no. 185)  / | Andrew   Law. | 1910 |

h4. Cobden Club. Circulars 

|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| no. 9 | The answers to Lord Lansdowne's   fiscal questions (no. 9). | | 1906 |
| no. 10 | The prosperity of the   British iron and steel industry (no. 10). | | 1906 |
| no. 11 | Australia and the   Cobden Club (no. 11). | | 1906 |
| no. 12 | National expenditure   (no. 12). | | 1907 |
| no. 13 | Commerce in naval war   (no. 13). | | 1907 |
| no. 14 | Trade relations of   England and Denmark (no. 14). | | 1907 |
| no. 15 | Australian preference   (no. 15). | | 1907 |
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h4. Cobden Club publications 


|| Entry || Title || Author || Date ||
| | Cobden pellets: aids to digestion of   tariff truths / | George   Brickett. | 1891 |
| | Retrenchment and   finance / | Committee   of the Cobden Club. | 1906 |
| | A short life of   Richard Cobden / | Frances   E. Cooke. | 1904 |
| | Things seen and   things not seen / | Frédéric   Bastiat. | 1904 |
| | The two theories of   foreign trade / | Russell   Rea. | 1905 |