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Swedenborgian Pamphlet Collection

Finding List


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|| Author || Title & Publication Information || Entry ||
| | _An Address: a Few Earnest Words to Clergymen and the   Church Concerning the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and   the Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg in Connection Therewith._ New York: E. Hazzard   Swinney, 1878.  24 p. | 1 |
| Ager, John C. | _What is Swedenborgianism?_ Philadelphia: American   New Church Tract and Publication Society, n.d.  32 p. | 2 |
| Alden, William H. | _A Course of Reading._ Philadelphia, n.d.  6 p. | 3 |
| Alden, William H. \\ | _Immortal Life._ Philadelphia, n.d.  6 p. | 4 |
| Ballet, Gilbert. \\ | _Swedenborg._ Paris: Masson, 1899.   225 p.  \[Köhler 6910\] | 5 |
| Barrett, B. F. \\ | _The Bible? Or the Creed? Containing   Some Suggestions to Ministers  by Which They May Profit and the Cause of Truth   and Righteousness Be  Promoted. _ Philadelphia:   Swedenborg Publishing Association, 1886. 28 p. | 6 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _Clowes' Affectionate Address to   the Clergy on the Theological  Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg … with a Sketch   of the Author's Life._ Tract no. 18. Boston: Otis Clapp, 1846.  39 p. | 7 |
| Barrett, B. F., ed. | _Contents of the Swedenborg   Library, with a Few Notices by the Press and a Catalogue of Our Publications._ Philadelphia:   The Swedenborg Publishing Association, n.d.   1 v. (various pagings) | 8 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _The Man and His Mission, Being a Sketch   of the Life, Labors and  Character of Emanuel Swedenborg; with the   Distinguishing  Characteristics of His Teaching.  Swedenborg's Supposed Hallucination,_ by   John Goddard. Philadelphia:   The Swedenborg Publishing Association, n.d. 88 p. | 9 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _Memorial to the General   Convention; and Full Text of Passages in  Swedenborg Referred to, Together   with a Calm Review of the Committee's  Report Thereon to the Last Meeting of   the Convention and Other  Sequelae._ Germantown,    Pa.: Swedenborg   Publishing Association, n.d.  95 p. | 9 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _Memorial to the General   Convention; and Full Text of Passages in Swedenborg Referred to, Together   with a Calm Review of the Committee's Report Thereon to the Last Meeting of   the Convention and Other Sequelae._  _Philadelphia:   Swedenborg Publishing Association, n.d.    95 p. | 10 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _The Question: "What Are   the Doctrines of the New Church?" Answered._ Germantown, Pa.:   The Swedenborg Publishing Association, 1895.    144 p. | 11 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _A Sermon Preached at the   Dedication of the New Church    Temple in Providence, R.I.,   Oct. 14, 1843._ New York:   John Allen, 1843.  47 p. | 12 |
| Barrett, B. F. | _Swedenborg's Writings._ New-Church   Leaflets, no. 13. N.p., n.d.  14 p. | 13 |
| Bayley, Dr. | _The Ribband of Blue._ New   Church Tracts, Popular Series, no. 5. New     York: E. Hazzard Swinney, 1876.  25 p. | 14 |
| Beaman, E. A. | _The River of Life._  New Church Tracts, Popular Series, no.   7. New York:   E. H. Swinney, 1873.  15 p. | 15 |
| Brickman, A. O. | _Defence of   Rev. A. O. Brickman, Before the Lutheran Conference, on the Charge of Having   Embraced the Doctrines of Swedenborg._ N.p., n.d.  17 p. | 16 |
| Bruce, W. \\ | _War: Its Causes and Effects,   As Viewed in the Light of the New  Church. A Sermon Preached Before the   Congregation of the New Church,  in Cross     Street, Hatton Garden,   on the Day Set Apart for Prayer  and Humiliation on Account of the War._  London:   James S. Hodson, 1854. 16 p. | 17 |
| Bush, George. \\ | _Address   Delivered at Hope Chapel, New-York, May 15{_}{_}{^}th{^}{_}_, 1857, During the   Celebration of the First Centenary of the Church of the New Jerusalem._ New York, 1857.  39 p. | 18 |
| Bush, George, and Barrett, B. F. \\ | _"Davis' Revelations"   Revealed, Being a Critical Examination of the  Character and Claims of That   Work in Its Relations to the Teachings of  Swedenborg._  New     York: John Allen, 1847.  43 p. | 19 |
| Bush, George. \\
\\ | _Statement of   Reasons for Embracing the Doctrines and Disclosures of Emanuel Swedenborg._  Swedenborg Library, nos. 27-30. New-York:   John Allen, 1846. 130 p. | 20 |
| Bush, George. \\
\\ | _Statement of   Reasons for Embracing the Doctrines and Disclosures of  Emanuel Swedenborg, …   With a Biographical Sketch of the Author._ New Church Tracts, Popular   Series no. 10.  New York: E. Hazzard Swinney, 1875.  120 p. | 21 |
| Byse, Charles. | _Le Prophete   du Nord: Vie et Doctrine de Swedenborg._ Paris: Librairie Fischbacher, n.d.  389 p. \[Köhler 6911\] | 22 |
| Cabell, Philip B. | _The Call of   Abram. Gathered Together in the Lord's Name. Jesus Before the High Priest._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 18 (May 1, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Cabell, Philip B. | _King Saul   Usurping the Priest's Office. The Lame Man Healed._ The Helper, vol. 29,   no. 3 (Jan. 15, 1902). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  19 p. | 52 |
| Caird, John. | _Religion in   Common Life, a Sermon Preached in Crathie    Church, Oct. 14, 1856,   Before Her Majesty the Queen and Prince     Albert._ Tracts for the Times, no. 5.  Philadelphia:   The Swedenborg Publishing Association, 1856.    33 p. | 23 |
| Carey, Arthur A. | _Nervous   Prostration and Its Spiritual Cause._ Waltham, Mass.,   1904. 31 p. | 24 |
| | _A Calm and Conciliatory   Review of Swedenborgianism, in a Series of Letters Addressed to   an Inhabitant of Abington, Occasioned by a Communication from Him in Relation   to That Subject._ Boston: John H. A. Frost, 1820. 33 p. | 25 |
| Cooksey, N. B. | _Swedenborg   and Scripture._ Olney,    Ill.: Cooksey, 1886.  12 p. | 26 |
| | _Death: The Gate of Life._ New   Jerusalem Tracts, \[no. 8\]. Boston,   Henry H. & T. W. \\
Carter,   n.d.  p. 91-117. | 27 |
| Deutschen Missions-Vereins der   Neuen Kirche in Amerika. \\
\\ | _Katechismus   oder Unterricht für Kinder._ Philadelphia:   Deutschen Missions\- Vereins der Neuen Kirche in Amerika, 1895.  33 p. \[Köhler 6920a\] | 28 |
| Dike, Samuel F. | _Doctrines of   the New Jerusalem, a Sermon Delivered at the Dedication of the New Jerusalem Temple in Bath, Maine,   January 11, 1844._ Boston:   T. Harrington Carter and Co., 1844.  64   p. | 29 |
| \\ | _The Doctrine of the   Atonement, as Taught in the New Jerusalem    Church._ Hatton Garden: Printed   and sold by J. S. Hodson, n.d. 4 p. | 30 |
| Doughty, John. | _Life in the   Present._ New York:   E. Hazzard Swinney, 1875. p. 13-24. | 59 |
| Dunham, G. A. | _All Life,   Eternal._ New York:   E. H. Swinney, 1876.  8 leaves. | 46 |
| Ellis, John. | _Address to   the Clergy, and Skepticism and Divine Revelation._ New York: The Author, 1886.  260 p. | 31 |
| \[Ellis, John\] | _Deterioration of the Puritan Stock \[and Its Causes.\]_ New York: The Author, 1884.  52 p | 32 |
| Ellis, John. | _The New Christianity.   An Appeal to the Clergy and to All Men in Behalf of Its Life of Charity…._ New York:   John Ellis, 1887.  511 p. | 33 |
| Ellis, John. | _The New   Church: Its Ministry, Laity and Ordinances, with an Appendix on Intoxicants   and Our New Church Periodicals._  New York: John Ellis,   1886. 124 p. | 34 |
| Ellis, John. | _A Review of R. Edward H. Jewett's "Communion Wine."_ Mount Joy, Pa.: J. R. Hoffer, 1889. 38 p. | 35 |
| Ellis, John. | _Skepticism; Divine Revelation; and Call to the New Jerusalem._ New York: John Ellis, 1879. 260 p. | 36 |
| | _Emanuel Swedenborg._ Boston: Swedenborg   Lecture Bureau, 1883. 45 p. | 37 |
| | _Emanuel Swedenborg and His   Work._ Philadelphia,   1903. 4 p. | 38 |
| | _Emanuel Swedenborg and the   New Church._ Philadelphia:   American New-Church Tract and   Publication Society, 1903.; 27 p. | 39 |
| | _Die Erdkörper in unserem Sonnensystem welche Planeten genaunt werden und_ \\
_einige Erdkörper   am Fixsternhimmel…._ Stuttgart:   Verlag der Neukerchlichen Buch Handlung, 1875.  112 p.    \[Köhler 6902\] | 40 |
| | _The Faith of the New Church._ Boston: Mass.   New Church Union, n.d.  6 p. | 41 |
| Fernald, Woodbury M. | _The New Jerusalem: a Discourse   Preached at the Dedication of the New Jerusalem House of Worship,   Thirty-Fifth Street, New-York, February 6, 1859._ New-York, 1859.  36 p. | 42 |
| | _Foundation Truths of the Christian Religion._ London: The Swedenborg Society, 1901.  32 p each. \\
No. 1. God \\
No. 2. Incarnation \\
No. 3 Redemption \\
No. 4 The Sacred Scripture \\
No. 5 The Divine Providence \\
No. 6 Charity, or Love to the   Neighbour \\
No. 7 Faith and Life \\
No. 8 Death and Resurrection \\
No. 9 The Intermediate State   and Judgment \\
No. 10 Heaven \\
No. 11 Hell \\
No. 12 The Second Coming of the   Lord \\ | 43 |
| General Conference of the New   Church. | _A Catechism;   or, Instruction for Children in the Heavenly Doctrines of the New Jerusalem._ London:   General Conference of the New Church, 1895.    32 p.  \[Köhler 6920\] | 44 |
| General Conference of the New   Church. | _Minutes of   the 99_ _{^}th{^}_ _Session of the General Conference of the New Church._ London: James Speirs,   1906.  157 p.  \[Köhler 7115\] | 45 |
| Giles, Chauncey. | _The Church   of the New Jerusalem, a New Dispensation of Divine Truth._ Philadelphia: American   New Church Tract and Publication Society, n.d.  32 p. | 46 |
| Giles, Chauncey. | _The Death of   the Body a Step in the Life of Man._ New Church Tracts, Popular Series,   no. 8. New York:   E. H. Swinney, 1876.  16 p. | 47 |
| Giles, Chauncey. | _Emanuel   Swedenborg._ The Helper, vol. 1, no. 14. (Apr 18, 1888). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  32 p | 52 |
| Giles, Chauncey. | _The   Resurrection of Man._ New Church Tracts, Popular Series, no. 9. New York: E. H.   Swinney, 1873.  14 p. | 48 |
| Giles, Chauncey. | _The Soul's   Awakening. The Lord and the Man Born Blind._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 7   (Feb. 13, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| Giles, Chauncey. | _Who Was   Jesus Christ? Christ the Life and Light of Men._ The Helper, vol. 34, no.   19 (Dec. 21, 1904).  Philadelphia: Wm.   H. Alden.  34 p. | 52 |
| Giles, Chauney. | _With the   Lord Where He Is. The Price of Peace._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 18 (Dec 12, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Gladish, Willis L. | _Education:   Its Purpose and Methods. The Arrest of Stephen._ The Helper, vol. 29, no.   7 (Feb. 10, 1902). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Gladish, Willis L. | _The Stone   Upon the Well._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 8 (Feb. 20, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Goddard, Henry E. | _The Blessing   of Persecution.  The Twelve Sent Forth._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 17 (Dec. 5, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| Goddard, John. | _The Divine   Remedy for Doubts.  The Sermon on the   Mount._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 13 (Nov 7, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Goddard, John. | _Grounds of   Belief in the Church of the New Jerusalem. The Rich Young Ruler._ The   Helper, vol. 15, no. 9 (Feb. 27, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  35 p. | 52 |
| Goddard, John. | _The Judgment   Time. Taking No Thought What Ye Shall Speak.    Jesus on the Cross._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 20 (May 15, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H.   Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Goerwitz, Emanuel F. | _Our   Blindness and Its Healing.  Bartimaeus   Healed._ The Helper, vol. 26, no. 16 (Nov. 28, 1900). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| | _Guide to the Market That   Supplies the Needs of Thirsty and Famishing Souls, for a_ \\
_Few   Testimonials…._ Germantown,    Pa.: The Swedenborg Publishing   Association, n.d.  18 p. | 49 |
| Haseltine, M. W. | _A Great   Thinker, Being a Reprint of the Articles Published in the New York Sun, September 6 and 13, 1908 …   on Emanuel Swedenborg and His Works._ Boston: Rotch Trustees, 1909.  40 p. | 50 |
| Hay, Henry Clinton. | _Greater   Works Promised. The Opening and Formation of the Spiritual Mind,_ by   Emanuel Swedenborg. _The Great Confession._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 3   (Jan. 16, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Hay, Henry Clinton. | _Jesus, the   Carpenter.  The Literal Sense of the   Word, Regarded as History,_ by John Worcester. _The Lord Teaching By   Parables._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 16 (Nov. 28, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Hayden, William B. | _The New   Jerusalem, the Church of the Future, a Discourse Delivered Before the General   Convention of the New Jerusalem Church in the United States, at Philadelphia,   June 10, 1852._ New York:   John Allen, 1852. 16 p. | 51 |
| | _The Helper._ \\
Philadelphia: American New Church Tract and   Publication Society. \\
Vol. 1, no. 14 (Apr 18, 1888) \\
Vol. 14, no. 9 (Oct 10, 1894) \\
Vol. 14, no. 12 (Oct 31, 1894) --   vol. 14, no. 18 (Dec 12, 1894) \\
Vol. 14, no. 20 (Dec 26, 1894) \\
Vol. 15, no. 18 (May 1, 1895) \\
Vol. 15, no. 20 (May 15, 1895) -   vol. 16, no. 1 (May 22, 1895) \\
Vol. 16, no. 3 (Jun 5, 1895) --   vol. 16, no. 4 (Jun 12, 1895) \\
Vol. 16,  no. 6 (Jun 26, 1895) -- vol. 16, no. 7 (Jul   3, 1895) \\
Vol. 26, no. 16 (Nov 28, 1900) \\
Vol. 27, no. 5 (Jan 30, 1901) \\
Vol. 29, no. 2 (Jan  8 1902) -- vol. 29, no. 3 (Jan 15, 1902) \\
Vol. 29, no. 7 (Feb 12, 1902) --   vol. 29, no. 8 (Feb 19, 1902) \\
Vol. 29, no. 13 (Mar 26, 1902) \\
Vol. 34, no. 19 (Dec 21, 1904) \\ | 52 |
| Higgins, F. L. | _The Two   Debtors. The Resurrection of Jesus._ The Helper, vol. 16, no. 1 (May 22,   1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  20 p. | 52 |
| Hoffer, J. R. | _The Holy   Supper is Representative: Being a Brief Consideration of Its Use and Emblems._ Mount Joy, Pa.: L. J. R. Hoffer, 1889.  10 p. | 35 |
| | _An Inquiry As to the Word and   Its Inspiration with the Only Key Given for Its Interpretation._ New Haven: Connecticut New Church Association,   n.d.  12 p. | 53 |
| | _International Sunday-School   Lessons for the Summer. 1895._ The Helper, vol. 16, \\
no.7 (July 3,   1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  30 p. | 52 |
| Jobson, Robert. | _The   Spiritual World As the World of Life and Cause; a Lecture._ New Church   Tracts, Popular Series, no. 19. \_ _New York: E. Hazzard   Swinney, 1875.  24 p. | 54 |
| Keyes, E. R. | _Vicarious   Atonement: Unscriptural and Irrational._  No. 25. Philadelphia: American New-Church Tract and   Publication Society, n.d.  16 p. | 56 |
| King, Thomas A. | _The Ox and   His Owner: the Law of Responsibility.    The Agony in Gethsemane._ The   Helper, vol. 15, no. 17 (Apr. 24, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| A Layman, \[pseud.\] | _The Last   Judgment and Second Coming of the Lord._ Philadelphia: The Swedenborg Publishing   Association, 1899.  55 p. \ | 57 |
| | _Die Lehre des neuen   Jerusalems von der Liebthätigkeit in Nachgelassenes Werk Emanuel   Swedenborg's._  Frankfurt   am Main: Verlag Neukirchlicher Schriften, 1880.  66 p. \[Köhler 6904\] | 58 |
| Mann, Charles H. | _From Saul to   David._  New Church Tracts, Popular   Series, no. 16. New York:   E. Hazzard Swinney, 1875.  12 p. | 59 |
| Mann, Charles H. | _Leading   Captivity Captive.  Feeding the Five   Thousand._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 1 (Jan. 2, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| Mann, Charles H. | _The   Immanence of the Kingdom    of God.  The Lord's Testimony to John._ The   Helper, vol. 14, no. 15 (Nov. 21, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Mann, Newton M. | _The New Heaven   and the Earth. _ Omaha: H. S. Mann, 1898.  28 p. | 60 |
| Mayhew, William H. | _The Lord's   Care in Old Age. The Early Christian Church._ The Helper, vol. 29, no. 2   (Jan. 8, 1902). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  15 p. | 52 |
| Mayhew, William H. | _Why Are We   Here? What Destiny Lies Before Us? The Triumphal Entry._ The Helper, vol.   15, no. 13 (Mar. 27, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| | _The New Church Almanac_ \\
Boston: Massachusetts New-Church Union. \\
1889 \\
1906 \\ | 61 |
| | _The New Jerusalem Church._ Boston:   T. H. Carter and Co., 1866.  27 p. | 62 |
| | _A Pamphlet for the Clergy.   The First Tract: The First Eleven Chapters of Genesis…_ \\
The Second Tract: A Tract for the American   People….\_ Philadelphia:   The Swedenborg Association, 1896.    64 p. | 64 |
| Ravlin, N. F. | _Progressive   Thought on Great Subjects._ Philadelphia:   The Swedenborg Publishing Association, n.d.    128 p. | 65 |
| Reed, James. | _From Death   to Life. The White House Under the Palms, an Easter Story,_ by Wm. L.   Worcester. The Helper, vol. 15, no. 14 (Apr. 3, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| Reed, James. | _What the New   Church Stands For._ The Helper, vol. 16, no. 4 (June 12, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H.   Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| Rendell, E. D. | _The Intermediate State; or, World of Spirits._ Philadelphia:   Swedenborg Publishing Association, n.d.    29 p. | 66 |
| Roeder, Adolph. | _John the   Baptist Beheaded._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 20 (Dec. 26, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H.   Alden.  17 p. | 52 |
| Saul, John. | _The Twelve   Gates of New Jerusalem._ Chicago:   Western New-Church Union, 1901.  19 p. | 67 |
| Sewall, Frank. | _A Reply to   Ingersoll. The Transfiguration._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 4 (Jan. 23,   1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Sewall, Frank. | _The Uses of   the Temple.   2. The Worship of the Holy Place.   3. The Holy of Holies. Peter and the Risen Lord._ The Helper, vol. 16, no.   3 (June 5, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  27 p. | 52 |
| Seward, S. S. | _The   Helpfulness of Spiritual Forces.    Opposition to the Lord._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 14 (Nov 14,   1894). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  19 p. | 52 |
| Smithson, J. H. | _Letters on   the Theology of the New Church Signified by the New Jerusalem._ 27{^}th^ American ed. New-Church Popular Series, no. 2. Philadelphia: The Swedenborg Publishing   Association, 1902.  230 p. | 68 |
| Smyth, Julian K. | _The Battle in the Valley of Elah. Zacchaeus the Publican._ The   Helper, vol. 15, no. 10 (Mar. 6, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Smyth, Julian K. | _A Cowardly   Warfare. Parable of the Talents._ The Helper, vol. 127 no. 5 (Jan. 30,   1901). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Smyth, Julian K. | _Laborers in   the Vineyard.  The Lord and the   Children._  The Helper, vol. 15, no.   5 (Jan. 30, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Smyth, Julian K. | _Robert Elsmere   and the Christian Faith._ Philadelphia:   The Swedenborg Publishing Association, 1889.    24 p. | 69 |
| Smyth, Julian K. | _The Strong   Man's House, or, the Power Over Evil.    The Living Bread._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 2 (Jan. 9, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H.   Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Smyth, Julian K. | _The Three   Days; or, the Law of the Resurrection. Saul of Tarsus Converted._ The   Helper, vol. 29, no. 13 (Mar. 26, 1902). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _The Doctrine   of the New Jerusalem Concerning the Lord as Revealed from Heaven._ New York: American   Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society, 1891.  158 p. | 70 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Doctrine of   the New Jerusalem Concerning the Sacred Scripture._ New York: American Swedenborg Printing and   Publishing Society, 1892. 139 p. | 71 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Doctrine of   the New Jerusalem Respecting the Sacred Scripture._ Boston: Otis Clapp, 1850.  84 p. | 72 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Doctrine of   the New Jerusalem Respecting the Sacred Scripture._ New York: Cooper Union, 1883.  86 p. | 73 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _The Heavenly   Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, As Revealed from Heaven, from the Latin of   Emanuel Swedenborg._ Cambridge:   Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, 1820. | 74 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Of the New   Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine, as Revealed from Heaven; to Which are   Prefixed Some Observations Concerning the New Heaven and the New Earth._  New     York: General Convention of the New Jerusalem in   the United States,   1864.  72 p. | 75 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _On the New   Jerusalem, and Its Heavenly Doctrine, According to What Has Been Heard from   Heaven: to Which is Prefixed Information Respecting the New Heaven and the   New Earth._ London:   Swedenborg Society, 1841. 155 p.  | 76 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Reasons for   Receiving the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church … Extracted from the   Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg._ London:   Missionary and Tract Society of the New Church, n.d.  18 p. | 77 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Summary of   the Contents of the True Christian Religion Containing the Universal Theology   of the New Church … a Translation of the Latin Work …Published in Amsterdam, 1771._ N.p., n.d. 25 p. | 78 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Swedenborg   on the Athanasian Creed._ Manchester:   M. Wardle, 1810. 174 p. | 79 |
| Swedenborg, Emanuel. | _Der   Verkehr zwischen Seele und Körper_, … Frankfurt   am  Main: Verlag neukirchlischer Schriften, 1880.  36 p. \[Köhler 6908\] | 80 |
| \\ | _Swedenborg's Theological   Works: Opinions of the Press._ N.p., n.d. 12 p. | 81 |
| Tafel, L. H. | _The End of   the World.  Watchfulness_. The   Helper, vol. 15, no. 15 (Apr. 10, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  23 p. | 52 |
| Tafel, L. H. | _The Second   Coming of the Lord.  The Lord's Supper._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 16 (Apr. 17, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  21 p. | 52 |
| | _The True Eclecticism._ Boston: T. H. Carter and Co., 1866.  \[5 p.\] | 62 |
| | _Verlags Katalog des Deutschen Swedenborgvereins in Stuttgart,   Mittelstr. 1._ N.p.,n.d. 4 p. \[Köhler 6927\] | 82 |
| | _Vom neuen Jerusalem und dessen himmlischen Lehre, aus   dem Himmelgehdret von Emanuel Swedenborg…. _ N.p., 1772.  136 p. | 83 |
| Wheeler, George S. | _The Blessing   of Sleep.  Come Unto Me._ The   Helper, vol. 15, no. 15 (Mar. 20, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  21 p. | 52 |
| Wheeler, George S. | _The Good Wine at the Last.  The Spiritual World and the Natural World._ \\
The Helper, vol. 14, no. 9 (Oct 10, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H.   Alden. 23 p. | 52 |
| Wheeler, George S. | _The Unpardonable Sin: What Is It? Profanation,_ by   Emanuel Swedenborg. _The Good Samaritan._ The Helper, vol. 15, no. 6   (Feb. 6, 1895).  Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  22 p. | 52 |
| | _Who Was Swedenborg and What are His Writings?_ New York: American  Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society, n.d.  21 p. | 84 |
| Wilkins, John H. | _Letters on Subjects Connected with the History and Transactions of the General Convention of the New Jerusalem in America._ Boston: Otis Clapp, 1841.  51 p. | 85 |
| Worcester, Thomas. | \_Sermons, Illustrative of the Influence of a Life   According to the Commandments on   Our Idea of the Character of the Lord.  _Boston: Cummings, Hilliard & Co., 1824.  84 p. | 86 |
| Worcester, William L. | _The Bible   and the Lord.  Our Choice of   Subjects.  Purity of Life._ The   Helper, vol. 15, no. 11 (Mar. 13, 1895). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Worcester, William L. | _Wings Like a   Dove. The Stoning of Stephen._ The Helper, vol. 29, no. 8 (Feb. 19, 1902).   Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  17 p. | 52 |
| | _Words for the New Church, a Serial Controlled by the   Academy of the New Church._ Philadelphia, Published for the Academy of   the New Church by J. B. Lippincott & Co. \\
II. State   of the Christian World (1878) \\
IV. Science and Philosophy   (1879) \\
VI. Science and Philosophy, Part   III. (1879) \\ | 87 |
| Wright, T. F. | _Dwelling   With the Most High. The Ten Commandments._ The Helper, vol. 16, no. 6   (June 26, 1895). Philadelphia:   Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |
| Wright, T. F. | _Words for the Close of   Life. Borrowing Oil.  The Twelve Chosen._ The Helper, vol. 14, no. 12 (Oct 31, 1894). Philadelphia: Wm. H. Alden.  24 p. | 52 |