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|| \# || Author || Title || Year ||
| 1 | Rüegg | Die Beziehungen Calvins zur züricherischen   Kirche | 1909 |
| 2 | G.W. Musgrave | A brief exposition and vindication of the doctrine of the divine decrees,   as taught in the Assembly's larger catechism | 1842 |
| 3 | Peter Barth | Calvin | 1931 |
| 4 | Hanns Rückert | Calvin | |
| 5 | G. Reichel | Calvin als Unionsmann | 1909 |
| 6 | | Calvin and Calvinism: addresses | 1864 |
| 7 | Ephraim Emerton | Calvin and Servetus | |
| 8 | Karl Müller | Calvins Bekehrung | 1905 |
| 9 | C.A. Witz-Oberlin | Calvin der Unionsmann | 1910 |
| 10 | Hans von Schubert | Calvin, Rede | 1909 |
| 11 | | Calvin; his character, his theology, his influence on Knox and Scotland,   and misrepresentations of him: Papers | 1864 |
| 12 | D. Arnold | Calvin; Rede bei der vierhundertjährigen Wiederkehr seines Geburtstages | 1909 |
| 13 | J.M. Compton and Walter Pine | Calvinism and Arminianism contrasted by the light of divine revelation | 1855 |
| 14 | G. Doolittle | Calvinism exposed, or a series of questions concerning the doctrines   promulgated by a class of people called Calvinists, answered by quotations   from the highest authority | 1829 |
| 15 | Thomas M. Harris | Calvinism vindicated | 1860 |
| 16 | Anthony Froude | Calvinism: an address | 1871 |
| 17 | Ph. Bridel | Calvinisme selon m. Kuyper | 1903 |
| 18 | John Andrews Harris | Calvinistic doctrine of election and reprobation: no part of St. Paul's   teachings | 1890 |
| 19 | H. Krummacher | Calvins Beziehungen zu Deutschland | |
| 20 | Benjamin B. Warfield | Calvin's doctrine of the trinity | 1909 |
| 21 | John T. McNeill | Calvin's efforts toward the consolidation of Protestantism | 1928 |
| 22 | Hermann Strathmann | Calvins Lehre von der Busse in ihrer späteren Gestalt | 1909 |
| 23 | Theodor Werdermann | Calvins Lehre von der Kirche | 1909 |
| 24 | Herbert Darling Foster | Calvin's programme for a puritan state in Geneva, 1536-1541 | 1908 |
| 25 | August Lang | Drei neue Calvin-Biographien | 1936 |
| 26 | Lothar Binde | Frage der Gotteserkenntnis bei Calvin dargestellt auf Grund der   Institutio religionis christianae von 1559 | 1932 |
| 27 | Howard Crosby | The good and evil of Calvinism | |
| 28 | G. Friederici | Grundlegung der Vereinigten Staaten vor 300 Jahren | 1920 |
| 29 | Jacques Pannier | Histoire de la maison de Calvin | |
| 30 | A. Eekhof | Hoe heeft Calvijn over Luther gedacht? | 1918 |
| 31 | Scott F. Hershey | Is Calvinism doomed? | 1890 |
| 32 | | Jean Calvin: pensées sur le saint-esprit | 1936 |
| 33 | Samuel Eck | Johann Calvin | 1909 |
| 34 | A. Baur | Johann Calvin | 1909 |
| 35 | Carl Wirbt | Johannes Calvin; Rede, gehalten bei   der Calvinfeier der reformierten Gemeinde in Braunschweig 8. Juni 1909 | |
| 36 | Benjamin B. Warfield | John Calvin, the man and his work | 1909 |
| 37 | David R. Kerr | John Calvin: his influence on   literature and civil and ecclesiastical society throughout the world | |
| 38 | Benjamin B. Warfield | The literary history of Calvin's Institutes | 1899 |
| 39 | | La maison de Calvin (Calvin memorial) à Noyon | 1925 |
| 40 | William W. Fenn | The marrow of Calvin's theology | |
| 41 | N. Weiss | Un portrait de la femme de Calvin | 1907 |
| 42 | August Lang | Die Quellen der Institutio von 1546 | 1936 |
| 43 | Edw. Smyth | Scripture and Calvinism at variance | 1818 |
| 44 | th. Adolf Zahn | Studien über Johannes Calvin | 1894 |
| 45 | W.D. Killen | The Unitarian martyr; a defence of John Calvin in the case of Michael   Servetus | 1854 |
| 46 | Josef Bohatec | War die Kirchenverfassung Calvins demokratisch? | 1921 |
| 47 | K. Mulot | Wilhelm Farel, der Reformator der französischen Schweiz, I-II | 1908 |
| 48 | K. Mulot | Wilhelm Farel, der Reformator der französischen Schweiz, III-V | 1908 |
| 49 | Aug. Dorner | Zu A. Kuypers 'Reformation wider Revolution' | 1905 |
| 50 | Karl Heinrich Cornill | Zu Johannes Calvins Gedächtnis | 1909 |
| 51 | Friedrich Loofs | Zum Gedächtnis Calvins | 1910 |
| 52 | G. Ficker | Zur neuesten Calvinliteratur | 1908 |
| 53 | | Zürcher Calvin-Feier im Grossmünster am 4. Juli | 1909 |