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Drew University Library 19th Century Collection

Mormonism Pamphlet Collection

Finding List





Part 1:  General

Catalogue of a Matchless Collection of Books, Pamphlets, Autographs, Pictures, &c. Relating to Mormonism and the Mormons.  The 10 Years' Gatherings of Charles L. Woodward. To Be Sold at Vendue, Jan. 19, 1880 … New York.  Bibliothica-Scallawagiana.  N.p., n.d.  50 p.


Catalogue of Books, Early Newspapers, and Pamphlets, on Mormonism.  Collected by
 the Late Mr. William Berrian. New York: V. H. Everson Print, n.d.  48 p.


Catalogue of New, Old, Rare Books Including a Fine Collection of Rare Books on
Mormonism … Selected from the Stock of Callahan's Old Book Store, Salt Lake City.  N.p., n.d.  29 p.   2 copies


Gulch, Moritz.
Geschichte der Mormonen. Leipzig: Verlag von Ambrosius Abel, 1870.  444 p.


Schlagintweit, Robert von.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="134e096c-2a32-4baf-9183-54e26559b5ed"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Die Mormonen, oder die Heiligen vom Jüngsten Tage von ihrer Entstehung bis auf die Gegenwort. Zweite, mit einer ausführlichen Schilderung des "Bergwissen-Gemetzels" vermehrte Ausgabe_._  Cöln und Leipzig: Eduard Heinrich Mayer, 1878.  318 p.  [Köhler 6774]



Wolff, D. E. W.
Geschiedenis van den Oorsprong en de Lotgevallen der Mormonen. Amsterdam: W. H. Kirberger, 1855.  242 p.


Part 2:  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


Der Abfall vom ursprünglichen Vangelium und dessen Biederherstellung! Leipzig:
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="f4628277-73a8-42d4-9768-15da07a0e75d"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[T. V. Röder, n.d.  15 p.   [Köhler 6786a]



Adressen der gemeinde-Lokale der Deutsch-Österreichischen Mission und der
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="2ac43f70-09f7-4651-b113-873813af2aba"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[ Schweizerisch-Deutschen Mission der Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der letzten Tage.  Basel: Bureau der Schweizerisch-Deutschen Mission, 1926.  6 p.  [Köhler 6755a]



Allen, Robert K.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="210c0295-787e-4868-b3cc-94374890e5fb"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Warum bin ich Mormone und was habe ich an meinem Glauden gefunden? N.p., 1930.  15 leaves.  [Köhler 6755]



Anderson, James H.
The Latter-Day Saints. Their Religion, History, Condition and Destiny. Salt Lake City: Bureau of Information and Church Literature, 1904.  64 p.


Bennion, Adam S.
Was es heisst, ein Mormone zu sein. Basel: Friedrich Reinhardt, 1925.  137 p.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="c5af4d03-d76a-43ab-9e1f-f6a95a16360e"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[[Köhler 6756]



Cannon, Hugh T.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="c455372c-9cd0-4f27-bfae-8b932df6720d"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Liebe Brüder, was soll ich tun, dass ich Selig werde? Eine kurze Erklärung der für jeden Menschen zur Seligkeit notwendigen Grundsätze des evangeliums Jesu Christi.  Heft 2. Zürich: Serge T. Ballif, 1908.  16 p.  [Köhler 6786d]



Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
 Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Salt Lake City: Deseret Sunday School Union, 1878. 1 leaf.


Coyner, John M.
Letters on Mormonism. Salt Lake City, Utah: Tribune Printing and Publishing Co., 1879.  24 p.  2 copies


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="0f545726-fffb-4a03-9e22-a8ddc4384772"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

Erlösung für die Toten. Berlin: H. Dusedann, 1901.  15 p.  [Köhler 6786e]



Flanigan, J. H.
Mormonism Triumphant! Truth Vindicated, Lies Refuted, the Devil Mad, and Priestcraft in Danger!!!, Being a Reply to Palmer's Internal Evidence Against the Book of Mormon.   Liverpool: R. James, 1849.  32 p.


A Forcible Appeal to True Americans. An editorial from the Inter-Mountain  Republican, Dec. 31, 1906.  Salt Lake City: Bureau of Information, 1907. 8 p.


The Graphic. Dec. 9, 1871.  4 p.



Grant, Heber T.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="6fc8770e-1473-43b9-91c5-5eebc584daea"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Die Stärte der Mormonenkirche, ein Blick auf ihre Geschichte, Prüfungen, Reisen, ihren Glauben, ihre Leiftungen, ihren Plan für die Zukunft. Unsprache....  Kansas City, Missouri, 1920.  23 p.  [Köhler 6761]



Grant, J. M.
The Truth for the Mormons: Three Letters to the New York Herald, March 9, 1852. Salt Lake City, 1852. 64 p.


Haws, Albert.
Sabbatarian Theories a Delusion. San Francisco: John Partridge, 1899. 113 p.


Is Baptism Essential To Salvation? Atlanta: Missions of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints, n.d. 8 p.



Jacques John.
Catechism for Children, Exhibiting the Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  Salt Lake City, Utah: The Deseret News Co., 1888.  92 p.


Lamb, M. T.
Book of Mormon: Is It From God? Lectures Delivered in the First Baptist Church, Salt Lake City, Utah.  Salt Lake City: The Salt Lake Herald Job Department, 1885.  125 p.


The Latter-Day Saints' Millennial Star.
Vol. 14, no. 31 (Sep. 25, 1852) – vol. 14,  no. 39 (Nov. 20, 1852); Vol. 62, no. 52 (Dec. 27, 1900)


London Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Half-Yearly Report of the London Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints … London ... June 5th and 6th, 1852.  Notting Hill: J. B. Franklin, n.d.  8 p.


<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="0e43c008-a48a-48d1-97d7-0512af3e95cf"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[

[Lum, Dyer D.]
Utah and Its People: Facts and Statistics Bearing on the "Mormon Problem." New York: R. O. Ferrier & Co., 1882.  47 p.


Meakin, John P.
Uplifting Thoughtful Articles: "A Resident of Salt Lake City Since 1869." N.p., n.d.  31 p.  2 copies.


Morgan, John.
Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints: Its Faith and Teachings. Chattanooga, Tenn.: Latter Day Saint Publications, n.d.  24 p.


Mormon Expositor.
Vol. 1, no. 1.  Salt Lake City, n.d.  4 p.  2 copies.



"Mormon" Women's Protest: An Appeal for Freedom, Justice and Equal Rights.  Full  Account of Proceedings of the Great Mass Meeting, March 6, 1886. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Co., 1886.  91 p.


Musser, A. Milton.
The Fruits of "Mormonism," by Non-"Mormon" Witnesses. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Steam Printing Establishment, 1878.  25 p.


Penrose, Charles W.
“Mormon" Doctrine Plain and Simple, or, Leaves from the Tree of Life. Salt Lake City: Juvenile Instructor Office, 1882. 72 p.


Penrose, Charles W.
Rays of Living Light on the One Way of Salvation. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Deseret News, 1904.  85 p.


Penrose, Charles W.
Salt Lake City Through a Camera. What the Mormons Believe.  Liverpool: Millennial Star Office, William A. Morton, n.d.  28, 44 p.


Pratt, Orson.
New Jerusalem, or, The Fulfilment of Modern Prophecy. Liverpool: B. James, 1849. 24 p.


Pratt, Parley P.
Eine Stimme der Warnung und Belehrun für alle Völker.  Berlin: Hermann Dusedann, 1901.  144 p.


Rich, B. G.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="ca213b24-fa3c-4464-921f-ada435e2bbe4"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Wo ist das wahre Evangelium? Ein in Gegenwart mehrerer Personen sich entwickelndes Gespräch zwischen einem Mormonen-Missioner, einem Pfarrer und einem Reisenden. Berlin: Redaktion des "Stern," 1902.  16 p.  [Köhler 6786c]



Roberts, B. H.
Mormonism, Its Origin and History. The Relation of the Church to Christian Sects. Salt Lake City: Published by the Church; Deseret News Print, n.d.  68 p.


Schulthess, Arnold H.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="44f2d6ad-5ed1-4a37-98f3-40e121948942"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Liebe Brüder, was soll ich thun, dass ich selig werde? Berlin: Hugh T. Cannon, n.d.  16 p.  [Köhler 6786b]



Smith, Isaac M.
The Book of Mormon Vindicated. N.p., n.d.  115 p.


Smith, Joseph, and Taylor, John.
Items of Church History, the Government of God, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Salt Lake City: Jos. Hyrum Parry & Co., 1886.  32 p.


Smith, Joseph.
The Prophet Joseph Smith Tells His Own Story. A Brief History of the Early Visions of the Prophet and the Rise and Progress of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Chattanooga, Tenn.: The Southern States Mission, 1838.  32 p.


Smith, T. C.
The Credentials of the Book of Mormon and Mormonism: A Critical Study.  No. 1. Denver, Colorado: Rev. T. V. Smith, D.D., August, 1912.


Stillman, James W.
The Constitutional and Legal Aspect of the Mormon Question; Speech … in Science Hall, Boston, Mass., April 2d, 1882. Boston: Stillman & Co., 1882.  24 p.


Stillman, James W.
The Mormon Questions. An Address … Delivered in Boston on Feb. 12, 1884. Boston: J. P. Mendum, 1884.  40 p.


Talmage, James E.
"The Book of Mormon": An Account of Its Origin, With Evidences of Its Genuineness and Authenticit: Two Lectures.  New York: Eastern States Mission, 1899.  47 p.


Taylor, John, and Cannon, George Q.
An Epistle of the First Presidency, to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, in General Conference Assembled.  Read April 6th, 1886, at the Fifty-Sixth General Annual Conference Held at Provo, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah: The Deseret News Co., 1886.  19 p.


Thomas, R. M. Bryce.
My Reasons for Leaving the Church of England and Joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Salt Lake City, Utah: Bureau of Information and Church Literature, 1906.  30 p.


Warum Ich ein Mormone bin. Der Stern, Vol. 53, no. 14 (July 14, 1925). Oberbad:
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="3bbca3a1-bd67-47df-938d-e8c77618c0eb"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Volksblatt Lörrach, 1925.  22 p.  [Köhler 6785] 2 copies.



Part 3: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ: There Are Many Churches of Men; Only One Church of  Christ. Where Is It? How Shall I Know It? No. 209. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, n.d.  18 p.


The Church of Jesus Christ. Where Is It – How Shall I Know It; There are Many Churches of Men; Only One Church of Christ. No. 209. Lamoni, Iowa: Board
of Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1908.  18 p.


Cooper, F. M.
Teachings in Contrast.  No. 208. Lamoni, Iowa: Board of Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1908.  17 p.


Etzenhouser, Elder R.
The Book of Mormon and Its Translator. Archaeological and Historical Evidences. Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, 1899.  27 p.


Etzenhouser, R.
The Books and Utah Mormonism in Contrast. Prepared While Laboring in Utah in 1893.  Revised 1897. Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, 1908.  52 p.


Etzenhouser, R.
A Creed or Catechism Examined.  Involving Fatal Errors of All Creeds. Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, 1896.  23 p.


Etzenhouser, R.
The Three Bibles. Scholarship and Inspiration Compared: an Arrangement in Parallel Columns of Prominent Passages from the King James' and Revised Versions of the Bible, As Well As the Holy Scripture, Translated By Inspiration Through Joseph Smith. 4th ed.  Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, 1903. 61 p.


Etzenhouser, R.
The Whole Gospel Briefly Set Forth. No 306. Lamoni, Iowa: Board of Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1908.  28 p.


Evans, R. C.
The Book of Mormon: Evidences of Its Divinity.  Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  32 p.


Evans, R. C.
Joseph Smith: Was He a Prophet of God? Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  32 p.


Fry, Charles.
Twelve Reasons Why I Believe the Book of Mormon.  Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  31 p.


Gurley, Zenos H.
The Legal Succession of Joseph Smith, Son of Joseph Smith the Martyr:  Sermon by Zenos H. Gurley, Reported by Edwin Stafford.  Plano, Ill.: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, n.d.  8 p.


Hanson, Paul M.
The Apostolic Office. No. 303. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1908.  24 p.


Hanson, Paul M.
A Glimpse at the Government of God by a Latter Day Saint. Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  29 p.


Hunt, C. J.
The Opinions of Sixty-Five Leading Ministers and Bible Commentators on Isaiah 29:11-24, and Ezekiel 37:15-20.  Lamoni, Iowa: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, n.d.  56. p.


Kelley, E. L.
Equality.  No. 309. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, n.d.  15 p.


Kelley, E. L.
Evidence of the Authorized Minister; or, Who is in the Way of Salvation? Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, 1908.  23 p.


Luce, Amante.
Distinguishing Doctrines of the Utah Mormon Church Examined.  Eternity of the Marriage Covenant.  No. 300. Lamoni, Iowa: Board of Publications of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1908.  14 p.


Luff, Joseph.
Is Water Baptism Essential to Salvation? Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  8 p.


The "Manuscript Found," or "Manuscript Story" of the Late Rev. Solomon Spaulding;  from a Verbatim Copy of the Original….  Lamoni, Iowa: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1885.  144 p.


Order of Evangelists.
The Patriarchate, the Calling and Duties of Patriarchs Considered and Defended, As Set Forth by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, n.d.  51 p.


Peterson, J. W.
Reasons Why; Shall We Hear Them? Rev. Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  30 p.


Peterson, J. W.
Salvation by Faith. Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  16 p.


Peterson, J. W.
Who Was Joseph Smith?  Was He a False Prophet? Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  36 p.


Phillips, A. B.
The Book of Mormon Verified.  Established by Forty Eminent Archeologists and Authors.  No. 231. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1908.  44 p.


Rannie, Edward.
The Church of Jesus Christ.  Independence, Mo.: Ensign Publishing House, n.d.  26 p.


Rannie, Edward E., comp.
Marvelous Manifestations of God's Power in the Latter Days. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1908.  20 p.


Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="e03569f6-29ca-4e69-819a-a7b1d250e1ea"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Minutes of General Conference …; Supplement to Saints' Herald, Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa. [Lamoni, Iowa: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1910-1915. 



Rushton, J. W.
Apostasy and Restoration. No. 301. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1908.  20 p.


Sheldon, Thomas Jennings.
How to Enter the Kingdom.  No. 15. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, n.d.  6 p.


Smith, Heman C.
Duplicity Exposed. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, n.d.  14 p.


Smith, Heman C.
The Factions on Polygamy and Spiritual Wifery.  No. 30. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, n.d.  10 p.


Smith, Heman C.
The Truth Defended, or, A Reply to Elder D. H. Bays' "Doctrines and Dogmas of Mormonism." Lamoni, Iowa: Board of Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1901. 241 p.


Smith, Heman C.
Was Joseph Smith a Polygamist? No. 26. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1899.  16 p.


Smith, Joseph.
Plural Marriage in America. A Critical Examination. No. 3. Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1903.  39 p.


Tucker, D. E.
The True Way is the Gospel Way.  No. 307. Lamoni, Iowa: Board of Publication of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1908.  12 p.


Visions of Joseph Smith the Seer; Discoveries of Ancient American Records and  Relics, with the Statements of Dr. Lederer (Converted Jew) and Others. Lamoni, Iowa: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, n.d.  68 p.


What We Believe.  Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, Reorganized Church of  Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, n.d.  7 p.


Which Is the Church? Jesus Christ Established But One Visible Church! No. 32. 
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="33e09af2-c6e1-47e0-9e19-3f487e4efc9c"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Lamoni, Iowa: Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, n.d.  4 p. [photocopy on 4 leaves]



Why I Believe the Book of Mormon.  No. 302. Lamoni, Iowa: Board of Publications of  the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 1908.  16 p.


Wight, J. W.
The Legal Successor in the Presidency of the Church.  The Gospel Banner, Vol. 5, no. 2 (June 1898). Independence, Mo.: Ensign Pub. House, 1898.  42 p.


Williams, T. W.
The Latter-Day Saints: Who Are They? Lamoni, Iowa: Herald Publishing House, 1903. 20 p.


Part 4:            Anti-Mormon

Bruner, R. T.
The Evils of Mormonism and How to Meet Them. Owensboro, Ky., Geo. H. Cox, 1899.  27 p.


Bullock, A. M.
Mormonisn and the Mormons: an Epitome.  Menasha, Wis.: The Breeze Printing Co., 1898.  48 p.


Burrows, J. C.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="54a15189-ef95-41a2-aa2e-c3ed6ace2b52"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Reed Smoot: Report [from the Committee on Privileges and Elections]. 59th Congress, 1st Session, Senate, Report 4253, Part 1.  N.p., 1906.  32 p.



Call, Lamoni.
200 Changes in the Book of Mormon. Bountiful, Utah: Lamoni Call, 1898.  128 p.


Campbell, Wm. R.
The Evans Bill, and How the Mormon Governor "Sympathizes" with and Would "Shield" Polygamists. New York City: Willett Press, n.d.  8 p.


Capron, Mr.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="9ef54c2f-de2f-4e25-8990-78830dc6f532"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Amendments to the Constitution Prohibiting Polygamy, Etc. Report [from the Committee on Election of President, Vice-President and Representatives in Congress].  55th Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives, Report No. 2307 (To Accompany H. Res. 354).  N.p., 1899.  16 p.



Capron, Mr.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="a6f99cfa-9176-4929-b3d7-69d5fcbeedb8"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Joint Resolution Proposing Amendments to the Constitution Prohibiting Polygamy Within the United States and All Places Subject to Their Jurisdiction, and Disqualifying Polygamists for Election as Senators or Representatives in Congress. 55th Congress, 3d Session, House of Representatives, H. Res. 354 [Report no. 2307].  N.p., 1899. 4 p.



Chamberlain, Leander T.
Mormonism and Polygamy: An Address Delivered in the Broadway Church, Norwich, Conn., Feb. 19, 1882. N.p., 1882.  21 p.  2 copies.


Coyner, J. M., comp.
Hand-Book on Mormonism. Salt Lake City: Hand-Book Publishing Co., 1882.  96 p.  2 copies.


Davies, Richard.
Mormonism Unmasked; Being a Statement of Facts Relating to the Self-Styled "Latter Day Saints" and the Book of Mormon, Compiled from Well Authenticated Records.  Burnley: J. Clegg, n.d.  24 p.


Eaton, Mrs. Horace.
Mormonism. N.p., n.d.  4 p.


Eaton, John.
The Mormons of To-Day: A Series of Articles from "The Christian Herald."  Washington, D.C., 1897. 34 p.


Eaton, John.
The Mormons of To-Day: A Series of Articles from "The Christian Herald." 2d ed. N.p., 1898. 40 p.


Fernhagel, D. T.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="19c401d6-c314-41f3-a054-22405af8d661"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Die Wahrheit über das Mormonenthum; Blätter aus Utah. Zürich: Verlags-Magazin, 1889. 111 p.  [Köhler 6759]



Hale, Wilfred S.
Mormon Doctrines Analyzed and Their Errors Demonstrated in the Light of the Holy Scriptures. Albany, N.Y.: Wilfred S. Hale, 1904. 18 p.


Hayden, F. L.
The Mormonism of To-Day with Quotations from the Works of the Church. Kearney, Neb.: C. Littlefield, n.d.  18 p.


Helmick, Daniel M.
Claims of the Book of Mormon Critically Examined. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1906.  24 p.


Kearns, Thomas.
<ac:structured-macro ac:name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="d2cd03bf-c887-4a03-94fc-497d9624aaab"><ac:plain-text-body><![CDATA[Conditions in Utah: Speech of Hon. Thomas Kearns of Utah in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, February 28, 1905 [on Polygamous Marriages and Plural Cohabitation]. Washington, D.C., 1905. 14 p.



Lamb, M. T.
The Mormons and Their Bible. Philadelphia: The Griffith and Rowland Press, 1901.  152 p.


Landis, Charles B.
The Roberts Case: Speech of Hon. Charles B. Landis of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, January 24, 1900. Washington, 1900. 18 p.


Lewis, Alfred Henry.
A Word With You About 'The Mormon Menace'. New York: Home Protection Publishing Co., 1905.  11 p.


McMillan, Henry G.
The Inside of Mormonism: a Judicial Examination of the Endowment Oaths Administered in All the Mormon Temples, by the U.S. District Court for the Third Judicial District of Utah, to Determine Whether Membership in the Mormon Church is Consistent with Citizenship in the United States.  Salt Lake City: Utah Americans, 1903. 93 p.  2 copies


McNiece, R. G.
Present Aspects of Mormonism. Social Service Leaflets, Series D: Anti-Mormon.  New York City: League for Social Service, 1899.  14 p. 2 copies


Mormon Doctrine Carefully Considered in the Light of the Holy Scriptures and Other  Truth. 4th ed., rev. Cleveland, O.: The Utah Gospel Mission, 1905.  48 p.


La Mormona.   (Sep. 1901).  8 p. 2 copies.


Murphy, Wildman.
What the Mormons Teach.  New York: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings. 16 p.  2 copies.


Neal, R. B.
Oliver Cowdry's Defence and Renunciation. Anti-Mormon Tracts, no. 9.  N.p.: Ashland Independent Publishing Co. Print, 1906.  24 p.


Neal, R. B.
Smithianity; or Mormonism Refuted by Mormons. Anti-Mormon Tracts, no. 2.  Cincinnati, O.: Christian Leader Print, 1898.  32 p.


Neal, R. B.
Smithianity; or Mormonism Refuted by Mormons, Part II. Anti-Mormon Tracts, no. 4. Salem, Ky: The Church of Christ, 1899.  31 p.


Neal, R. B.
Smithianity; or Mormonism Refuted by Mormons: Booth's Bombs.  Anti-Mormon Tracts, no. 6.  Cincinnati, O.: Christian Leader Print, 1901.  62 p.


Neal, R. B.
The Stick of Ephraim vs. The Bible of the Western Continent; or, The Manuscript Found vs. The Book of Mormon. Anti-Mormon Tracts, no. 3.  Cincinnati, O.: Christian Leader Print, 1899.  31 p.


Neal, R. B.
The Stick of Ephraim vs. The Bible of the Western Continent; or, The Manuscript Found vs. The Book of Mormon. Part II. Anti-Mormon Tracts, no. 5.  N.p., 1899.  19 p.


Nimmo, Joseph, Jr.
The Mormon Usurpation: An Open Letter Addressed to the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives. Huntington, L.I., N.Y.: "The Long-Islander" Print, 1886.  55 p.


Noble, F. A.
The Mormon Iniquity: A Discourse Delivered Before the New West Education Commission in the First Congregational Church, Sunday Evening, Nov. 2, 1884. Chicago: Jameson & Morse, 1884. 20 p.


Nutting, John D., and McMillan, D. J.
Articles of Faith of the "Latter-Day Saints" With Mormon Explanations. New York City: League for Social Service, n.d.  14 p.  2 copies.


Nutting, John D., ed.
Incidents and Anecdotes Illustrating Mormonism. Cleveland, Ohio: Utah Gospel Mission, 1912.  24 p.


Nutting, John D.
Present Day Mormonism and Its Remedy. Cleveland, Ohio: Utah Gospel Mission, 1904.  20 p.  2 copies


Nutting, John D.
The True Mormon Doctrine. Cleveland, Ohio: Utah Gospel Mission, 1901.  12 p.


Nutting, John D.
Why I Could Never Be a Mormon. Cleveland, Ohio: Utah Gospel Mission, 1911.  27 p.  2 copies.


Osborn, A. C.
The Mormon Doctrine of God and Heaven: An Address Delivered Before the Baptist Ministers' Conference of South Carolina, November, 1898. Nashville, Tenn.: Sunday School Board Southern Baptist Convention, 1899.  63 p.


Our Work in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona and the East, During 1911; Being the  Story of the Utah Gospel Mission of Cleveland, … with Anecdotes from the Field, Publications, List of Officers, etc. Cleveland, Ohio: Utah Gospel Mission, 1912.  24 p.


Paden, W. M., et al.
In the Matter of Reed Smoot, Senator-Elect from the State of Utah: Protest of Citizens…. Salt Lake City, Utah: 1903.  64 p.  2 copies.


Patterson, Robert.
Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? Reprinted from the Illustrated History of Washington County. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co., 1882.  16 p.


The Latter Day Saints of Mephistopheles. Washington, D.C., 1905.  12 p.


Reasoner, Calvin.
Church and State: the Issue of Civil and Religious Liberty in Utah. A Testimonial in Behalf of Civil Liberty and the American State as Separate From the Church, and Dedicated to the Friends of Freedom and True Progress in Utah and Elsewhere. Salt Lake City, 1896.  139 p.


Reasons Why Brigham H. Roberts Should Be Expelled from the U. S. Congress. Social Service Leaflets, Series D: Anti-Mormon. New York City: League for Social Service, n.d.  14 p.


Schroeder, A. T.
The Case of Senator Smoot, an Academic Discussion. Reprinted from The Truth Seeker.  New York City, 1905.  20 p.


Schroeder, A.T.
The Origin of the Book of Mormon, Re-Examined in its Relation to Spaulding's "Manuscript Found." Salt Lake City: Salt Lake Ministerial Association, 1901.  56 p.  2 copies


Schroeder, A. T.
Some Facts Concerning Polygamy.  Salt Lake City: A. T. Schroeder, 1898.  24 p.  2 copies


Schroeder, A. T.
Thoughts on the Mormon Problem and Its Solution. Salt Lake City: A. T. Schroeder, 1900.  25 p.  2 copies


Seibel, George.
The Mormon Problem, the Story of the Latter-Day Saints, with an Exposé of Their Beliefs and Practices. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh Printing Co., 1899. 88 p.


Sheldon, Henry C.
A Fourfold Test of Mormonism: Failure of Pro-Mormon Apology to Impair the Test.  New York: Abingdon Press, 1916.  39 p.


The Situation in Utah: the Discussions of the Christian Convention Held in Salt Lake City, Utah, April, 1888. Salt Lake City: Parsons, Kendall & Co., 1888.  130 p.


Stanton, W. A.
Three Important Movements: Campbellism, Mormonism, and Spiritualism. Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society, 1907.  48 p.


Strong, Josiah.
Political Aspects of Mormonism.  Social Service Leaflets, Series D: Anti-Mormon. New York City: League for Social Service, 1898.  14 p.


Utah Commission.
Report of the Utah Commission to the Secretary of the Interior, for the Year 1887. Salt Lake City: Tribune Print., 1887.  72 p.


Utah Gospel Mission.
Annual of the Utah Gospel Mission of Cleveland for 1920.  Part I: Our Work During 1919. Part II: News of Mormon Activity. Cleveland: Utah Gospel Mission, n.d.  16 p.


Utah Statehood: Reasons Why It Should Not Be Granted. Salt Lake City: Tribune
 Print, 1887.  16 p.


Wake, Richard.
Protest Against the Proposed Election to the United States Senate of Reed Smoot, the Mormon Apostle. N.p., n.d.  4 p.  2 copies


Wanted, a Gideon's Band!  Cleveland: Utah Gospel Mission, n.d.  6 p.


Weiffenbach, Eugen.
Der Mormonismus. Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham, 1907. 72 p.


Willing, Jennie Fowler.
On American Soil, or Mormonism the Mohammedanism of the West. Louisville, Ky.: Pickett Publishing Co., 1906.  94 p.


Wood, E. M.
Mormonism: Should It Be Protected? Pittsburgh, Pa.: Joseph Horner Book Co., 1903.  15 p.  2 copies


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