Note: The University Archivist reserves the right to restrict any confidential information.

The format of this inventory differs from others, as this is a large accession with many different items that are not yet in archival boxes. 

FolderEnglish Reformation - Bard Thompson1974-1975Used 1st semester 1976-1977
FolderMore English Reformation Material1974-1976Likely included in the above folder
Folder (Others Inside)On The Dignity of Man Materials----
Green FolderR.+R. Class Readings----Likely for Renaissance and Reformation class
Spiral Bound VolumeThe Treatise of Lorenzo Valla on the Donation of Constantine----
Black BinderNotes----A compilation of notes about the Middle Ages through the Renaissance and Reformation
Black BinderA Select Bibliography of The History of Christian Worship----
Black BinderA Select Bibliography for Ancient and Medieval Christianity----
Green Box #1Pamphlets and Booklets about Christianity/Church/Medieval, Reactance, and Reformation History1948-1961

"A Pleasant Dialogue" - Anthony Gillby----

"Some Note on Apostolic Tradition of St. Hypolitus" - Bard Thompson1950Note from family: "Paper during graduate studies. Conversation for publication (Union?) at the end."

Misc. Writings1974Note from family: "Bard saved these writings, no doubt for personal use..."

Papers from Students1967From Kenneth E. Rowe, Andrew C. Harvey, and James J. Nichols

"The Master Collection of Books of Common Prayer"1970sBinder

Booklet from the Calvin Jubilee Service1959Note from family: "This was a happy occasion for Bard..."

Envelopes with Writings and Sermons???? - 2013
Green Box #2: Renaissance and Reformation"Manuscript for Lectures on Renaissance and Reformation"----Note from the family indicates, became his Humanists and Reformers book

Original Copy of Renaissance and Reformation1984Printed by Drew, originally as a textbook for Thompson's class

Handouts for Renaissance and Reformation Class----
Green Box #3Writings of Will Herberg1944-1959Note from the family mentions that Thompson was an admired Herberg's work
Blue Box #1: Vanderbilt EmoryEncounter - Lancaster Storefront1964-1965Envelope; Includes photo

Newspaper Clippings and Papers from the Lancaster Theological Seminary1964-1993

Important Coverage of Vanderbilt Tenure - The Lawson Affair1960Envelope
White Box #1Thompson Photo Copy [Edited Copy by BTT]06/1995Early copy of Renaissance and Reformation
FolderReformation Lecture1985
FolderDean Thompson's Comprehensive Exams1981-1986
FolderReadings in the Continental Reformation----
FolderTexts - History of Christian Worship----
FolderLuther Seminar1982-1986
FolderLuther Seminar Supplemental1982-1986
FolderRenaissance and Reformation1987
FolderEnglish Reformation1986
Green Box #4: Assorted PamphletsSpecial Pamphlets [Including Will Herberg, Kenneth E. Rowe, and early Thompson Paper - graded]1948-1973Folder; According to note from family, some of the pamphlets are written by those very close to Thompson and are to be kept separate from others

Additional Special Pamphlets1950-1966Folder

Center of Theological Inquiry Papers [Ronald Frye, Paul Ramsey, etc.]1986-1987Folder
Green Box #5: Source Materials - Renaissance and ReformationSelected Readings, Maps, and Interpretations of Presco Cycles----Also used for his Renaissance and Reformation Class
Kodak Carousel Box #1Misc. Slides1975No description; Papers inside are illegible, but may contain one
Bankers Box #1: VaticanBox of Misc. Slides----"Athleta" Box; Seems to be slides from a trip to Europe [Spain, England, France, etc.]. Includes art postcards and photos of tourist attractions and the Heidelberg Catechism.

The Christian Advocate1848Note on the envelope says "Should go to Methodist Archives"

Newspapers1964Vatican II

Vatican II Slides [ Bishops at Trent, Hadrian's Tomb, St.Peter's Basilica]----Includes notebooks from his time there

Scholarship, Sacraments, and Service: Historical Studies in Protestant Tradition, Essays in Honor of Bard Thompson1990Two copies

Papers on The Vatican Council1964Folder

Vatican II [With Vatican 1965]1965-2011Folder; Mostly Correspondences

Catholicism and Vatican II1963-1966Folder

Copies of Postcard and Photos----Folder; On scrap printer paper (from something health related)

Bard's Important Coverage of St. Peter's + Vatican [Slide Listings + St. Peter's Basilica1985Envelope

Vatican II----Envelope

Vatican II----Envelope
Large Box #1: Course Notes"Congregational Manual and Rules of Order" - William E. Barton----Binder; According to a note from the family, this could have been his first course at Lancaster

History and Polity of the United Church of Christ----Binder; According to a note from the family, this could have been his first course at Lancaster

The Zurich Reformation 1519-1523----Binder

Zwingli, Calvin, and the Reformed Churches----Binder; According to a note from the family, this could have been a course at Vanderbilt

History of the Christian Church [Last Section – The Mercers-burg Theology]----Binder

History and the Doctrine of Christian Worship [Paper on Theology + Practice of Anabaptist Worship]----Binder

The Reformation, Part III----Binder; Vanderbilt

History of Christian Devotion [Soren Kierkegaard + Existential Thought At End]----Binder; According to a note from the family, this was a course in which Thompson took Vanderbilt students to a Monastery in Kentucky, yearly

Large Box #2: Important Notebooks/PapersMaterial From First Assembly of The World Council of Churches (WCC): Findings and Decisions1948Pamphlet; According to note from the family, Thompson was a student representative

Material From First Assembly of WCC: Service of the Holy Communion1948Pamphlet

Material From First Assembly of WCC: Lutheran Service of the Holy Communion1948Pamphlet

Material From First Assembly of WCC: The Ecumenical Movement (Three Lectures)1948Pamphlet

Material From First Assembly of WCC: Amsterdam Documents [Program and Principle Addresses]1948Book

Material From First Assembly of WCC: Amsterdam Documents [Reports of the Churches,Commissions, and Committees]1948Book

Report on WSCF Theological Student's Conference01/1949Pamphlet

Scholarship of Individual Reformers Prior to Publication of Liturgies of the Western Church: Calvin, John Wesley's, Zwingli, Bucer, Farel, and Knox1960Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached to each folder

Work on Reformed Liturgies: Palatinate, Br. Lucas, Reformed, Reformed 16th Cen.1956-1965Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached to each folder; Includes Semi-final chapters for Meridian Press

Material for Liturgies of the Western Church: Puritan Worship - Middleburg----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached

Material for Liturgies of the Western Church: The Book of Common Prayer----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached

Material for Liturgies of the Western Church: Savoy Liturgy----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached

Material for Liturgies of the Western Church: Barclay----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached

Early Work on Liturgical Translations — Done at Emory University----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached

Papers on the Mercers-burg Liturgy — "The Mercers-burg Divine" and "History of the Christian Church"1962Folder and two bound copies of papers

Thompson's Graduate School Papers1948-1950"Monasticism in the Counter Reformation," "John A Lasco and His Associates," "The Antecedents of the Thought of Cranmer upon the Doctrine of the Eucharist" along with an 1876 copy of "The Early Annals of the Union Theological Seminary"
Large Box #3Dean Thompson's Occasional Papers----Folder

Liturgical Studies2001-2011Folder

Roman Catholic-Protestant Colloquium1963Folder

Thompson Lecture Papers1986-1987Folder


Prayers by Bard Thompson1969Folder

Union + Columbia Grades — Cyril Richardson + John T. McNeil (Including Later Letters)1955-1977Folder; Including photos with detailed descriptions on the back

Vanderbilt1955-1965Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached. Photo of Vanderbilt Divinity School Faculty and Students

Emory University1951-1958Folder

Lancaster Years1960-1964Folder

Copies of Thompson's Memorial Service1987Folder

Curriculum Vitae05/1986Folder

Humanists & Reformers Book Reviews (Academic Institutions and Responses of Friends)1996Folder

Materials To Keep Private1974-1981Folder; Not sure if the title of the folder is relevant as the contents seem to be normal copies of liturgies and notes on Grad School events

Photocopies of Correspondences1954-1984Folder

Early Correspondences with Publishers — Quotes from Writings1987-1995Folder

Misc1973Folder; Letters, what might be a speech from an Aquinas Seminar/Princton, etc.

Grad. Dissertation from Thompson's Student1993Folder

Friends + Obituaries----Folder

Copies - Double Checked1964-2012Folder

B.T. Personal1980Folder

Heather Elkings — Correspondences1989-2011Folder

Special Photos — Early Drew Commencement----Folder

Class Materials — Quizs, Sermons, Etc.1964Folder

Certificate of Licensure and Church Membership1949-1984Book

Papers and Permissions = Meridian Book1960-1963Folder

The English Reformation Manuscript1996Envelope

Scarecrow Press — A Bibliography of Christian Worship1991Envelope

Book Reviews of Humanists and Reformers1997-1998Envelope

And The Word Became Word1986Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached. Given to Aquinas Seminar and The Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton.

Articles by Bard Thompson, Seals Copied by Bertha Thompson1956-1957Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

Foundations----Folder; Includes monetary amounts, might be private

The Drew Forum1982-2001Folder

Graduate School Brochures1983-1984Folder
Large Box #4: Thompson's Articles and Publications"The Palatinate Church Order of 1563"12/1954Booklets, many copies

"An Estimate of The Reformation"----Booklets, many copies

"Vanderbilt Divinity School: A History"1958Booklet

Periodicals Containing Thompson's Articles1952-1964Booklets; Including "Theology and Life," "The Review of Religion," "Church History," "The New Mercers-burg Review," "Motive," "The Messenger" and "A Reexamination of Lutheran and Reformed Traditions"

"The Drew Gateway"----Booklets, many copies

Drew University Catalogue1969-1971Booklets

"Bulletin: Theological Seminary of the Evangelical and Reformed Church"1953-1957Booklets, many copies

"Bulletin of Emory University"1953-1954Booklet

"A Service of Worship"1959-1960Booklets, many copies

"The Vatican Council and The Separated Brethren"----Booklets, many copies

Lancaster Theological Seminary Catalogue1964-1966Booklet

"The Bulletin of Vanderbilt University Graduate School"1960-1964Booklets

The Union Theological Seminary Catalogue1951Booklet

Emory in Atlanta----Promotional pamphlet for Emory

"The Liturgy of Installation of The most Reverend William H. Keeler as the Fourteenth Archbishop of Baltimore"1989Booklet

Faculty Register, Vanderbilt1959Booklet

Originals [Folder 1]----Presumably, original copies of published papers

Originals [Folder 2]----Presumably, original copies of published papers
Plastic Bag #1: Highlights of CivilizationNine Cassette Tapes of "Highlights of Civilization"----Subtitles: "Michaelangelo: Sistine Ceiling (1)," "Medieval Florence(2)," "The Medici and the Renaissance(3)," "Giotto and His Time (5)," "The First Renaissance Painter - Brancacci Chapel (6)," "Mantegna at the Court of Gonzagas (8)," "Life and Art of Leonardo Da Vinci (9)," "Michaelangelo: Sistine Ceiling (10)," and "Raphael: The Vatican Frescoes (12)"
Plastic Bag #2Eight Cassette Tapes of "Highlights of Civilization"----Subtitles: "Medieval Florence(2)," "The First Renaissance Painter - Brancacci Chapel (6)," two copies of "A Renaissance Pageant, Medici Palace Frescoes (7)," "Mantegna at the Court of Gonzagas (8)," "Life and Art of Leonardo Da Vinci (9)," "Michelangelo: The Medici Tombs (11)," and "Raphael: The Vatican Frescoes (12)"

Memorial Service: Bard Thompson, Great Hall09/17/1987Cassette Tapes

Festschrift(?) Celebration for Bard Thompson (2 Sides)04/19/1990Cassette Tapes; Three copies
Large Box #5: Bibliographical FilesBox 1: Reference, Periodicals, Series, New and Old Testament, Misc. Churches and Denominations, Religious Figures, Etc.----Box of Index Cards

Box 2: Lutheran, Anglican, and Reformed Churches; Geographical Areas; Religious Practices; Historical Texts; Etc.----Box of Index Cards

Box 3: Sacramental Theology----Box of Index Cards

Box 4: Calvin Bibliography, Part I1967

Box 5: Calvin Bibliography, Part II1967

Box 6----

Box 7: Modern----

Box 8: English Reformation----
White EnvelopeFestschrift1989Contains letters
Kodak CarouselArchitecture, Rome, Chartres, Venice, Sienese + Early Painting, Famous People, Etc.----Slides 1-75
Kodak Carousel Box #2Rome, June 5-806/05/2000-06/08/2000Slides 1-59
Kodak Carousel Box #3Drew Tour: Florence06/2000Slides 1-80
Framed PhotographProf. John T. McNeill, Union Theological Seminary, NY — Church Historian----Mentor of Bard Thompson

Prof. Cyril Richardson, Union Theological Seminary, NY — Liturgical Scholar and Church Historian----Mentor of Bard Thompson
Large Box #6: Handouts and NotesCalvin Seminar1971Folder

Calvin Seminar1971Folder

Incidence of Renaissance Culture & The Word Becomes Word Notes1986-1987Folder

Copies: Characteristics of the Reformed Tradition in the 16th Century1985Envelope; Could be part of the R & R Manuscript

Important: Bard's Notes in Preparation for Papers Incidence of Renaissance Culture & The Word Becomes Word----Envelope

"Rewrite: Chapter One" by Gary Mann1981-1987Bound volume; Presumably a student paper that Thompson was checking. Includes other graded papers

Calvin Seminar1971-1978Folder

Manuscript fro R & R----Folder
Large Box #7The New Mercers-burg Review, Spring - Bard's Article1989Envelope

Thompson's Book in "Scarecrow Press" Reference----Envelope

Print-outs of Pictures Relating to the Renaissance and Reformation----Folder

Plans/Notes For "Highlights of Civilization" -- Potentially----Folder; These most likely go with Plastic Bag #1 & #2 which contain the cassette tapes for "Highlights of Civilization," since the titles of the papers correspond to those on the cassettes

From Lectures [Folder 1]1983Folder

From Lectures [Folder 2]1983Folder

From Lectures [Folder 3]1983Folder

From Lectures [Folder 4]1983Folder

Dead Thompson's Book, Final Proofs1995Box; "Valuable!" written on top

13 Slide Albums from Italy Trip----More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.
Large Box #8: Important PapersMisc. Correspondences and Print-outs1969-1987Folder

Ministerial Certifications1951-1985Folder

Johannes á Lasco----Folder

Introductions - Drafts1963Folder

Misc. Drafts [Folder 1]----Folder

Misc. Drafts [Folder 2]----Folder

Preparation and Lectures on The Sects----Folder

Courses on the History of the Christian Church----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

Study for Reformation Seals of the Church, Correspondence1942-1956Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached. Includes Thompson's sketches.

Consultation on the Church Union — Lecture Series to Chatham Presbyterian Church, Adult Class----Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

The Leadership of the Christian People in the age of the Reformation----Bound volume. From his time at Vanderbilt.

Farel's Liturgy — The Zurich Reformation----Paper box

The Stranger's Church, England----Paper box

"The Drew Gateway"1966-1967Booklet; Includes an article by Thompson

Vatican Council II, Third Session — correspondence [Folder 1]1964-1966Folder; Includes copies of "The Ecumenist: A Journal For Promoting Christian Unity."

Vatican Council II, Third Session — correspondence [Folder 2]1964-1966Folder

Vatican Council II, Third Session — correspondence [Folder 3]1964-1966Folder
Large Box #9Offers of Professorships While at Vanderbilt + Emory + Lancaster, Into Drew1954-1972Folder

Drew: The Ronson Affair1967Folder

The Graduate School - Installation of Bard1969-1978Envelope

Job Offers During Crisis at Drew With Exodus of So Many Faculty1966-1972Envelope

Addresses to the Board of Trustees1972-1980Folder

Graduate School Planning1969-1977Folder

Letters of Invitation for Speaking Written to Distinguished Scholars During Thompson Administration1971-1982Folder

Correspondence with Paul Hardin1980-1985Envelope

Annual Colloquiums During Bard's Tenure----Envelope

Addresses to Incoming Graduate Students1981-1983Envelope

Will Herberg and Herberg Colloquiums1974-2009Folder; Letter from 2009 contains photos from Thompson's memorial

The Aquinas Seminar - The Graduate School2009Folder

Liturgical Studies1987-2011Envelope

Commencement Programe1981-1983Envelope

Awarding of PhD Candidates of Graduate Schools at Commencement1985Envelope

Bard's Retirement + Obituary1986-1987Folder

On Retirement - Articles and Letters Posthumously1986-1988Envelope

Coming to Drew1965-1984Envelope; Includes Period of exodus of Drew faculty, offers from other institutions, letters, and correspondence. Note from family indicates that there are copies of some of these documents.

Drew Magazines1973-1984Envelope

The Drew Magazine Pertaining to Bard1967-1996Envelope

M. Litt Program1975Envelope

Silver Anniversary of Graduate School1980Folder

The Graduate School : Student-Alumni, Complete Listing1984Folder

Renaissance and Reformation Course to Undergraduate Evaluations1977-1985Envelope; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

A Bibliography of Christian Worship----Folder

Curriculum Vitae - Recommendations (Riemenn + Herberg)1974-1994Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

Festschrift, Graduate School1988-1990Folder

Special Writings, Bard — Return to Dignity Commencement Address to Graduate Students, on Retirement----Folder

Bard's Obituaries in Newspapers and Periodicals, Funeral Service, and Liturgical Memorial Service1987-1998Envelope

Graduate School Receptions + Dinners + Special Notes1976-1993Folder

Considerations for Early Publishing Articles + Book on Worship of Reformed Churches in the 16th Century1956-1959Folder

Liturgies of the Western Church1960-1980Folder

Periodicals on Bard and Liturgies of the Western Church1961-1981Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

The Occasion of Cardinal Willebrand's Visit to Drew1971Folder

Waynesboro News Articles of Bard + Ordination (Emory, Originals)1950-1964Envelope

Business of The Graduate School — Personal Papers1972-1986Envelope

Phi Beta Kappa1984-1986Folder

News Articles on Bard1969-1973Folder

Center of Theological Inquiry Letters from James McCord1987Folder; More detailed descriptions from the family are attached.

Personal Papers — Graduate School, Drew1974-1986Folder

Extra Copies of Deanship, Etc.1973-1980Folder; Original Silver Anniversary + Drew Magazine at Retirement
  • No labels