BoxSlide Section LabelDate
Box 1Caesarea - Seminex At1972-1987

Caesarea Dig Book1971-1987

Caesarea - Group Photos1976-1982

Caesarea - School Del.1972-1982

CM.84: People1984
Box 2C 87 People1987

Farewell Party1976-1982

CM. 84: Dig Party1984

Caesarea Staff----

Sdot Yam1971-1982

Caesarea - Flowers1976-1987

Caesarea - Animals1972-1982

Caesarea - Education Program1972-1987


Box 3Magnetometer1971-1972

C. — Archeol. Method1976-1987

Method — Sifter + Dump1972-1987

Arch. Meth. — Munsel BK1972

Top Plan1978-1987

Baulk Drawing1974-1987

Pottery Washing1974-1987

Pottery Readings1972-1987

Pottery Registration1971-1987

Pottery Reconstruction1972-1998

Tech Shed1978-1991

Artifact Drawings1987
Box 4Photography1972-1987


Caesarea — Title Slide1984-1987

Survey West Palestine1987

Caesarea Contour Map1978-1982

Caesarea — Site Plan1971-1977

C87. Site Plan1987

C. Site Plan — By Age1989

CM: Street Plans1985-1987

Caesarea — Arials1984-1994

Caesarea — Reconstruction1987-1993

Caesarea — Infared1971

Caes: Harbor Aerials1976-1987
Box 5Harbor Plan: Caesarea1987-1994

Caesarea Harbor1976-1982

Caes. Underwater Work1978-1994

C.84: Harbor Kay, Etc.1984

Crusader Fort: Aerials1992

CM: Crusader Fort1972-1984
Box 6Cru. Ft. I1987-1993

Harbor Reconstruction1978-1994

Crusader Cemetary1979-1987

C. Crusader Castellum1974-1980

Caes. Templum Romae1992-1994

Crus. Fort: Street Col.1980-1987

CM: Crus. East Gate1976-1978

CM: Crusade N. Gate1980-1987

Crus. Fort: Levine Ex1974-1986

CM: Theater Aerials1971-1978

CM: Theater1971-1976

CM: Theater Sculpture1971-1976
Box 7CM: Discina ad Theat1980

CM: Ampitheater1974-1982

CM: Aquaeduct Aerials1971-1982

CM: HL Aqueduct1974-1982

CM. Aquaeduct; Undergr.1972-1984

CM: Aqueduct Insc.1971-1984

CM: Low Lev. Aqueduct1974-1980

CM: Byzantine Esplanade1968-1971
Box 8CM: Byz. Esp — Proph. St.1971

CM: Byz. Esp — Inscript.1971

C-82 Roofless Church1982

Sculpture — Caesarea1972-1980

C.71 A&B Aerials1971

C.71 A-1 Aerial1971

C.71 Field A, Area 11971

C.72 Field A, Area 11972

C.71 Field A, Area 21971

C.72 Field A, Area 21972

C. 72 Field A, Area 31972
Box 9C.72 Field A, Area 41972

C.76 Field A, Area 51976

C.76 Field A, Area 61976

C.76 Field A, Area 5,61976

C.74 Field B Aerials1974

C.76 Field B Plans1976

C.71 Field B, Area 11971

C.71 B,1 Tyche St.1971
Box 10C.72 B.1.1972

C.71 Field B, Area 21971

C.72 B.2.1972

C.72 Field B, Area 31972

C.74 Field B, Area 31974

C.72 Field B, Area 41972

C.74 Field B, Area 61974

C.78 Field B, Area 71978
Box 11C.78 Field B, Area 81978

C.78 Field B, Area 91978

CM.84 B.10.1984

CM. SW Zone Plan1979-1981

CM: Negev Exc, Field C1974

Field C: Shoreline1971-1984

CM. C: Field Plan1977-1984

Field C Plan1982

CM. C: Vault Plan1973-1984

Vaults: Section Plan----

CM. C: Plan, Honor Bldg.1978-1982

CM. Field C Aerials1971-1978

Field C Crus. Fort1972-1980
Box 12C74 C: South Decumanus1974

CM. C. Cardo: Reconst.1978-1982

C.76 C.1 Probes1976

CM. C1: Inscriptions1971-1972

C.72 C3: Excavation1972

C.72 C3: Mosaid Fl;Hypo1972

C.72 C4: Plan1972

C.72 C4: Excavation1972

C.72 C4: Mosaic1972
Box 13C.72 C4: West Deep Prob1972

C.72 C5: Excavation1972

C.76 C5: Probe on S1976

C.80 C5: Probe on S1980

C.82 b5: Probe Plans1982

C.85 C5: Probe on S1985

CM 84 C.51984
Box 14C.72 CG: Excavation1972

C.73 C7: Plans, etc.1973

C.73 C8: Mithraeum Plans1973

C7.73 C8: Mith. East End1973

C.73 C8: Mithraic Disc1973

C.74: Mithraic Frescoes1974

Mithraeum Reconstriction1972-1984

C.73 C91973

C.74 C10: Excavation1974
Box 15C.74 C.99 (11&12)1974

C.76 C.97 (12)1976

C.74 C.98 (12)1974

C.74 C.98 (12)1974

C.74 C.13 Plans1974

C.74 C.13 Street Phase1974

C.84 C.13 Cardo1984
Box 16C.74 C.141974

CM.84 C.141984

C.74 C.151974

C.74 C.15: Andrews Insc.1974

C.74 C.15: Water Tank1974

C.74 C.16: Excavation1974

C.74 C.16: Vault1974

C.74 C.17 Excavation1974
Box 17C.74 C.17: Vault1974

C.76 C.18: Byz, MR Phases1976

C.76 C.18: Closing Aer.1976

C.76 C.19: Potter Phase1976

C.76 C.19: Byz Apse Phase1976

C.76 C.19: Artifacts1976

C.84 C.20: Plans + Aerials1984

CM.84 C.201984
Box 18C.76 C.21: Apse Probe1976

C.78 C.21: Statue Base1978

C.78 C.21: Artifacts1978

C.78 C.19, 21, 15: F.N1978

C.80 C.21: Plans1980

C.80 C.211980

C.78 C.22: Seasons Mosaic1978

C.78 C.22: Aerials1978

C.78 C.23, 24: Dlan, Etc.1978
Box 19C.78 C.241978

C.87 C.24: CAD1987

C.80 C.25: Session Mosaic1980

C.80 C.25: Aerials1980

C.84 C.251984

C.80 C.26: Late Byzantine1980
Box 20C.80 C.26: Nymphaeum1980

C.80 C.26: Nymph Cleared1980

C.80 C.26: Aerials1980

C.80 C.27: Plans1980

C.80 C.271980

C.80 C.27: Aerials1980

CM.84, C.271984

C.80 C.28: Plans1980

C.80 C.281980

C.80 C.28: Aerials1980

C.80 C.28: Vault1980
Box 21C.80 C.28: Vault 6 Fresco1980

CM.84, C.281984

C.80 C.291980

C.80 C.29: Plans/Aerials1980

C.87 C.291987

C.80 C.301980

C.80 C.30: Plans/Aerials1980

C.82 C.31: Byz and Roman1982

C.82 C.31 Aerials1982

C.30 Plans1992
Box 22C.82 C.321982

C.82 C.331982

C.82 C.341982

CM.84 C.36: Street1984

C.87 C.411987
Box 23C.87 C.411987

C.87 C.421987

C.87 C.421987

C.87 C: Orthodox Prot.1987
Box 24C.87: Cardo1987

C.7: D Field1982

C.76/78: E Plans1976-1978

C.76 E: Before Excav.1976

C.76: E1976

C.76 E: Caldarium1976

C.76 E: Frigidarium1976

C.76 E: Fish Tank1976

C.78 E: Aerials1978

C.76: Battle Sarc. Frgs.1976
Box 25Field G: Aerials1982-1995

Field G: Plans1978-1987

Field G: IT. Wall1981-1987

C.76 G.31976

C.76 G.41976

C.78 G.51978

C.82 G.51982

C.78 G.61978

C.80 G7 Plans1980

C.80 G.71980
Box 26C.80 G.71980

C.80 C.7: Aerials1980

C.78 G.8: Plans1978

C.78 G.801978

C.80 G.8: Plans1980

C.80 G.81980

C.80 G.8: Aerials1980

C.80 G.8 Key Artifacts1980

C.80 G.9: Plans1980

C.80 G.9: Burials1980

C.80 G.9: Street1980

C.80 G.9: Aerials1980
Box 27C.82 G.91982

C.80 G.10: Plans1980

C.80 G.101980

C.80 G.10: Aerials1980

C.80 G.111980

C.80 G.121980

C.82 G.13: Plans1982

C.82 G.131982
Box 28C.82 G.131982

C.82 G.141982

C.82 G.141982

C.84 G.15: Mosaic1984

CM.84 G.171984

CM.84 G.181984
Box 29C. 87 G.181987

C. 87 G.191987

C.87 G.201987

C.87 G.211987

C.87 G.221987

C.87 G.231987

C.87 G.241987
Box 30C.93 G.251993

CV 10-131993-1994

C. Hippodrome1971-1979

C.74 H.11974

C.74 H.31974

C.74 H.41974
Box 31C.74 H-51974

C.76 H-6,71976

C.79 K-1,31979

C.80 KH1980

C.82 N11982

C.82 O (Synangogue)1982

CM.84 O.11984

C.74 Pottery1974
Box 32C.74 Figurine1974

C.76 Pottery1976

C.76 LR Fineware1976

C.76 Stamped Amph. Handle1976

C.78 LR Fineware1978

C.80 Pottery1980

C.82 Pottery1982

C.84 Pottery1984
Box 33C.72 Lamps1972

C.74 Lamps1974

C.76 Lamps1976

C.78 Lamps1978

C.80 Lamps1980

C.82 Lamps1982

C.84 Lamps1984
Box 34C.74 T.S Stamps1974

C.76 Terra Sigillata1976

C.76 Amphora Stamps1976

C.78 T.S. Stamps1978

C.80 T.S Stamps1980
Box 35C.84 G-Plans1984

Insc.: Caesarea1971-1976

C.74 Bronze Amulet1974

C.74 Glass1974

C.74 Mosaic Fragments1976

C.76 Stone Artifacts1976

C.76 Mosaic Frgs.1976

C.76 Metal Artifacts1976

C.76 Jewlery1976

C.76 Glass Artifacts1976

C.76 Ivory, Bone1976

C.78 Stone Artifacts1976

C.78 Jewlery1978

C.78 Ivory, Bone1978

C.78 Metal Artifacts1978
Box 36C.78 Coins1978

C.78 GLass1978

C.80 Metal1980

C.80 Coins1980

C.80 Glass1980

C.80 Ivory1980

C.80 Lithic1980

C.82 Glass1982

C.82 Lithic Artifacts1982

C.82 Metal Art1982

C.82 Jewlery1982

C.82 Coins1982

CM.84: Lithic Art.1984
Box 37CM.84: Bones1984

CM.84: Coins1984

CM.84: Glass1984
Box 38Misc. Photos of Exhibits----
  • No labels