
11/10 Action Items

  1. handler

    List how we use or support use of copyright material

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  2. handler

    Speculate on how faculty use or support use of copyrighted material

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  3. handler

    Find out about Georgia case (Sonja)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  4. handler

    List of Resources (Jenne)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  5. handler

    Uknow space (Jenne)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  6. handler

    Post link to Practicum (Sonja)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  7. handler

    Library of Congress video-- link (Gamin)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  8. handler

    List of video copyright information (Nicole)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011
  9. handler

    Investigate law about students and copyright (Krista)

    Priority MEDIUM
    Nov 14, 2011

First: find out status of and pursue copyright policy question.

Possible levers to encourage movement on copyright:

  • Journal publishing, costs and open access movement (faculty) - Note recent Princeton open access policy
  • Academic integrity
  • Georgia State copyright case
  • Federal DMCA and other copyright cases

Postpone survey until after copyright policy in place, if at all. We do want to know:

  • Who uses what?
  • How and when are you using?
  • How liable are we for student issues?
  • What about coursepacks


  • Library
  • ITS
    • Media Services
    • Fac Lab
  • Slide Library
  • University Lawyer
  • Copy Center (Kevin)
  • Academic Integrity
  • [Deans and Associate Deans]
  • Student Life/Activities

Next meeting, after Thanksgiving!

  • No labels