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  • Make sure you are in an area in which wireless connections are available.
  • If you're using a non-Drew computer, we cannot guarantee coverage ranges that we have tested for wireless connections. This will have no effect on wired connections.
  • If you have installed a third-party wireless card in your computer, your signal reception may vary and we cannot guarantee your connection.
  • It's possible that your drivers need to be updated. You can either call the University Technology Service Center or bring the device down to the University Technology Helpdesk for assistance with checking this. 

The Network User Agreement Highlights

  • As a Drew student, you have access to resources and privileges unavailable to those not affiliated with the university. Free access to the internet, academic subscriptions, and licenses for a variety of academic software programs are available to you as a member of the Drew community. Allowing another individual to access these resources is a violation of the Network User Agreement.
  • As a computer user with a Drew network ID, you now represent Drew to the rest of the world. Other accounts or identities do not associate you with Drew, but your uLogin ID does. This means that what you do and say online now reflects not only on yourself, but on Drew as in institution. As a college student, you should be representing yourself and Drew in the most respectful, professional manner possible, both online and in real life.
  • Posting and using Drew email messages means that other online users can find you. People can and have found students electronically by investigating their publicly used Drew email addresses on discussion boards. This can lead to annoying but harmless activities, but can also lead to more serious issues, such as cyberbullying and hate crimes, both of which are illegal and, if perpetrated by Drew users, are considered malicious use of the network. 
  • As a member of the Drew community you are expected to uphold the values and policies of the University, especially concerning issues of diversity and tolerance. Harassing faculty, staff, other Drew students, students at other universities, or private citizens by using your Drew network privileges can result in expulsion from the university. Hate mail to professor fellow students, hateful personal web pages, or cyberbullying are all strictly forbidden. Even an innocent but ill-worded email to the wrong recipient can result in charges of harassment or perpetration of a hate crime. Any Drew user violating this policy through Drew email, Drew forums, or private email addresses accessed via the campus network will be subjected to disciplinary measures by the university and cases referred to local law enforcement where appropriate. Should you experience any of this kind of harassment or discrimination, contact the Service Center immediately; the administration needs to become involved in any incidents so that you and your rights are protected.
  • NEVER share your Drew uLogin information with anyone, no matter how well you know them. Legally, ONLY you can use your account. You will be legally responsible for all activities and damges related to your account name, no matter who is behind the keyboard.
  • Remember that one password enables someone to access your campus balances, your email, all of your files, medical information, and financial information. Sharing your uLogin ID and password in response to a fraudulent email is a violation of the Network User Agreement.