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Drew University’s mission is to offer its diverse community of learners a challenging and individualized education shaped by a deep-rooted culture of mentoring, thoughtful engagement with the world beyond its campus, and a steadfast commitment to lifelong cultivation of the whole person. Through its distinctive emphasis on the reciprocity of knowledge, experience, and service, Drew prepares its students to flourish both personally and professionally as they add to the world’s good by responding to the urgent challenges of our time with rigorous, independent, and imaginative thought.

Requirement to Read and Become Familiar with Policies 

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Every student enrolled at Drew University is required to read Drew's student conduct policies and is held responsible for knowledge of the material in this book, and the parent document found at, as well as such additional regulations as may appear understanding their rights and obligations under those policies. Student conduct policies and procedures may be found in Daniel’s Dictionary and include the Student Conduct Policy, the Title IX Grievance Policy, the Human Rights Policy, the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy. Drew University reserves the right to supplement or amend its policies and students are held responsible for complying with any additional requirements.  Students are urged to read and review these policies, review any update, discuss any questions with the appropriate staff, and follow these policies. Notices may be posted from time to time in The Acorn, the University Catalog, via email posted bulletins, or distributed via e-mail to Drew University accounts or posted bulletins. By choosing to attend the University, students agree to abide by Drew’s policies, even though they are free to criticize and propose change.  Attendance at Drew University constitutes a commitment to comply with these requirements.

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities of Students Academic institutions exist for the transmission of knowledge, the pursuit of truth, the development of students, and the general well being of society. At Drew, we believe that free inquiry and free expression are indispensable to the attainment of these goals. As members of the

Drew University is committed to promoting academic, intellectual, and social development, while maintaining a vibrant and responsible community life. By choosing to attend the University, students commit to conforming to basic community standards and complying with the requirements of University policy. As members of an academic community, students are encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment and to engage in the sustained and independent search for truth.

Freedom to teach and freedom to learn are axioms of academic freedom. As the freedom to learn is dependent upon appropriate opportunities and conditions (in the classroom, in the residence halls, on the campus, and in the larger community) it is our goal to provide such an environment. However, the responsibility to secure and to respect general conditions conducive to the freedom to learn is shared by all members of the academic community.

The statements of policy set forth here are intended as a framework within which this mutual responsibility may be exercised with a minimum of misunderstanding and confusion.

pursuit of learning and knowledge. Free inquiry and expression are indispensable to learning, but must be matched by each student's commitment to promoting an environment based on trust and civility. Drew’s conduct policies are designed to balance individual rights and individual responsibilities within the larger framework of the shared values and goals of an academic community.

Policies and Regulations

Student conduct proceedings, including administrative and student conduct board meetings, do not constitute civil or criminal legal proceedings and Drew does not have the authority to impose criminal sanctions or to award civil judgments. Student conduct proceedings are informed by the fundamental educational mission of the University. Formal rules of procedure and evidence are not applicable to student conduct matters.

The University strives to accord all participants in the student conduct process with basic procedural protections and to achieve informed and equitable results. During conduct hearings, students alleged of  conduct violations, as well as those bringing charges, may be accompanied by a supporter, without voice, of the Drew University community.  In matters involving sexual misconduct the students may have any advisor, without voice, of their choosing.

Multiple or Related Complaints

Where the same facts or circumstances involve violations of different Drew policies, all related complaints against a person will be addressed, heard, and resolved in an appropriate forum based on the constituency of the person complained against. Complaints alleging violations of this Policy that involve the same facts and circumstances, cannot be pursued in multiple forums or on a serial basis. 

Privacy of Records

All proceedings, documents, activities and meetings related to a specific investigation and/or complaint are considered private, as permitted by the University Policy or applicable law.  While privacy will be maintained to the extent possible, the University cannot commit to privacy on an across the board basis. The University will use its best efforts not to disseminate information about an investigation or complaint beyond those who have a need to know consistent with its obligations under state and federal law.

Parties and those interviewed in connection with an incident or claim will be asked not to disclose information about the report, investigation, mediation, or adjudication in order to permit those processes to proceed without interference, undue influence, or retaliation.  For further information see the Registrar's information about FERPA and University privacy guidelines.

Student records are maintained for seven (7) years beyond the date of the incident.  Students have a right to review their conduct or disciplinary records in the Dean of Students’ Office, Ehinger Center 147.

University Communication

Email is the primary form of communication for all students.  Each student is responsible to check and respond to their Drew University Email ( account.

Parental Notification

The University, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), may notify parents or legal guardians of a health and safety emergency or where a student has been found responsible for a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense in violation of the University’s policies and has no further right of appeal, or when disclosure is a sanction for a violation under the student conduct code.


Daniel’s Dictionary, named for the founder of the University, Daniel Drew, is organized into the following major sections:



Tree View


Table of Contents

General Information

Academic Information - A to Z

Academic Information and Policies

Academic Policies can be found in the University Catalog and are segmented by each school below.

Students seeking assistance with academics may also see the offerings on the Center for Academic Excellence and the Office of Accessibility Resources websites.

Dean's Offices

College of Liberal Arts

Caspersen School of Graduate Studies

Resources for Current Caspersen Students

College of Liberal Arts

Theological School

Resources for Current Theological Students

Campus Life and Student Affairs

- A to Z
  • Dean's Office
  • Campus Recreation Service

  • Counseling and Psychological Services
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages
  • Health Services
  • International Student Services
  • Religious and Spiritual Life
  • Residence Life
  • Student Affairs
  • Student Activities and University Center
  • Student Affairs
  • Volunteer Resource Center
  • University Offices - A to Z

    Page Tree



    Grad / Theo

  • 2007-2008
  • 2006-2007
  • 2005-2006
  • 2004-2005

    Other Policies

    Please note that other university offices have their own distinct policies and students are required to be familiar with them.

    The University Policy Library holds some university policies.

    The Drew University Accreditation and Consumer Information page is here.
