This is a stub, for organizing entries based on Drew People.
- Alan Candiotti
- Baldwin brothers
- Barent Johnson
- Benjamin Kimpel
- Carl Michalson
- Charles Fremont Sitterly
- Daniel Kidder
- Deans of the CLA
- Deans of the Graduate School
- Deans of the Theological School
- Dorothy Young
- Dr. Robert G. Smith
- Drew Veterans of the Civil War
- Edward Le Roy Long
- FACULTY 1901
- Garyth Nair
- George Kelsey
- Jacqueline Berke
- James Gilmore Ranck
- John Alfred Faulkner
- John F. Ollom
- John T. Cunningham
- Kenneth E. Rowe
- Key People in Drew History
- Lester Berenbroick
- Mildred Moody Eakin
- Neal Riemer
- Oscar Buck
- Paul Seybold
- Peter Deunov (Dunoff/Dunov)
- Philip H. Haselton
- Presidents of Drew University
- Ralph A. Fenton
- Robert B. Goodwin
- Robert Jehu Bull
- Robert William Rogers
- Sherman Plato Young
- The Big Five
- Thomas Gibbons
- Thomas Oden
- Trustee Presidents
- Will Herberg
- William Gibbons